6 minute read

Forkable Foods


Interviewed By: Kristal Lambert


Tell us about Forkable Foods

Forkable Foods is my platform to engage with anyone who has an interest or love for cooking and great food. Right now it consists of my weekly cooking web series where I send a themed menu out each week with an ingredient list and we cook together live each week. It also consists of my instagram @Theforkable where anyone can see pictures, videos, recipes, tips and tricks on what I'm whipping up in the kitchen. I started the Forkable Foods web series last year at the beginning of the Pandemic for my colleagues at work as a way to help keep the team together even though we were physically apart. What started as a way for friends to virtually hang out, learn basic cooking skills and how to make simple meals, turned into a full-fledged, weekly cooking series. I've helped people develop new skill sets and a love for cooking that they never knew they had. Every class incorporates the history and facts of food, basic cooking skills, and easy to follow recipes, that everyone cooks together live. Each week we build on new techniques, cultural flavors and the fundamentals to pull off a delicious flavorful meal. I developed my instagram as a way to connect with others and share some tips that I regularly use in the kitchen. Also, who doesn't love a good food pic? I've held some IG Live events with my friend and multi-platinum rapper, Ginuwine and I'll be looking at ways to incorporate live participation in the near future. Feel free to follow @theforkable to keep up to date! FOUNDER & CHEF

Tell us about yourself?

So I definitely did not take the traditional route to get to the kitchen. I'm still a practicing attorney by day but by night I'm a very happy home chef who's looking to share her passion with others. I had the privilege of learning to cook from my Father and Grandmother at a young age. Their creativity and passion shaped my love for cooking and a lot of my go-to flavor profiles are built on my family heritage and recipes that have been passed down from generation to generation. I'm always looking at new ways to connect people and share a little insight into things that make me happy and think sharing my passion for cooking can help ignite that passion in others. When I'm not working or in the kitchen, you can find me out and about with my fiance, Kurt, and our two dachshunds, Hebrew National (Brew) and Andouille (I may have taken the sausage dog theme a little far but I love it!)

What can food lovers expect when they tune into Forkable Foods?

They can expect a (virtual) hands-on experience. We cook together as a team so it doesn't matter what your skillset is. You could have never used a pan to have been cooking since you learned how to walk and there's a place for you here. I look to introduce everyone to new cultures and flavors they may not have experienced before and some fun facts and tips that you can use for a lot of meals. Each week focuses on bringing new and exciting flavor profiles together and encourages the common theme that food is for everyone and everyone can cook! My instagram houses a lot of those tips and recipes so that if you can't join my class you still have access to my cooking and teaching methods. I'm in the process of building out a website too!

What sets your food brand apart from any other cooking web series out there today?

I think the biggest thing that sets me apart from other cooking series is it's not just a class where we make a recipe together. While that's included you get so much more. You learn about the ingredients when the prime season to use those ingredients is techniques and tips on how to prepare them. You learn about the history and facts of the ingredients and dishes (I love to tell a good story). Most importantly I tailor the recipes to be inclusive of everyone. If there's an ingredient you don't like or can't eat I work with you to customize the dish so you're not deterred from being a part of the class. Food is so personal and I like to make this experience personal for my participants as well.

What do you want people to know about what's coming down the pipeline for Forkable Foods?

I'm looking to expand my reach by building out a website and expanding to more platforms. I have some exciting brand partnerships with really great companies that I'm excited to share as well! Stay tuned!

Where can people find the Forkable Foods web series?

I'm going to be opening signups in the next few weeks with the launch of my new website. If you're interested in joining prior to the launch of the signups please feel free to email me at Becca@theforkable.com and I'll get you on the waiting list!

Can you share some of your favorite recipes?

Absolutely! This is one of my favorite recipes I created for a Mushroom Cobbler.


1 10z package of whole white button mushrooms, diced 1 8oz package of whole baby portabella mushrooms, diced 1 3.5oz package of shitake mushrooms 5 cloves of garlic, chopped 3 Tbsp olive oil 1 1/2 tsp salt 1 tsp pepper ½ of one large yellow onion, diced 1 shallot, diced 5 sprigs of fresh thyme, chopped 1/3 c of heavy cream 2 Tbsp butter Biscuit topping 4 Tbsp unsalted butter, divided 2 cups all-purpose flour 1 Tbsp baking powder 1 Tbsp sugar 1 Tbsp garlic powder 3/4 tsp kosher salt, divided 1 cup whole milk 2 cups shredded parmesan cheese 1/2 tsp thyme


Preheat the oven to 400F.

Combine mushrooms in a bowl with chopped garlic, olive oil, salt and pepper

Place mushroom mixture in a 9x12 baking dish and roast for 20 minutes mixing the mushrooms halfway through (10 minutes).

In a medium saucepan over medium heat, add butter to the pan and melt. Once melted add onions and shallot and cook until translucent (about 5-8 minutes).

While onions are cooking, add 2 Tbsp of the butter to a large microwave safe mixing bowl. Microwave 30 seconds, or until the butter is melted. Add flour, baking powder, sugar, garlic powder, and 1/2 tsp kosher salt.

Stir until combined. Pour in the milk and stir until the flour is all wet; do not over mix. Fold in the cheese.

Add mushroom mixture to onions and add thyme (whole on the sprigs). Stir to incorporate. Add heavy cream and cook over medium heat for 5-10 minutes until thick.

Raise temperature to 450F. Pour mushrooms back into the roasting pan and drop heaping spoonfuls of biscuits on top of the mushroom mixture. Transfer to the oven and bake at 450 10-12 minutes, until golden brown.

Sis, you are enough