5 minute read

Intimate Wellness For Women

by Rumki Banerjee, M.D., ABHIM

The Orgasm Shot, or O-Shot®, is a patented treatment for increased sexual pleasure, reduction of urinary incontinence and improved vaginal lubrication. For women that suffer from diminished sensitivity, inability to achieve an orgasm or urinary incontinence, the O-Shot® may provide a solution using the body’s natural resources to rejuvenate their most private area.


Sexual Satisfaction

Approximately 43 percent of women have difficulty achieving and orgasm. Another study found that almost 89 percent fake an orgasm. The O-Shot® uses the power of platelet-rich plasma to safely and naturally make genitalia more sensitive to the touch and improve sexual satisfaction.

Urinary Incontinence

It is very common for women to experience urinary incontinence after childbirth and even more so when a woman loses internal vaginal wall collagen support as they age. While some women have extreme symptoms requiring surgery, medications or other treatments, many more have mild to moderate symptoms. These mild to moderate symptoms can be treated with the O-Shot®.

Vaginal Dryness

Vaginal dryness is present when the tissues of the vagina are no longer well-lubricated. This can be related to the hormonal shifts associated with menopause and perimenopause, or can be something women notice after childbirth. When these symptoms are caused by a decreased amount of estrogen in a woman’s body, this problem is called atrophic vaginitis. Not only does the vaginal tissue feel dry, but it also loses its elasticity, thus resulting in painful intercourse. The O-Shot® increases natural vaginal lubrication.

How it Works

The O-Shot® uses PRP with exosomes (regenerative biologic nanoparticles) to improve orgasm, vaginal lubrication and urinary incontinence. PRP is isolated from the patient’s own blood using a centrifuge. Activation results in release of at least eight different growth factors that would normally be used to heal injured tissue. They work like magic go increase collagen and elastin, promote angiogenesis (formation of new blood vessels), improve blood flow and promote formation of new nerve endings.

Bioidentical Hormone Therapy for Women

Women typically start experiencing hormonal changes around the age of 35. They may continue to increase as a woman ages. From loss of interest in sex and vaginal dryness to decreased concentration, poor energy levels, hot flashes, night sweats and insomnia, all are impacted differently. But women no longer need to suffer from these debilitating symptoms. Bioidentical hormone therapy for women refers to hormones that are structurally and chemically identical to our endogenous (natural) hormones.

Bioidentical hormone therapy can help with many of the symptoms of hormonal decline and also reduce and even help reverse many diseases associated with aging. Much published data shows how some hormones reduce the risks of cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, macular degeneration and cataracts, improves immune function and lowers cholesterol.

Hormones can be prescribed in the form of traditional FDA-approved and compounded bioidentical hormones; topical creams, injections or pellet therapy. Progesterone, when indicated, is usually given as an oral capsule or sublingually. There are pros and cons to each method.

For more information, call Revive MD Center, located at 5310 Twin Hickory Rd., Ste. B, in Glen Allen, at 1-800-738-1247, email Contact@ReviveMDCenter.com or visit https://ReviveMDCenter/sexual-wellness Rumki Banerjee, M.D., has been trained and certified by Dr. Charles Runnels, founder of the O-Shot for women and P-Shot for men. https://oshot.info. See ad on back cover.

RVA Physical Therapy

Dr. Ramky Kavaserry

2620 Gaskins Rd., Henrico • 107 Heaths Way, Midlothian 804-396-6753 • RVAPhysicalTherapy.com

RVA Physical Therapy, a fullservice physical therapy practice, specializes in orthopedic, pelvic, sports and aquatic physical therapy. Their pelvic health physical therapists are trained to perform in-depth assessments of the musculoskeletal system in order to diagnose and treat issues related to the pelvic floor and associated structures.

After giving birth, many women find that they are not able to resume normal activities because of pelvic floor issues. These issues can affect sexual health, the musculoskeletal system, mobility and digestion. Pelvic health physical therapy offers multiple solutions and treatments for women experiencing leakage of urine, gas or bowel; pelvic or vaginal pressure; pelvic pain or pain with penetrative intimacy; diastasis recti or abdominal separation; constipation; low back and pelvic girdle pain and more.

Dr. Ramky Kavaserry and his staff are passionate about improving their patients’ quality of life, with a focus on customized treatments that help achieve a fully mobile, pain-free life. See ad, page 25.

Debbie Troxell, RN, MSNH Thermographer, Lifestyle Designs

The Wellness Village, 1404 Starling Dr 804-683-7774 • RVAThermography.com • LifestyleDesignsWellness.com

Offering safe, noninvasive, radiation-freeimaging, thermography uses an infrared digital camera to observe and record heat and vascular patterns that could indicate physiological issues. Its many applications include breast health, cardiovascular health, musculoskeletal disorders, dental health, sinus and allergies, thyroid health, organ health and fullbody health maintenance. Because the FDA identifies thermography as an adjunct to mammography, anyone who has ever had a mammogram should also have a thermogram. Everyone who values the need to be proactive and stay healthy can benefit from this health discovery tool.

Thermographic images are interpreted by Dr. Matthew Lee, M.D., RPh, MS, of eLEEte Physicians, and clients can gain additional information and insight via the Infrared-Body app. Lifestyle Designs offers additional services that can further enhance women’s overall health and wellness, including IonCleanse foot baths, BHRT assessments, Zyto scans, stress management and brain health assessments. See ads, pages 15 and 35.

Plan Ahead for Motherhood

On Mother’s Day, we honor all mothers—treating them with great kindness and love, and protecting them from anything dangerous or difficult. When we consider mothering, we may think about perinatal mood disorders that impact all genders. One of our most vulnerable populations is people that assist in birthing. We should be mothering them because perinatal mood disorders are the number one medical complication in pregnancy and birth.

Parents spend a lot of time planning for the birth of their baby. They have baby showers, blessingways, baby registries, hire doulas, take classes on how to give birth to their babies and how to care for their newborn. There are a plethora of websites, books, articles and other resources to find information on how to bring a baby Earthside. Where we fail birthing families is talking about what is going to transpire after the birth of their baby.

In preparation for a birth, few people talk about how it impacts the relationship with our partner, how their body would change, that they may cry a lot about the birth not being exactly how they envision it to be, with incubators or perinatal mood disorders. It can be lonely and isolating for birthing families when they don’t talk about and normalize these experiences. A postpartum plan is as essential as a birth plan, including who they can call if they are having a bad day, bring them food, employing a postpartum doula so they can sleep, connecting to resources for medication management or working with their provider if they need medication.

People with a personal or family history of mental health issues, poor support systems, financial issues, partner discord, stress, medical issues, medical complications, birth complications or a baby in the hospital are just a few risk factors. This Mother’s Day, cocoon with birthing families, show up and give them the support they need and deserve. Parenthood should not be lonely or isolating. It should be a time where we are cared for in the way we care for our babies. It really does take a village, and every family should have the support of one.

Linda Zaffram, LCSW, PMH-C, CYT200, PYT, is the founder and owner of Healing Circle Counseling, in Midlothian. For more information, visit HealingCircleCounseling.com.