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Finnish pop goddess Lxandra hails from a small island called Suomenlinna, a sea fortress with only around 800 inhabitants. After moving to vibrant Berlin, her music career began to flourish. Featuring both electronic and pop influences, Lxandra combines resounding vocals with softer melodies, creating powerful songs with profound lyrics. Just releasing her newest single, “Dig Deep,” Lxandra recently supported Dua Lipa in the UK. We caught up with Lxandra to discuss her atypical upbringing, keen visual style, and deeper messages in her music.

photography by IIRIS HEIKKA @iirisworldfeaturing LXANDRA @lxandrahere

Thanks for taking the time to chat with us at Mad Sounds! To start, what does a typical day look like for you?

I don’t have a typical day, everyday is very different depending on what I’m up to atm.

What was it like growing up on a small Finnish island? How was the transition to Berlin?

It was great, it’s a beautiful place and we we’re allowed to be kids for longer than the kids who grew up in the middle of the city I think. It was like growing up in a bubble. Not as drastic as it seems I guess. I spent a lot of time (most of the time) in the city as a teenager so it was more like moving from a smaller city to a bigger one with more culture and more life.

On that note, tell us about Berlin! What are your must-sees and favorite local spots?

I love Berlin, except in the winter. In the summer it’s beautiful and so alive. People are out and about in parks and on the streets, it’s like one big living room. I love the nature so the parks, lakes and other outside areas, like Teufelsberg, Tempelhofer Feld and Treptower park are my must-sees. My favorite cafe is the Swedish Okay cafe in Neukölln and I love the Korean food spots in Berlin.

Your Instagram and Twitter bio say, “Singer, songwriter & visual artist.” Is the importance in this order? Do you think each influences the other, or are they in separate creative spheres?

No. They’re all equally important. Yes, even if they’re all very different ways of telling stories and sharing emotions.

photography by IIRIS HEIKKA @iirisworldfeaturing LXANDRA @lxandrahere

What has been your biggest influences in your life—music-related or otherwise?

Hard to say, I guess everything. My childhood, the people around me, the nature, all the music I’ve listened to, beautiful visuals I’ve seen and one very important person to me that is maybe the biggest reason to why I started making music.

Any pre-show rituals or special prep?

Just a moment alone with some tea, then hugging the band and being so nervous that I feel like I’m gonna die.

Tell us a little more about the meaning behind and the music video for your new single “Dig Deep”:

The song is about standing up against what’s not right together. In the video there’s a character that doesn’t really fit to the expectations of society and is left out. In the end she frees herself and lets herself be who she is and joins fellow outcasts.

Is there a particular song that resonates with you most strongly or is the most personal to you, your own or otherwise?

There are many songs like that, I’m such an emotional person haha. Particularly three songs I haven’t released yet. Also very into Lykke Li’s new single ’Hard Rain’ atm.

I love the color scheme of your Instagram feed—it’s curated yet effortless. Is there any special significance to these colors?

Thank you! Not really, I just post what I like and what works with the rest or the feed. I love colors.

Describe your fashion style.

Colorful, comfy, 70’s inspired.

What does music mean to you?

Everything. It will always be there for me, even if I’d lose everything else.

What are you most excited for the rest of this year?

No idea, everything. Life.

If you could give advice to the Lxandra of five years ago, what would it be?

You’re fine just as you are, don’t be scared. Do good, be nice and strong. Don’t hold back and don’t take it all too seriously (still have to remind myself of all of these every now and then).

KEEP UP WITH LXANDRA: Instagram/Twitter: @lxandrahere

photography by IIRIS HEIKKA @iirisworldfeaturing LXANDRA @lxandrahere interview by ASHLEY SERYN @ashleyseryn