1 minute read

Our New Plan

Our New Plan By Bruce Levine


A new life New dreams revealed Old dreams fulfilled Plans drawn on silver linings Of clouds painted in pastel shades Time moving forward At its own momentum Shaping reality in a promised land Sharing new moments Walking hand in hand And days lasting forever A future written in the stars Etched in the sky On the jet stream of time Tomorrow and forever Living our new plan

A Rite of Passage by Bruce Levine

A gray, eerie day On the cusp of the seasonal change No longer night, yet not quite morn The leaves of the trees hold a strange darkness Not quite black and yet not quite green Poised and holding their breath Ready for the day and almost ready for death As the calendar ticks down and fall grows near Soon the autumnal colors will spread And the leaves will wither Nature’s bounty, a prelude to the end of another year And the sun rises like a band of orange A line of light filtering through the clouds Creating the horizon Hidden by the trees until the transformation A new day comes into view Like the birth of the sun from the womb of the clouds The leaves shimmer in the wind And patterns fill the sky on a blue background A rite of passage from night into day fulfilled