1907 Proceedings - Grand Lodge of Missouri, Volume 2 - Appendixes

Page 51




There is no death! Althougb we grieve Wben beautiful, familiar forms That we have learned to love, are torn From our embracing al'ins; Although with bowed and breaking heart, With sable garb and silent tread, We bear their senseless dust to rest, And sa:r that they are dead, They are not路 dead! They haVe bu t passed Beyond the mists that blind us here, Into the new and larger life Of that serener sphere. OFFICIAL ViSITATION.

The Grand Master reports some twenty visitations, and that in every part of the commonwealth he found prosperous, growing Lodges, splendid officers, .earnest Masons and the fires of love, charity and enthusiasm burning brightly in every community. We are at a loss to know.how to reconcile 路this healthy condition of affairs with the following recommendation of the Committee. on Grievances and Appeals: "We recommend that .the judgment and sentences of the. several Subordinate Lodges be confirmed and the following members be expelled:" Then follows a list of fifty-six from as many different Lodges, Possibly if they would be more particlJlar as to quality and less solicitous about the. number they would have fewer "wolves in sheep's clothing" to expel from the fold. DECISIONS.

Five decisions are reported, all of which were affirmed, except the third, which was as follows: 3. I have been' asked What constitutes habitual intoxication, wilich under our Code would constitute a Masonic offense. for which charges should be preferred? . My reply is, that if a Brother becomes intoxicated on several occasions, even two 01' three, the act would bccomc habitual within the meaning of the Code, I am inclined to the opinion that to become' intoxicated even once is unmasonic conduct, and should be chal'ged as such,

The following was substituted by the Grand Lodge: YOUI'

Committee on


respectfully submits the following


committee has carefully considered that portion of the Grand :?I'faster's Address referred to us and approve each decision therein, except Decision No.3, in lieu of which we substitute the following: lIabitual drunl,enness is such as has become a habit, to be judged by the special cirCUlllstnnces of each case. Drunkenness for one time only is a Masonic offense. YOul'





We heartily endorse the following recommendation: 'l'he County Conventions' bring together the Brethl'ell of each cOl1nty In a social, Masonic way, as nothing else can do. The District Conventions, ,comprising many count ies. result in tlw meeting and mingling of many hundreds of Brethren, and in making; uniform

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