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University students succeed in publishing creative writing

Students and alumni of Kean’s Department of English Studies have had short stories, poetry and other creative works published, and at least one is close to seeing her novel in print.

“To be able to say I’m a published writer means so much to me and my career,” said Rabia Ashraf, Class of ’20, of Union, who had a poem, an essay and two short stories published and recently signed with a literary agent, as she seeks to publish her novel about a South Asian Muslim mother and her daughter in New York City post-9/11.

The American-born daughter of Pakistani-Indian immigrants, Ashraf said she was encouraged by her Kean professors to share her perspective.

“As a person of color and a daughter of immigrants, I realize the importance of words and the power they possess,” Ashraf said. “Kean University played a huge role in my writing career.”

Kean boasts more than 200 English majors, who learn from faculty, many of whom are published authors themselves.

“Getting published is a major accomplishment that our students, and anyone who achieves it, should be proud of,” said College of Liberal Arts acting Dean Jonathan Mercantini. “Publication shows you have done something new and original and contributed to our larger world. It is a great honor.”

Kean adjunct instructor William Mesce, a screenwriter and author, teach- es creative writing and other classes. Being published is not required for class, he said, but he looks for student work he feels may fit various literary sources and guides students who want to publish.

“If a student is serious about pursu- helps a student’s self-confidence. That first publication provides valuable validation for an aspiring writer.”

Kathryn Birchfield, Class of ’22, an English writing major, is now a graduate student in writing studies at Kean. The Alabama native attended Kean to be near New York City, intending to enter publishing sales.

Instead, she fell in love with writing