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Chairman’s report

Welcome to the Spring and Expo edition of Beef magazine

Andrew Laughton


Iam excited to invite you to the NBA’s Beef Expo at Darlington Auction Mart on Saturday May 28th. The opportunity to hold an event after two years of lockdown which will enable a good catch up with the industry as well as listening to and engaging with some big hitters on commercial / scientific / regulatory fronts is one not to be missed!

Whilst it has been widely covered, I feel I must mention the Ukraine and the conflict going on there. As I write it is becoming widely accepted that the spring sowing is being disrupted – the implications of which it is difficult to quantify but what we can be certain of, is that there is going to be a sizable hole in global food supply but what I also find concerning is also the hole in fertiliser supply (as well as the price!) which means there is a double whammy of lack food supply but also the means to grow the replacement.

I feel that Government needs to understand the plight of us farmers trying to plug that hole whilst facing the impending reduction in BPS and the funding gap whilst the finer detail of ELM is worked out.

The above is concerning but I am pleased to see finished cattle prices moving forward in sizable jumps a sure sign of demand being in front of supply. Although obviously necessary it does put a spring in the step to see returns way in front of what we have ever known. I would urge us farmers not to fall into the trap of believing and repeating the old school rhetoric that the consumer won’t buy if it becomes too expensive – I say here we are at record prices and buyers are still competing for cattle. Obviously, there will be a limit but let it find its own level – I think we might be pleasantly surprised. Lastly as we huff and puff about the F/A audit or the EA visit, please let us thank our Lord that we live in this beautiful peaceful country of ours and spare a thought for those poor people who are, at best, running for their lives.

Take care, Andrew.