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Marine Corps Family Team Building

Premarital Seminar

The seminar provides an in-depth look at the procedures for getting married in the United States or overseas. The seminar also hosts information regarding IPAC benefits, legal services, immigration procedures, financial partnerships, and basic communication strategies (PREP).

11 August 0800-1430

Camp Foster Ocean Breeze Bldg. 5906

Unconscious Bias

Bias is a natural part of the human condition of how the brain works. However, bias affects how individuals make decisions, engage with others, and respond to various situations and circumstances, often limiting potential. Through this eight hour workshop, Unconscious Bias empowers participants to identify and adjust for bias, cultivate meaningful connections, and choose courage to make real changes in the workplace and community.

15 August 0900-1600

Conflict Management

Camp Courtney Bldg. 4425 Room 113

Conflict is an unavoidable aspect of everydaylife – learn how to manage it in a productive way!This two-hour workshop addresses interpersonal conflict and is designed to help participants become more aware of conflict; empowering them to make healthy choices by managing their responses to conflict.

24 August 1330-1600

Camp Courtney Bldg. 4425 Room 113

Registration is required for all workshops. To register, or request accommodations, go to: https://www.okinawa.usmc-mccs.org/mcftb