1907 Proceedings - Grand Lodge of Missouri, Volume 2 - Appendixes

Page 37

· Appendix.


:MASONIC FUNERALS. Among the regulations of the Grand Lodge published with the PIOCEycdings we find the following: The performance of the solemn service required by :Masonry over the remains- of a Brother is Masonic Labor, and the Lodge, while so engaged, is performin~ Masonic - Labor. and must have, therefore, absolute and complete control, and can not permit any but Masons, in good standing, to take anj' part therein. That when any non-Masonic association declares its determination to participate in said labor, such as having a portion of pall-bearers, or the pladng of emblems on the cotlin. or the performance of their burial service, it shall be the duty of the Master of the Lodge to peaceably retire to his hall and close the Lodge, thus avoiding all strife and discord and unpleasant discussion.

We 1-egret that this is not the law in Missouri, where nonMasonic pall-bear€rs may act and any church or moral and benevolent society may unite in the procession and render its services at the grave. THE


The following, to our mind, covers the whole ground and is all that is lleces,sary for the Grand Lodge to say on this subject, though we hav€ always opposed any legislation on the qu€stion, believing that the virtue of Temperance, enjoined upon the candidate in the E. A. degree, as explained in the Monitor, is sufficient. He don't believe in mixing Masonry with politics, thereby endangering the perpetuity of the Craft. 38. Resolved, That it is hereby made the duty of all Lodges in tbis Jurisdiction to restrain as far as possible the evil of intemperance among the Brethre:::l, even to the extent of trial and punishment when necessary. 2. All Lodges are required to exclude from the Lodge room and anterooms all intoxicating liquors. and for the faithful peL'formance of this dut.y will be held strictly accountable to the Grand Lodge. 3. All Subordinate Lodges are prohibited from receiving and acting upon a petition for initiation or membership from any person engaged in the sale of intoxicating liquors as a beverage. and :Masons are fraternally advised and requested to refrain from engaging in the liquor traffic.

FOHEIGN CORHESPONDENCE, This is from the pen of Brother L. H. Jackson, and shows a power of condensation that is worthy of commendation. He reo. views Missouri for 1905. He characterizes the Address of M. 'V. Bro. Valliant as "lengthy, abl€ and interesting." He speaks of our report as "well performed work," and coming from such a source we are proud of the compliment. "May his shadow never grow less." ROBEHT K. STEVENSON, Wilmington, Grand Master. BENJAMIN F. BARTRAM, Wilmington, Grand Secretary. Th-:. next Annual Communication will be held at Wilmington commencing on the first Wednesday in October, A. D. 1907.

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