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onveniently timed with the latest National Geographic magazine’s special issue dedicated to solving the world’s water crisis, this year’s Earth Day celebration at Iron Horse Winery revolves around the theme of all things water, including seafood, water-related local art, cute surfers pouring wine, and information on becoming more water-conscious in every day life.

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The event beneďŹ ts two water-focused organizations. The Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Seafood Watch Program educates consumers on the political correctness and safety of the ďŹ sh we eat. National Geographic’s Ocean Now Initiative funds explorations into the depths of our seas in order to discover the vast diversity of those relatively uncharted waters and how humans can preserve them. National Geographic marine biologist Dr. Tierny Thys will make a presentation on underwater sea exploration. “Of course we want to raise money for and awareness about these valuable programs,â€? says Iron Horse CEO Joy Sterling as she walks through her family’s 300-acre vineyard. “But this event is also about our community and celebrating this beautiful part of the world we live in.â€? Based in the Green Valley appellation, Sterling is dedicated to working with and supporting local businesses, including the event’s other participating Green Valley wineries. With winetasting, an abundance of sustainably harvested seafood, bread, desserts and fresh produce from local bakers and farms, Iron Horse’s third annual Earth Day celebration is a steal at $50 general admission. The $250 VIP admission includes a private reception with sparkling wine and sustainably farmed California Osetra caviar. Look for it on Sunday, April 18, noon to 4pm at Iron Horse Vineyards, 9786 Ross Station Road, Sebastopol. 707.887.1507.

Dani Burlison

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