NWC Yearbook 1983-1984

Page 15


PROF, S ' LLl\'AN. lhe G ·rman 4Jt:11:1rum:n ~. ~ reliting 1Jds year after :i 53 year c:il"C'Cr or bo•h leachm nd p~h.· ing:. The la"'t :?O ell~ )e!<~:u~ \11 ere 'pen r ii t ~o rlh ~esieni. Ht: h\.-g;1n fC'~d• in • Gt nrna.11 .;ii

.Profos-.or ,,·a~ nl'! Zuli:g~.r


M. En li-.h

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Cit~ CuUtgc nf "C'\\ Yor.k I 93 T. for I ) yc.:i II') he 11 rh~ f1.tcuB~ of Cori 'On:lia

CoUl!Rt! in

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,r;;pcn1 one )'t r l«:'"..teltin~ in '¥\ C"lf Berlin, Ge; rn fl) . I

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race :md _.\ b.:Ire,

Fr.anrt. Thi-. c"pcri-cn~ and widdy r e::id m3n has ""i\ en u 1hornugh pictuJT or life .:I re-fleeted in IUJJf 1h9ught :rnd r~•e~ature.

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.:i nd cll'ort in !}:ti11in

Ti.. tiun. umJ ol rhc need ror lu 1. I de-JJcnd~ncc on our \ io r. M ) 1lie Lord bll!':i;s him in h • retirement.

Pror. Zul ,:er in thl:' ) ear ht graduated from D~HL 4 1957•.

Vro1". John Schmid I :and Prof. Rich td trubd ~en• on k:t\ C lh • ) car lo !i1.m:I }' :a I lhc:"

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PROF. FRICl-:E. or the E'ngli'\h tlcp:utmen •. j, fca\ in I he c:u111m lh · )'ear lo return tu 'h1..· p:astarnl mtncslry .::111: S'I. Juhn '!; he re m ~ attr[D\\TI. HI.!' has ta ugh I :ii N orl h:'W k"st~m for I 4 ) c::i~. Pre' iousJy he scrr\!d :is. p3s.lor i 11i .r\ bc-rJttn. LJ. W:ircrtown . WI I 1. Mad( J. :md Beneun H rbor. ~U . •md pro Fes.w r al Mrd1.,_..n Lu mh~r· on Semim1 ry. He fus lx'"t'n ,·ny c ti~· • ;n !.-amr;m acfo i'i s ltr~: C03c.'h in~ foo1baU and b:Jsrb;all, Jircccing mu.,.ical and dram:JIK pn.·~m l::i 1io n i;. :md or 1:h1.; b-.i few ycaN; .,l~ bing Che~ ntml :!itaff. He ha atY.a~ s frnendy mu \'im his greal lu\ I!' for 1hC; colle "e ~rnd ;Jn ll\<H h ~m:nnh for. Cod Mt· the re~ or !ti our min· hj<', Prof. f rid;."'.

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