1 minute read

10 Must-Carry Items for Your Car This Winter

Winter Regional Leadership Meetings for Local Leaders

Members who serve on their local’s leadership team are invited and encouraged to join their Winter Regional Leadership Team meeting in February. During these meetings, Regional directors will share updates on the strategic planning process and preparations for the NCAE Convention and Representative Assembly as well as information about other upcoming opportunities for members.

Region 1 Leadership Team Meeting: Feb. 21, 4:30 p.m. https://link.ncae.org/NCAE-RLT-1

Region 2 Leadership Team Meeting: Feb. 15, 6 p.m. https://link.ncae.org/NCAE-RLT-2

Region 3 Leadership Team Meeting: Feb. 13, 7 p.m. https://link.ncae.org/NCAE-RLT-3

Region 4 Leadership Team Meeting: Feb. 20, 7 p.m. https://link.ncae.org/NCAE-RLT-4

Winter driving presents its share of challenges, from icy road conditions to car batteries that strain due to the cold. When temperatures dip and your car breaks down, you could find yourself stuck for hours. Thankfully, some forethought and preparation can help. Make sure you’re fully prepared for whatever winter throws at you and stock up on these must-carry items for your emergency winter car kit this season.

#1: Ice scrapers, snow brushes and a foldable shovel

#2: A bag of sand or kitty litter

#3: Hazard triangles and LED flares

#4: A flashlight and extra batteries

#5: Jumper cables and a battery charger

#6: A cell phone charger and portable power bank

#7: Blankets and cold weather clothes

#8: Snacks and water

#9: Entertainment

#10: First-aid kit

For more details, click here.

Region 5 Leadership Team Meeting: Feb. 22, 5:30 p.m. https://link.ncae.org/NCAE-RLT-5

Region 6 Leadership Team Meeting: Feb. 11, Noon https://link.ncae.org/NCAE-RLT-6

Region 7 Leadership Team Meeting: Feb. 16, 6:30 p.m. https://link.ncae.org/NCAE-RLT-7

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