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News from Our Board of Directors


Choral Festivals

Donna Marie Berchtold


With all great consideration, we have to make the decision to cancel the 2021 NJMEA Middle School Choral Festivals which we had planned to take place in the spring of 2021 at both Rowan and Rutgers Universities.

This past fall, we had hoped we could still host this year's NJMEA Middle School Choral Festivals for the students. We wanted to be that sparkle of light at the end of the tunnel for your school children. However, with careful consideration of the Pandemic, that cannot be the case for this upcoming year. Karen Blumenthal, my AWESOME committee member, and I still have all of our files, and we plan to step forward in preparation for 2022! Let us pray that the world will heal, and our students will be taking the stage in the choral festivals once again. We will miss seeing all of you, and hearing your fabulous choirs this year.

Thank you to our University hosts, Dr. Dammers, Dr. Thomas, Judith Nicosia, and adjudicators Charles Bass, Dr. Williams, and Dr. Cates for their past support. We look forward to scheduling dates at Rowan and Rutgers in the future and seeing all of you again! Wishing you all the very best in health, and continued success in your school music programs.

Note: With future planning - The application forms are on the NJMEA web site; however, they can also be found in the January edition of TEMPO Magazine each year. A maximum of ten (10) registrations will be accepted at each site. The Registration Fee per school group will be $150.00 for either site. Each participating choral group will receive written and aural evaluations by the adjudicators, along with a plaque from NJMEA which recognizes the commitment and involvement by the school, its chorus, and the director(s).

Any schools interested in participating in either of these events in 2022, should be sure to complete the application form in next year’s January issue of TEMPO magazine, or online at www.njmea.org.

Anyone with questions or concerns may contact Donna Marie at: firesongwed@gmail.com, or 609-226-7751 (cell)

Retired Music Educators

Kathy Spadfino


Retired music teachers are feeling for all of you that are still in the classroom, trying to figure out how to do something that remotely feels musical. We support NJMEA and the February convention – I just hope we can figure out how to attend with zoom! I enjoy seeing you share good ideas on the NJMEA Facebook page and lots of other posts. Keep communicating with each other! We are, as always, available for anyone who would like some mentoring and kind, encouraging words. Please contact me at KSpadEB@aol.com, and I can put you in touch with someone in your particular area. I look forward to a better year in 2021!


Special Learners

Maureen Butler


A new calendar year traditionally is a time to reflect on what has gone on before and to make resolu tions for the future. As educators, each January presents us with a good time to evaluate the educational growth of our students. But in a school year that’s been uniquely challenging for teachers and students, it’s even more important that we do so. How have your special learners been handling the demands of in-person, hybrid, and virtual learning? Have you been able to develop lesson plans and activities that take into account their special needs? If you feel that you need some additional strategies, here are three suggestions: 1. Check out the Special Learners and Music group on Facebook where you’ll find ideas and resources. 2. Explore the many webinars available at NAfME.org. 3. Plan to join NJMEA’s virtual conference in February, where workshops will help you develop skills to better incorporate the modifications and accommodations your students need.

As always, contact me at the above email address if you have questions about special learners, or if you’d like to see a specific topic addressed in TEMPO.


Dr. Andrew Lesser

andrew.lesser@yahoo.com www.andrewlessermusic.com YouTube: Professor Lesser

Greetings, and Happy New Year! As we continue to navigate the challenges brought to us by these strange and unique circumstances, I truly hope that your passion for music and teaching has stayed strong through the winter. Technology continues to play a major role in shaping the current educational landscape and will no doubt be a significant factor in the future of our industry. Please continue to monitor the NJMEA website for updates concerning events, resources, and information that serves you and our community. Our Professional Resources page contains a plethora of ideas for distance learning, websites and other virtual resources for all aspects of music education. We are currently in the process of creating professional development opportunities for teachers with music technology programs to network, share ideas and curriculum, and provide a source of support for each other. Be on the lookout for some Tempo Express emails soon!

Additionally, the pre-registration date for the 11th Annual NJMEA Student Tech Expo, which will be held virtually this year on Friday, May 21, begins on January 11th. I hope to see many of your students’ submissions for this great opportunity. For more information, please check under the “Festivals” tab on the NJMEA website. 2020 was no doubt a difficult year, but I’m looking forward to all the opportunities that 2021 will bring to all of us. As always, feel free to contact me if you wish to share any technology information, including anything that you would like to see sent out to our music educator community through Tempo Express. I wish you health, happiness, and a year filled with the joy of music! Finally, I want to personally wish all of you good health and safety as we continue to forge ahead through this crisis.

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