Spring 2014 Guide

Page 64

Tai Chi continued Tai Chi 2, Continuing/ Intermediate

"The tai chi program with Ms. Liu is worth it. Everybody should take it!" -Amy P.

Ages 18 & Up: Beginner. Anyone from senior citizens with existing ailments to athletes can benefit. This internal martial arts class consists of step-by-step instructions and therapeutic stretch exercises, which enhance internal health and unblock the meridians in the body. Regular practice relieves insomnia, arthritis, headaches, and stress by directing the mind's focus on the flowing movements of Tai Chi. Students will leave the class feeling more grounded and balanced. For more information contact Louise @ 301-768-0059 or louiseliu.taichi@gmail.com. 8 Sessions Instructor: Louise Liu 375943 Wisconsin Place CRC 4/4 9 Sessions Instructor: Louise Liu 375941 White Oak CRC 4/1 377032 Wisconsin Place CRC 4/2

$96 F 11:00am-12:00pm $108 Tu W

11:00am-12:00pm 11:00am-12:00pm

Tai Chi Chuan

Ages 18 & Up: A set of naturally flowing movements performed slowly in a sequence with a spirit of calmness, balance, and awareness. It teaches ways of relaxation and is excellent for stress reduction. Regular practice develops strength and flexibility of the joints, muscles and ligaments, while enhancing the performances of the cardiovascular system with a minimum of strain on the body. Wear comfortable, loose fitting clothing and flat sole shoes. Questions? Email Jack at: jrvivona@yahoo.com. 6 Sessions $60 Instructor: Jack Vivona 376452 Damascus CRC 4/2 W


Tai Chi Chuan, Intermediate

Ages 16 & Up: Deepen your Tai Chi with new forms and exercises to expand and enrich your practice. This class is open to anyone who successfully completed the basic curriculum and acquired a working knowledge of Chen Tai Chi's 13-posture and 36-posture forms. Talk to the instructor if you are unsure about your level. This class will focus on fine-tuning your forms and on developing some of the more subtle body mechanics involved in the practice of Tai Chi. This class will feature the original Chen Family Style of Taijiquan and will be taught by TCCII Instructors. 8 Sessions $96 Instructor: Traditional Chinese Culture Institute 375965 Wisconsin Place CRC 4/1 Tu


Tai Chi and QiGong for Mind-Body Connection

Ages 16 & Up (13-15 if accompanied by parent or guardian): Experience Tai Chi, a special combination of Internal Kung Fu and Qigong, which develops strong connections between your mind and your body's internal energy. You will learn authentic Tai Chi forms, drills and Qigong techniques for developing agility, stamina, mental sharpness and awareness. This class will have light body contact and feature a light to moderate workout. Class taught by TCCII Instructors. For more information contact TCCII at info@tccii.com. 8 Sessions $96 Instructor: Traditional Chinese Culture Institute 375963 Wisconsin Place CRC 4/1 Tu 375964 White Oak CRC 4/3 Th

Tai Chi Chuan and Qigong

Ages 18 & Up: Continuing Students & Beginners. These exercises are low impact, so anyone including senior citizens with existing ailments can benefit. This internal martial arts class consists of step-by-step instructions and therapeutic stretch exercises, which enhance internal health and unblock the meridians in the body. To activate qi and balance yin and yang, a combination of rhythmic breathing and slow, fluid movements contribute to a serene but aware state of mind. Students feel more grounded and balanced. Regular practice relieves insomnia, arthritis, headaches, and stress. For more info, contact Louise @ 301-768-0059 or louiseliu.taichi@gmail.com. 7 Sessions Instructor: Louise Liu 375946 Germantown CRC 4/5 8 Sessions Instructor: Louise Liu 375945 Germantown CRC 4/3

$96 Sa 10:30am-11:30am $96 Th


Tai Chi Chuan and Qi Gong, Continuing

Ages 18 & Up: This unique class combines three different branches of Chinese exercises to promote overall well being. A warm-up consists of the therapeutic stretch exercises of Lian Gong Shi Ba Fa and the holistic exercises of Ba Duan Jin Qigong to promote internal health and unblock the meridians in the body. This is followed by step-by-step instruction of the 24 form simplified Yang style Tai Chi Chuan, which focuses on breathing, directing the mind, stretching and aligning the body, and developing 'Qi' or energy. Regular practice helps alleviates existing ailments and prevent health issues, such as arthritis and back pain. It is beneficial and suitable for people of all ages. Questions? Contact Louise at: 301-768-0059. 7 Sessions $96 Instructor: Louise Liu 377039 Germantown CRC 4/3 Th 377040 Germantown CRC 4/5 Sa


6:30pm-7:30pm 7:00pm-8:00pm

9:30am-10:30am 9:30am-10:30am

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