Croatia Airlines timetable 2014 summer

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SADR AJ Suradnje / Co-operations FlyOnLine Web check-in Novosti / News Objašnjenje znakova / Explanations of signs Red letenja / Timetable Zemljovid odredišta / Map of destinations Flota / Fleet Vama na usluzi / At your service Miles & More English – Croatian Short Phrase Dictionary Prodajni zastupnici / Sales representatives Zraène luke / Airports Adrese / Addresses

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Ovo prvo izdanje reda letenja “LJETO 2014” sadr i stanje podataka na dan 20. veljaèe 2014. Zadr avamo pravo izmjene reda letenja bez prethodne obavijesti. Preporuèujemo putnicima da sve odlazne i povratne rezervacije provjere u najbli oj poslovnici Croatia Airlinesa, na telefon 072 500 505 (za pozive iz Hrvatske) ili +385 1 66 76 555 (za pozive iz inozemstva), ili u lokalnoj putnièkoj agenciji. This first edition of Timetable “SUMMER 2014” presents schedule data available on 20th February 2014. We retain the right to make changes to the flight timetable without prior notice. Therefore we recommend that passengers check all their departure and return reservations by phoning at +385 1 66 76 555, in the nearest Croatia Airlines’ sales office or in a local travel agency. Izdavaè / Publisher: CROATIA AIRLINES, Zagreb, Buzin, Bani 75b Sastavila Slu ba upravljanja i distribucije reda letenja i Slu ba promotivnih aktivnosti Prepared by Schedule Planning and Distribution Department and Promotion Dept Distribuciju reda letenja obavlja / Distributed by: Sektor marketinga / Marketing Dept. – Slu ba promotivnih aktivnosti / Promotion Dept. Zagreb, Buzin, Bani 75b, tel. (+385-1) 616-00-09, fax (+385-1) 616-01-52 i / and: Sektor putnièke prodaje / Passengers Sales Dept., Berislaviæeva 1, fax (+385-1) 616-02-70, e-mail: Dizajn / Design: Ivana Ivankoviæ-Prliæ, Tisak / Printed in Croatia by Narodne novine d.d. Vaša putnièka agencija / Your travel agency


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