1907 Proceedings - Grand Lodge of Missouri, Volume 2 - Appendixes

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the PresiOent, Vice-President and Treasurer shall, respectively, be members of the Board of Directors; that the terms of office shall be for one year, unless a shorter time be specified at the 'time of election; that the officers may be removed for cause by the Board of Directors; that vacancies in offi<:~ shall be filled by the Board; that CHARLES C.WOODS shall be President, ROBERT F. STEVR""SON, Vice-President; FLAVIUS J. TYGARD, Treasurer, and LnUIS, C. KRAUTHOI<'F, Secretary, until October 12, 1886, and until t,heir respective suceessors are ele<;ted and assume their official duties. Fifth: OBJECTS. That the objects of said corporation shall be to establish' and maintain a Home for indigent Masons of Missouri, and for l'esident needy widows and orphans of deceased Masons, and to receive by donation, devise, bequest, gift or purchase, and to hold such property and conduct such business as may be necessary for the successful maintenance of said Home. In Testimony Whereof, said parties have hereunto set their respective hands and seals. Done at the City of St. Louis, State of Missouri-, on May 12, 1886.



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