Identidad y diversidad: libro de artista = Identity and diversity: artist's book

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catalogos diversidad e identidad:Layout 2



Pテ。gina 54

The circle of the golem


Rabbi Eleazar opened the palm of his hand and let go the miraculous virgin earth He took pure water from a mountain spring He recited the two hundred twenty-one alphabetic combinations and shaped the Golem.

He willed the man of mud to walk and the man of mud walked He willed the man of mud to obey and the man of mud obeyed He willed him to work, to clean, to put things in order and he worked, he cleaned, he put things in order.

He wanted to converse with him and willed him to have a soul: silence: The Golem crumbled into dust, and returned to dust. Rabbi Eleazar remembered that all men are mortal.


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