1907 Proceedings - Grand Lodge of Missouri, Volume 2 - Appendixes

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Past Grand Master Edmund C. Atkinson delivered the obituary address on the death of Past Grand Master William Johnston, which was eloquent and touching, while Past Grand Master Frank M. Angellotti spoke tenderly and laudably on the death of Past Grand Master Hiram Aeroton Rucker, who w'as also Superintendent of the Masonic Home. From M'. W. Bro. Atkinson's address we quote the following: From the border line of light where history begins there comes to us the great question of the ages, "If a man die shall he live again 1" Are we ready with the answer 1 . That question has been uppermost in my mind since early manbood. The day-star of my life is far past the meridian and hastening now with prone career to the Ocean Isles, For myself I am ready to give the answer. "I have asked that dreadful question' of the hills that look etemal, of the purling streams that路 rippling flow forever: of the stars amid whose fields of azure my rapt spirit hath trod in glorY,-all were dumb; but now as I gaze upon the living face and feel that the love which kindles through Its beauty can never wholly perish," I believe---I krww tbat we shall live again. As sure as 1 have faith in the existence of God, the All-Father. I bell~ve that we shall live to join the' loved and lost in realms of light beyond the confines of earth. The stars come nightly to the sky, The tidal wave unto the sea: Nor time, nor space, nor deep nor high Can keep my own away from me. COMMITT.EES ON INVESTIGATION.

Upon the 'recommen{jation of the Committee on Jurisprudence the following was adopted: Resolved, That the reports of Committee on Investigation appointed' on the' petition of applicants for the degrees of Masonry, or for applications, shall not be read in the Lodges, except so far as the announcement of the character of the repor't is concemed: nor shall the names of the Brethren appointed on such committees be announced in the Lodge. AMENDMENTS. AMENDl\'lENT TO THE CONSTITUTION.

Sec. 2. Art. I, Part III, adding, after the words, "the lectures thereunto appertaining" : Provided, always, that whenever the nearest or most convenient chartered Lodge refuses to grant Its recommendation, the Grand Master may, if after fUll investigation he deems It to be for the best interests of Masonry, grant such Dispensation without any such recommendation having been given. NEW GENERAL REGULATION.

No. 82. No Junior Warden of a Lodge shall be installed unt1l he shall have produced to the installing officer the certificate of the Grand Lecturer or of路 the Inspector of the district in which his Lodge is situated, certifying that he has personally examined such Junior Warden-elect and that he Is qualified to give the work and lecture of the First Degree: and no Senior Warden shall be installed until he shall have produced a like certificate of his qualification to give the work and lectures of the First and Second Degrees. Such certificates shall be sent to the Grand Secretary and filed in his office.

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