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Half price fares continue

Half price fares on Metlink buses and trains will continue from 1 July until the government’s age-based discounts can be applied, Greater Wellington Regional Council decided on 22 June.

At the same time, the council agreed to implement the transport discounts announced in the 18 May Budget.

The discounts, which let children under-13 ride for free, and under 25-year-olds ride at half price, can be introduced by Public Transport Authorities, when possible, from 1 July.

As Metlink is not able to activate the discounts at such short notice, and the government’s half price fares initiative concludes on 30 June, Council Chair Daran Ponter says extending half-price fares is a practical interim solution.

“Council welcomes the age-based discounts, but we can’t bring them in until our electronic ticketing partner, Snapper, has built a digital registration portal,” Cr Ponter explains. That is because of the fact that bus drivers and ticket collectors will not be able to ascertain how old younger passengers, and therefore whether they qualify for the discounts.

“Metlink passengers will be expecting the discounts next month, so we’ve come up with a solution to tide them over until the portal is open in August.

“Until then, no passenger will pay more than they currently do for public transport,” Cr Ponter says.

Free travel for 5 to 12-year-olds will not be available until the portal is ready, but for families who use public transport, the delay is likely to be mitigated by adult fares temporarily remaining at half price.

Extending half price fares will cost Greater Wellington approximately $2 million a month, which Transport Chair Thomas Nash says could be funded from existing council budgets.

“We’ve asked the government to contribute to this cost as it’s signalled implementation funding for its discounts is available,” Cr Nash says.

“We know families depend on public transport and our temporary measures will help people to reduce their travel costs andtheir carbonemissions.

“Metlink is working as fast as it can to introduce the discounts our passengers are entitled to.”