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“I don’t make mistakes—well, except for that one time. And that other time. And the third time. In all seriousness, I make mistakes every single day. Usually small, some not so small. But with each mistake, I learn something new.”

- Nick Apicella, Vanguard Automotive Design, Stony Point, NY

“I recommend other retailers try dealership work and expand their revenue streams. It helps plan for tougher times.”

-Philip Lindsley, Titan Motoring, Nashville, Tenn.

“I’ve learned to prioritize and delegate a lot better. It’s one thing to be a sales pro and focus on selling, and then there’s management and that involves completely different expectations. I’m still learning my craft every day, trying to get better, especially on the management side. I’ve gotten a better grasp on my day to day, really focusing on the key things, make sure those are my priority, and then not letting it overwhelm me.”

- Robert Kowatch, Perfectionist Auto Sound & Security, Anchorage, Alaska