1965 Proceedings - Grand Lodge of Missouri

Page 64




The various items in the foregoing report have been taken from the books and records of the Grand Secretary and reflect the recorded cash transactions of the Grand Lodge, A.F. & A.M. of Missouri from July 1, 1964 to June 30, 1965. All checks issued were examined in support of the disbursements. In checking the per capita tax received and the per capita tax paid to the Masonic Home, we found a balance of $80.56 due to the Masonic Home at June 30, 1965. We also confirmed the disbursements by examination of approved invoices for substantially all items. Payroll records and tax returns were also inspected. The bank balances shown in the report were confirmed directly to us by the depositaries. Respectfully submitted, HARVEY & WAGENER,

Certified Public Accountants. It was moved and seconded that the Reports of the Grand Treasurer, Grand Secretary and the Auditor be adopted and printed in the Proceedings.


M. W. Bro. Martin B. Dickinson presented the Report of the Committee on By-Laws, and moved its acceptance. Motion seconded and carried and is as follows. The Committee on By-Laws reports that promptly after the 1964 Annual Communication it prepared the seventh annual pocket part to the 1958 Annotated Constitution and By-Laws. This supplement contained all amendments, standing resolutions, and annotations of approved decisions and other actions of the Grand Lodge subsequent to those included in the bound volume. The 1964 actions of the Grand Lodge on matters of law were summarized,路 and the several proposals to amend the By-Laws were set out. At the direction of the Grand Master the pocket part contained the complete directory of the Grand Lodge, for easy cur路 rent reference. ORESTES MITCHELL, JR., RICHARD MARTIN



M. W. Bro. Martin B. Dickinson presented a resolution regarding the use of money received from the Estate of Roy F. Newman, deceased, in connection with the Sesqui-Centennial celebration of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, and requested that the Resolution be referred to the proper committee. Motion seconded and carried and is as follows: We submit the following resolution, for consideration and action by the Grand Lodge at its Annual Communication in 1966, or later, as the Grand Lodge may determine: From the amount received by the Grand Lodge from the Estate of Roy F. Newman, deceased, and income thereon, $50,000.00 is set aside for appropriation by action of the Grand Lodge from time to time for purposes in connection with the celebration of the Sesquicentennial of the Grand Lodge, as recommended from time to time by the special Committee on Sesquicentennial. With the approval of the Grand Master not to exceed $2,000.00 may be

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