1907 Proceedings - Grand Lodge of Missouri, Volume 2 - Appendixes

Page 229



not call -upon any learned and skillful Mason present to do any of the work in the Lodge, he, of course, being present and presiding over his Lodge." FOIU-:IG:"< RECOGNITION.

Upon t.he recommendation of the Committee on Foreign Corresponden<;e the Grand Lodge Valle de Mexico and the Grand Lodge of. Alberta were severally recognized. INCREASE I?'< SALAHIES.

The salary ~f the Grand Secretary was increased to $2,400, and that of Grand Treasurer to $600. REPOHT ON FOHEIGN CORRF,SPONUl<:NCK

This interesting' report is "from the ready pen of the Chairman of the Committee, Right Worshipful Grand Senior Warden .Joseph William Eggleston, M. D. It is an interesting report and wiIl interest all who may read it. In looking over it we find no occasion to take issue with ~rother Eggleston, as.he is sound on the fundani.ental principles of our Order. He reviews Missouri for 1906. Referring to the death of Brother Allen McDowell, he says. "He seems to have been singularly gifted and extravagantly loved by the Craft." He quotes the decision of ,Brother Houston, to the effect that a non-affiliate is not entitled to Masonic burial, and says: "Masonry seems to' be drifting away from the aneient rule, 'once a Mason always a Mason,' as to non-affiliates and those S. N. P. D." Does he believe in the doctrine, "once in grace always in grace?" We think a路 Brother who voluntarily non-affiliates and chooses ,to become a "drone in the hive," forfeits ~ll claims on the Craft. 'We are at a loss how to reconcile the above critieism with this made by Brother Eggleston further on: A Brother was reprimandec1 by his Lodge for printing the namp. and nnmber of his Lodge on his Imsine~s card'. He was of t.he particular variety of men who mmally hecome non-affiliates.

He then says: Till' next th,;ee takp.n together are logical and sensible If-and we 'me:lrJ' a

big if--Iegislation on liquor -selling is permissible in Masonry': , Q1JI':S'J'IO~: Is it unmllsonic conduct 'for a Mason to sign a petition



sa loon license? ANswlm: It is not. QI.TI<:STION: First. Is a wholesale manufacturer of liquors eligible ll!" a petitioner for the degrees? ' AX;;WEH: He is. QUF:STION: Second. What must be done with a member In good stan(lin~ who has'f.~one into t.he saloon business? ANswf;n : ,Iilxpel him.

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