1907 Proceedings - Grand Lodge of Missouri, Volume 2 - Appendixes

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1907. J



of the true Masonic thoughts and love for Masonry with which the address is so full," while the Committee on Jurisprudence closes its report with these words: "Especially do we commend to the Craft his most beautiful, inspiring and elevating address and pray God that the Grand Lodge of Georgia may be blessed with his services for many years to come." CONDITION OF THE CHAFT.

We quote from the address as follows: Onc~

more. my Brethren, it is my pleasure and my privilege to announce to you that t.he year just closing has been one of unprecedented prosperity, It has been a year of growth and progress. a year of unbounded enthusiasm, a year of noble deeds and high endeavor, a year t.hat will live fOl'e,'el' in the history of Georgia :r.fasonry, . Our numbers have increased to nearly three times t.en t.housand: mallY new Lodges have been institutcd; our treasury is full to oYerflowing: our harmony has not been disturbed by any untoward event.; our Home has sheltered the aged, t.he widow and the fathe.rless; we have raisec! the moral standard high, makin~ manhood and character OUI' only tests, And having been so blest wit.h every good and perfeet: gift. should we not", lil,e the hosts of ancient Israel, in all humility and thanl\fulness, exclaim: "Blessed be the name of the glory of His Kingdom forever and ever," I am supremely happy in announcing t.o ;\,ou today that we have promptly met every expense and cvery obligation incuncd during the year. The Home has been maintained in great comfort; an additional servants' room has been built; our. Grand Lodge '.remple has been improved; offices have been equipped and handsomely furnished for the use of the Grand Secretary, and after paying these and all· other expenses. and not.withstanding the fact that at our last Communication thc attendance of Past Mastcn; was the lal'gest ever known in the history of Georgia ~Ia:sollry: we have ill our treasury t.oday a surplus of $30,000, and the sum of $2,000 in honds, making a grand total of $~2,000. 'l'his, I belie,:e, is the largest surplus that has ever been accumulated· in the treasury of the <irand Lodge of Georgia during the entire period of its existence. During the coming year, from various sources, several thousand dollars more will Ire added. After paying in full t.he expenses of this Gmnd Communication, there ought to be on hand hetween $15,000 and $20,000. which is considerably more than we have ever had before. , N ECHOLOG Y.

The Grand Master, with gratitude, announces that the Grim Tyler has not invaded the ranks of the Grand Lodge during the year, and with tend.er sympathy records the names of those who have fallen in other Jurisdictions, and trnthfully remarks: We can not, will not give heed to the deadly materialism of this l'estiess age. We will not enter the gloomy caverns of a cold and blighting philosophy that would rob us of our sweetest hopes and our holiest aspirations. Wc will hold fast to our ancient faith. We feel. we know, that we shall once more touch the vanished hand. and heal' again the sound of a voice t.hat is still. In every human soul is found the seed of immortality. We live. ,ve die, and. we shall live again. The creed of darkness and dcspair' is not for us. But ours the hope, the unshaken faith, the deathless t.rust. tha t He who notes the sparrow's fall, will not permit the mastel'piece of His creation to crumb!e -into nothingness" There is no dcath! '1'he stars go down • To rise upon some ot.her shore, And bright in Heaven's jewelled crown They s~lnc forcvermore. G, L. Ap.-4

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