Manual Dexterity Music Zine December 2012

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then you could sort of listen for it and understand. But when it comes to lyrics, I really don’t care for them to be straight forward; I LIKE when I’m not entirely sure what the writer means, because it doesn’t matter. The listener should take what they want from the lyrics and I think writing a bit ambiguous helps with that. When you’re not playing in Pswingset, you have a career in film editing, what role does Pswingset play in your life and do your personal obligations and band obligations ever conflict? I actually don’t do video editing full-time anymore; it became too hard to keep going from job to job, never knowing how long a show would last and I’d have to find another studio to work at (Austin has a lot of film/television activity, but it’s still nothing compared to LA or NYC). Now I work at a small startup dealing with computer servers and I love it. I still do freelance video work, but not like I did when I first moved to Austin. That being said, video/ film still plays a huge role in my life and I think it always will. What kind of advantages does Pswingset have with you having film editing experience? It’s nice to be able to edit a video teaser or short tour doc and not have to outsource it to anyone else. We’re also planning on doing a music video soon, so I’m sure my connections and knowledge will help a little.


Since you’ve done film editing, when you watch a film do you notice the editing more than someone who hasn’t been trained in editing? What are some films do you think are perfectly edited? I’m a huge fan of PT Anderson, The Cohen Brothers, and David Lynch; but I think one of the best editors was Sam O’ Steen (who did, I think, the best editing in The Graduate). He also did Rosemary’s Baby, Cool Hand Luke, and a lot of other really classic 70’s cinema. You’ve all been playing in bands since you were teens and you are nearing or are in your 30’s now, what keeps you playing and wanting to be in a band? Haha, I wish I knew and could turn that part off sometimes. I think we all do. But it’s something we all love and, personally, I couldn’t imagine not making music. None of us care about money, so when it’s time to tour or play shows we’re genuinely doing this band as a hobby and, because of that, I think it’s really pure that way. There’s no bullshit about needing to pay rent using merch money or anything like that; tours are vacations and it’s great.

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