1965 Proceedings - Grand Lodge of Missouri

Page 189




the money that is not expended from the income of the Grand Lodge goes into a general fund, many years more than enough to provide a pension under this present plan for both employees of the Grand Lodge. The purpose of the amendment, through the resolution as was explained by R. Wor. Brother Gershenson, does not make it mandatory that this particular plan apply to the salaried employees at the present time, but it will give us a pension plan to be worked out before it can become effectivebefore these men would become effected under it. I therefore urge the adoption of the Resolution as amended by the Jurisprudence Committee. Thank you, Brethren. THE GRAND MASTER: Any further discussion? (There was no further discussion.) THE GRAND MASTER: Will you again read what we are to vote on. Thereupon Bro. Gershenson re-ad paragraphs (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e) of the Resolution. The Grand Master called for a standing vote which revealed there were 304 for and 285 against the adoption of the Resolution, and it was declared carried. It was thereupon moved by Brother Gershenson that the entire report of the Jurisprudence Committee be approved. Motion seconded. Attention was called by Brother Aronson to the fact that one matter in the report was referred back to the Jurisprudence Committee. THE GRAND MASTER: Except the one matter referred back to the Jurisprudence Committee, it has been regularly moved and seconded that the entire report of the Jurisprudence Committee be approved. Motion carried. PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE BY路LAWS

Brother Richard E. Hawkins presented a proposed amendment to the ByLaws regarding Section 16.110 relating to Dual Membership. The proposed amendment was referred to the Committee on Jurisprudence, and is as follows: It is hereby moved that Section 16.110 of Article 16 of the By-Laws of the Grand Lodge of Mo. dealing with dual membership be amended as follows: Delete the word "not" from the first sentence and delete the second sentence of the section; thus making the section read as follows: Section 16.110. Dual Membership. A member of a Missouri Lodge may hold membership in another lodge at the same time. RICHARD





Bro. Richard E. Hawkins presented a proposed amendment to the By-Laws regarding Section 15.020 relating to the conferring of degrees. The proposed amendment was referred to the Committee on Jurisprudence, and is as follows. . It is hereby moved that Section 15.020 of Article 15 of the By-Laws of the Grand Lodge of Mo. be amended as follows: Delete the word "not" from the first sentence of the section; thus making the first sentence read as follows: Section 15.020. Same. The first sections of the first and second degrees, and the

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