1907 Proceedings - Grand Lodge of Missouri, Volume 2 - Appendixes

Page 211




An interesting paper on "Our Masonic Genealogy" was read by Brother S. A. Brown, Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Correspondence, accompanied bya map showing the date and IOGation of. Grand Lodges in the United States. An Address was delivered by Rev. M. F. Montgomery, appropriate to'the-occasion, of which we must be content to give the conclusion: If we can not make t.his world a tolcrable world, a dwclling place fit for sons of God. a place to which angels lllay come wit.hout. salling their wings; if we call not live as sons of God here, there is no use talking about heaven and singing about ]laradise. You and J are to make heaven; and if we can not make it in one place, we have no reason 1.:0 believe, wccan in another. So gird yourself fOI' the work .

'Watch The Henew And

and fight and pray battle ne'er give o'e)', it boldly every day help divine implore. EASTEHN STAR ..

At the sound of the ga~el the attention of the members, wel;e called to the fact that a dâ‚Źleg~tion from the Grand Chapter O.E. S. were without; they were invited within the'room and presented the following resolution: llesol1;ed, That the Grand Chapter Order of the Eastern Star of the State of South Dakota hereby express its appreciation of the Fraternal greeting from the GI'and Lodge of the' A, Ii'. and A, 1f.of the ,State of Sout.h Dakota, and sincerely hopes that the Idndly and Fraternal feeling between the t.wo Grand Bodies may continue, .

Brother Ivan W. Goodner, for the Grand Master, responded in a few well chosen words, and the lad,ies retired. On the last page of the Proceedings we have a pleasing picture of the Baptist Church, Vermillion, S. D'., where the first. Communication of the Grand Lodge was held. FORE!G'" COHIU-:SPOI\'DE)<CE.

This report is furnished by Past Grand. Master S. A. Brown, and includes a review of Latin-American Masonry by R. W. Bro. Francisco de P. Rodriquez, Chairman of the Committee on Correspondence of the Grand Lodge of Cuba. Brother Dr. Brown succeeded in pickin'g out the kernels "from the Proceedings of each Grand Lodge reviewed, and presents' them 'in a palatable form. He reviews Missouri for 1905. Hâ‚Ź adopts the language ()f the committee on Grand Master Valliant's address, and prints their complimentary comments on it.

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