1965 Proceedings - Grand Lodge of Missouri

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retirement pension exceed 50% of the annual salary being received by such officer at the time of his retirement. (d) No retirement pension shall be paid to any such officer who retires prior to becoming 62 years of age or with less than 120 months of service. (e) Neither the adoption nor any amendment of this section shall give any person, or persons, any vested right. The right is reserved to am~nd, modify, or repeal this section for any or no reason at all. We recommend the adoption of this amendment as amended. RESOLUTION RELATIVE TO THE ESTATE OF ROY F. NEWMAN, DECEASED

Whatever may be received by the Grand Lodge from the Estate of Roy F. Newman, deceased, after payment of all expenses and charges shall be held in a separate fund, pending action of the Grand Lodge as to its use or disposition, and meanwhile may be invested by the Investment Committee. The net income is to be added to the fund. We recommend its adoption by the Grand Lodge. We respectfUlly recommend and move the adoption of the foregoing report of the Jurisprudence Committee as a whole. Fraternally submitted, HARRY GERSHENSON, Chairman, HENRY W. Fox, Roy W. MCGHEE, CLAUDE T. WOOD, JAMES P. HULL.


R. W. Bro. Harry Gershenson, Chairman, presented the report of the Jurispruden'ce Committee. After reading the first section of the report entitled "Dispensations" Bro. Gershenson moved this section be adopted. Motion seconded and carried. The next section entitled "Healings" was then read and it was moved by Gershenson that this section be adopted. Motion seconded and carried. Thereupon Bro. Gershenson read the portion of the report relating to Decisions of the Grand Master, being designated as Decisions I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, and IX, which were approved by the Jurisprudence Committee. Bro. Gershenson next read Decision X and moved the adoption of this section of the report. Motion seconded and carried. Bro. Gershenson then read the remaining decisions, being XI, XII, XIII, XIV, XV, XVI, XVII, XVIII, XVIX and XX and moved the adoption of this section of the report. Bro. Gershenson stated that the ruling as to Decision XX is approved as being tantamount to a dispensation issued by the Grand Master for this particular instance only. M. W. BRO DICKINSON: Most Worshipful Grand Master. As chairman of the Committee on By-Laws, I wish to inquire with regard to Decision XX -the last one which was read, wherein the Committee on Jurisprudence reo ports that your ruling was approved as being tantamount to a dispensation issued by you for this particular instance only, I wish a clarification from the standpoint of the Committee on By-Laws. In preparing the annotations for next year, if thj~ js intended as a one-way, one-trip ticket, not as establishing a

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