Bwatt - Issue 2

Page 57


What, other than music, inspires you to sing, dance, perform, create?

What in your mind, is the best advice you can give to other aspiring singers and performers?

Other creative people inspire me. Creative people fuel the world. When you see someone really believe in what they do, you feed off of them.

Stay true to yourself, God only made one you.

What has been your favorite (most educational or inspiring) part about your career so far? And what has been the most challenging? Most educational would have to be moving to NYC on my own at 18. Kids do it everyday, but you don't even realize how big of a step it is to move away from home and be responsible for yourself at such a young impressionable age. I learned a lot about myself in a very short span of time. That was the biggest stepping stone to where I am today. Most challenging would be overcoming stage fright. It took me 6 years to get back on stage live (on TV). I did it this year and I'll never look back.

What is your grandest dream for the future? In career, personal, anything? To have children. I can't wait to be a mom. And now a free space to share: whatever you wish to say: words of wisdom, or somthing you wish for the world to know about Cassie, the artist? I love my fans. They inspire me. They brought me back to life when I doubted myself. They get the utmost respect from me. Thank you guys! Love you!


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