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Self-help for transformatio n

Positive conduct in accordance with Ayurvedic principles is very important to achieve sustained harmony of body, mind and spirit. The sacred Vedic texts refer specifically to the following ethical aspects: truthfulness, how we behave towards our fellow human beings, a commitment to love and compassion, kindness in speech and thought, inner peace, self-control, tolerance and cleanliness...


Fear, pride and doubt impair the immune system and therefore affect the treatment programme, so it’s best for them not to arise. All these feelings stem from the ego.

Maintaining a pure mind and spirit helps us to start our journey along a new path, and we can achieve this by chanting mantras, praying, meditating, Yoga and Pranayama.

Positive Perception

Consciously appreciate all the positives that surround you, for instance the beauty of nature, the sunrise, the kind and friendly people around you... Consciously ask yourself what the positive aspects of a rainy day might be – e.g. ‘I can rest and do nothing at all’.


Everything takes time. It takes around three weeks for the metabolism to adjust. The same is true of the mind. Patterns of thought and behaviour that were established over many years cannot be changed in a matter of a few days. This too takes time. Decide to make changes and follow your path assiduously. Be patient with yourself and others.

A Culture Of Open Communication

This primarily concerns MYSELF. Be authentic and stay true to yourself. An open and respectful culture of dialogue should also be maintained within partnerships and the family.

Learn To Let Go

It is vital to let go of burdensome feelings whose origins lie in the past in order to minimise Ama (undigested material in body and mind). Unprocessed emotion is one of the main causes of Ama. According to Ayurveda, Ama is a breeding ground for diseases.

Letting go is easier said than done. It takes a great deal of courage. This is because letting go of feelings requires us first to fully accept and feel them. Only when we have felt, then forgiven (ourselves and others) can we let go.


• I quarrel with reality

• I want to be in the right

• I am immersed in the affairs of others


Spend time away from mobile phones and social media; treat yourself to the luxury of being offline.