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CLUE 2018 winners

CLUE 2018 winners

By Ruth Slavid


Emerging lighting designers from Denmark, Lebanon and Brazil are the winners of an international competition on city lighting. The fourth CLUE (Community Lighting for the Urban Environment) Competition took as its theme developing a lighting design that helps city users reconnect and enhances their experience of public spaces by using their senses.

1st prize:

First prize went to Santiago Bautista of Denmark for a project entitled ‘SOL’ (Suspended Omni Light). This project aims to recreate the lighting and acoustic conditions of Mediterranean countries in the regions of the world that have the darkest winters. It does this by suspending a large illuminated balloon from three steel wires to fix its position in the air. The color and intensity of the light from this artificial sun vary throughout the day to provide lighting conditions that are similar to those in the chosen location. The installation also generates sounds that vary throughout the day to mimic the sounds of nature on a spring day.

“There is something magical about the idea of tethering the sun to a public plaza.”

Zachary Suchara, jury member