1907 Proceedings - Grand Lodge of Missouri, Volume 2 - Appendixes

Page 150




ago, towards the infant Grand Lodge of Queensland, will, now be correctly understood, as due solely to our conviction 'Of what is best for Freemasonry in Australasia. Time alone can tell whether we have judged wisely or not, but I sincerely trust ttat nothing will be done ill the meantime to create a gulf between us and the. Grand Lodges of the Mother Country, which it might afterwards be found difficult to bridge. (Applause.) England, Ireland and Scotland may rest assured that there is no desire on our part for anything save absolutely friendly I'elations with the Gr~nd Lodges, to one or the othel' of which so many of our own Lodges owe theil' birth and infant nurture. (Applause,) And what are the lessons wJ;1ich they have handed down to us, and which we in this territory endeavor to inculcate? To refrain as Freemasons from all discussions of faiths or politics;, to be peaceahle subjects to the laws of the countl'y; not to be concerned in plots 01' conspiracies against government, but patiently to submit to the decision of the ,Supreme Legislature. We are emphatically not enemies of any religion, but, on the contrary, number among us the most eminent churchmen, many of them active members of the Order;' and, although路 we do not question or criticise the precise form of any one's cl'e~d, we insist upon belief in the Supreme Being, and in a futul'e state, as an essential Landmark of the Craft, I emphasized this in Illy first Address to you from this Chair in .July, 1899; tonight I am probably delh'cring my last Address as Grand Master, seeing that I bope our next meeting will be fol' the Installation of my successor. My word to you , first and last is: "Stand upon the old ways!" Maintain路 the historic charities of the Order, but give liberally from its General Funds when any great public calamity justifies that course, Remember your duty to God; your neighbor and yourselves, So. shall you build up and maintain in this great land an institution "which 2.ge can not wither nor adversity decay," (Loud applause,)

The cause of this breach seems to have been, from the report of ,the Board, as follows: RECOGNI'l'ION OF THE GRAND LOOGE OF, QUEENSLAND.

The action of tbe Grand Lodge of New Sontb Wales in recognizing, on the 14th of Septemher, !l:}04, the Grand Lodge of Queensland as a r'egularly established Sistel' Grand Lodge, Rnd the subsequent attendance of our Grand Mastel' and Grand Lodge Officers at the Inst.allation Ceremony in Brisbane on the 29th of October, !D04. appear to have given umbrage to the Grand Lodge of Scotland, which by a letter dated the 28th of August, 1905, withdrew the Commission' and .Jewel recently held by its Gl'and Representative ~~.


Then [allows a long and interesting correspondence scattered through the Quarterly Proceedings between the Gi'and' Secretaries of the two Grand Bodies, with copies of d~euments exchanged betweell them. The fight is still on, ' The Earl of Jersey was introduced by the Grand Master, a,nd made a: touching address. He VI'as greeted with the following anthem: Tt'f OUR FIHlcND-"GREETING."

ll'ords by M. lV, Bro. 1'. 'li). Spencer, P, G. M. Hymn.

Tune, Australian Natwnal

Honored Guest! A welcome 'gl'eeting' Now with voice and .heart we t~nd, \ Welcome thrice this joyful meeting, 'Yelcome . thou~oul: trusty friend, M~y the loving tie that biT!ds us . Still' m'oreclose and stronger grow, As thy, kindly face reminds us . ' How we I<Ned Wee-long ago,

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