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Soul Healing Journey, LLC

Eilis Philpott Fairfield • 203-767-5954

Eilis@SoulHealingJourney.com • SoulHealingJourney.com

Summary/services offered:

I am a master healer and teacher certified in numerous modalities and am one of only two teachers approved to teach 13th Octave LaHoChi in the U.S. I offer soul-level healing of various types, clearing blocks, obstacles and challenges preventing you from living your life to its fullest potential. I also offer customized training programs that support other healers. Modalities currently offered include: 13th Octave LaHoChi, Akashic Field Healing and Training, Soul Language and Way of the Warrior training, Quantum Healing Hypnosis (QHH) and Rebirthing Breathwork.

What drew you to this profession?

I became fascinated at an early age with the impact thoughts and emotions had on the body and the psyche. As I experienced both working in the corporate arena, the educational and then the world of energetic healing, I knew my place was in the healing arts. I’ve since learned part of my purpose and mission is to spread love throughout humanity and to teach others how to do the same.

How does your work differ from others in your profession?

I have trained in many healing modalities and my education is ongoing. This allows me to offer bespoke sessions and programs that evolve and integrate everything I have learned to date. Each session/program is customized for the individual, as I am guided which combination of modalities will serve the highest good. The work we do together at Soul Healing Journey supports the internal energetic shifts needed in order to live a life of peace, harmony and joy as well as supporting achievement of the individual’s soul mission on the planet

What should someone expect from working with you?

Fundamentally, we all want to feel loved and many of us have not experienced true unconditional love in our lives. Every class, training and modality I teach is based in love and learning a true acceptance of who we are and where we are in that moment in time. All sessions are dictated by the needs of the client on that day and every session is thus individualized to each person’s needs. Over more than 20 years, I have seen individuals change their careers, work through major trauma and abuse, and improve their current relationships or create new ones.

What changes do you have planned for 2023?

I continually strive to educate myself to better serve in my practice so new modalities are often added or incorporated into my offerings. 2023 promises even greater expansion including more 13th Octave LaHoChi practitioner trainings in Connecticut and other states, as well as a first-ever in-person 13th Octave LaHoChi practitioner training in Ireland in June. My programs and classes are now regularly scheduled in person as well as virtually.

What is most important for Natural Awakenings’ readers to know?

The greatest wish I have for all my clients is that they truly know what it feels like to be loved unconditionally. No matter where you are, where you’ve been and where you’re going, you deserve to know and love every aspect of yourself. Understanding this at a deep level is the key to achieving your soul mission here on the planet. See ad, page 33.