October 2015 Hole Notes

Page 46

“Super” Innovation

Three Cup System Frees Time For Oth By John McCarthy, Superintendent at Logger’s Trail Golf Club

rect advantages is my three cup sysAs golf course superintendents, tem. there are many demands placed upon us. Our main focus is to maintain a golf course in excellent condition day in and day out, with smooth, true, fast rolling greens while doing so with an ever shrinking budget. I cannot use my budget reductions as an excuse for subpar playing conditions, at least not if I expect to stay in business. My goal has always been to implement practices Superintendent/inventor John McCarthey, Logger’s Trail. that not only save money The first 20 years of my golf cabut improve the quality of my golf course. It sounds like an oxymoron, reer I cut cups just like everyone else- one cup everyday, seven days but as superintendents we all do it a week. Maybe if it rained or play everyday. For me, I have naturalwas light, I would skip a day. Even ized out of play areas, as well as then, I hated to do that. A regular cut my fertilizer budget in half by player would always come up to me melting down all of my nutrients and say, “I see you didn’t change and spraying them along with my growth regulators. However the one cups today”, or by the evening of practice that is most unique and has the second day the cup wear was excessive. To cut a new cup evproduced multiple direct and indiPage 46

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