3 minute read

Jamez Sitings


Have To


Say ‘Gay’


We were Unspeakable Deniable

We existed just the same

Our forbidden haunts, Sacred sanctuary. Our forbidden love, Forever true.

Self-celebratory, We outgrew shame. Evolved into ourselves. Marched the streets with joy And pride.

They’d try to beat us down, But hate can never win. 1 in 10, we’d rise again. Stronger for our suffering. Louder for our pain.

Again, they seek to silence us. Make it criminal to speak of us. Try, again, to deny our existence.

It’s laughable. It’s ridiculous. Infuriating.

They erase our history from their books, As if we’ll disappear.

But we’re still here.

Always have been. Always will be.

We will not be silenced. Will not be denied. Never again relegated to closets Nor identities regulated by government.

They don’t have to say it. We don’t need them to say anything.

We exist Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Within the vast spectrum of life.  “bathroom bill” HB2 was signed into law prohibiting transgender and gender nonbinary people from using restrooms that correspond with their gender identity. Over 400 companies join the boycott of doing business in the state.

Be THE COMPANY spearheading and coordinating the charge along with both national and local LGBTQ+ organizations.

Legislative Activism

Did you know that Kelley Baker, then VicePresident of Diversity at General Mills, was the first company representative to testify in front of the U.S. House congressional committee in support of the passage of the Equality Act? Disney is a brand that touches every household member, whether through music, shows, movies, cruises, or theme parks.

Be vocal and present when discussions regarding equality are happening locally or nationally.

Amicus Support

Significant cases like Obergefell v. Hodges and Bostock v. Clayton County change the lives of the LGBTQ+ community from coast to coast. Disney has been one of those companies involved in this fight but waiting for a case to get to the state or federal supreme court can sometimes be too late.

Employ your advocacy from the very start of the conflict so there can be as minimal impact on the LGBTQ+ youth in question as possible. (You can change the trajectory of Florida’s Equality Profile you have to just want it bad enough.)

Orlando – LGBT Crisis Community Center

Mickey Mouse’s Florida home is in Orlando. That is the city where your empire resides. Orlando is also home to one of the largest LGBTQ+ populations in the U.S. The Center Orlando is one of the few places within the city where any member of the LGBTQ+ community can walk in and feel safe, and seen for who they are.

Is there a reason why this center isn’t named after, and sponsored by, Mickey Mouse (much like the Ronald McDonald house)?

Make GayDayS® a Disney Sanctioned Event

GayDayS® (#RedShirtDay) attracts over 180,000+ celebrants from across the nation and around the globe!

It’s my understanding that GayDayS® is not formally a Disney sanctioned event. Let’s change that!

Double Up on Supplier Diversity Efforts

A nationwide boycott of the State of Florida due to the “Don’t Say Gay Bill” could have a devastating impact on the state’s economy, especially small businesses.

Double up on your supplier diversity spend with minority, women, veteran, disability, and LGBTQ+ owned businesses over the course of this equality battle.

Ensure Youth Have Access to LGBTQ+ History

The resurgence of book banning is so disheartening especially when kids across the country are demanding that a more diverse history be taught in their schools. There are 4,269 public schools within the state of Florida.

Make sure there is at least one LGBTQ+ history book in each Florida school.

In closing, Disney is in the business of deeply connecting with children and making them believe in magic. How can they believe in magic when their mere existence is being challenged? Below are some Disney quotes used to inspire kids. We hope these same words will inspire you.

“Ohana means family, family means nobody gets left behind. Or forgotten.” – Stitch

“The things that make me different are the things that make me.” – Piglet

“Your identity is your most valuable possession. Protect it.” – Elastigirl

“Always let your conscience be your guide.” — The Blue Fairy

“Sometimes the right path is not the easiest one.” — Grandmother Willow (Pocahontas) 

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