1907 Proceedings - Grand Lodge of Missouri, Volume 2 - Appendixes

Page 96





R. W. Bro. A. G.. Ricks, Grand Treasurer, s.ubmitted the following report" which was, on motion, duly adopted, Referred' to the Como' mittee on Audit and Accounts:, NEW

ORLEANS, LA., February 4th, 1907.

To the M. W. Grand Master and a"rand Lodge of Louisiana, F, & A. M.:

MOST WORSHIPFUL SIRS AND BROTHERS-I respectfully submit herewith my annual report for the year ending December 31st, 1906: 1906. •Tan. 1.

Cash balance on hand, . , , , , ',' . ,$ 4,626 29 Amount received from the Grand Secretary during 1906. 30,846 99 Total in Treasury, , By 348 warrants paid during 1906

, .. , ,

To balance on hand December 31st, 1906

, $35,473 28 ,.. 31,693 42 , .. $3,779 86

In addition to the above balance your Grand Treasurer has in his keeping the following special funds: "'idows' and Orphans' I10me 'Fund deposited in the Commercial-Germania Trust and Savings Bank of this city.. $ Interest on same to' December 31st, 1906.. , .... , .. , .. ,

175 20 6 17

$ 181 37 Widows' and Orphans' Pel'manent Relief Fund, deposited in the Metropolitan Bank of this city .. , .. " .... " ... $ 1,674 02 Interest on same to December 31st, 1906.............. 59 10 Masonic Cemetery Special Permanent Fund, in the Metropolitan Bank of this city, .. , Interest on same to December 31st, 1906 .. ,

deposited ,., .. ,

$1.733,12 $ 2,884 00

69 55 $2,953 55


From this report we take' t.he following: The Ci'aft occupy a higher standard of perfection today throughout the territory of your Lecturer than has been his pleasure to witness for many years past. 'rhese Improved conditions do not only apply to the Ritual by which they are enabled to do better work, but by the moral application of these high I mOl'al duties to their every-day life are enabled to realize .that salvation or reprobation begin here, not beyond the tomb; but in life itself they are to prepare for the mysteries of death by inCUlcating a spirit of disinterested affection; a generous sympathy with those that sutTer. pity for. the fallen, mercy for the erring and relief for those in want, thereby attaining a, higher life spiritually as well as morally.


Upon the recommendation of the. Committee on Foreign Correspondence, the Grand LOdge of Alberta was recognized.

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