2 minute read

CEO's Letter

Dear Friends,

As I write this letter, we are in the eleventh day of the semester and I am pleased with where we – both the University and the Foundation & Alumni Association – are today. None of us knows what tomorrow’s events will deliver; but, most of us are grateful and hopeful. I have told my staff, friends and family that if anyone can pull off an on-campus semester this fall, I believe it will be us. Every member on our Northwestern team is focused on that goal.

Throughout what has been one of the most extraordinary world events in our lifetimes, I have been able to witness the challenges and decisions faced by our University leaders, staff, faculty and coaches. Every decision was calculated, timely and grounded in the most current information available. Every decision has been centered on preserving the quality of our student educational experience. It has been a confirmation for me that remaining focused on the needs of others, instead of ourselves, is better for our mental health.

From a financial perspective, I could not be more pleased with the Foundation & Alumni Association’s current situation. At the end of our fiscal year – June 30, 2020 – our return on investment was -.24 percent. That is about as close to not having a loss as we can achieve during an unprecedented financial market. When we compare this figure to the -30 percent we experienced in 2008 and 2009, we can start to see the investment acumen we have amassed in the last 12 years. I want to personally thank the many brilliant minds of our Investment Committee and 6th Meridian, our investment advisor, who worked diligently to place us in the enviable position we are in today. I have read multiple accounts about how the “Greatest Generation” – those individuals who experienced the Great Depression and World War II – were positively shaped by their experience. I expect many of our young people will be shaped and honed by our current world situation and will pleasantly surprise us in the future. This may be the optimist in me or possibly the 15 years’ experience of being impressed by our students on a daily basis. Time will confirm or deny my prediction.

Regardless of what happens this year or the next, please know that you have invested in resilient and amazing students who are positioned to change our world for the better. You also have placed your hard-earned funds with an organization that will deliver the needed support through both challenging and pleasant times.

Thank you for your trust and support.

Ride, Rangers, Ride!

Allen E. "Skeeter" Bird

CEO, Northwestern Foundation & Alumni Association Class of 1985