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Loughborough University currently has two teams in the National Futsal Series. In which the 1st team sit top of NFS Tier 1 and the 2nd team play in NFS Tier 2. In the last three seasons the students have managed to finish in the top two positions in the league with the first team and last season the second team managed to win the Tier 2 North division and finish runners up in the final.

This season, our 1st team sit in 3rd position in the table with 4 wins and 3 losses. In our last win of the season, we played against the current 9 times England champions beating them for first time in our history. On Sunday 12th, the club is hosting the NFS round and playing against York Futsal. Our 2nd team is currently second in the table with 5 points clear of 3rd and have a strong chance to catch first place.

Jose Llorente-Parra