1 minute read

Baton troop succeeds

— See Page 3

The sounds

of summer — See Page 12

Gianna Pantastico, 17, said she’s really excited about graduating and looking forward to attending George Washington University, where she’ll be studying international affairs with a minor in French.

While Abby Gorman, 17, said she was also thrilled to graduate and get a fresh start, she shared, “It’s a little bit sad. I’ll miss my friends.” She’ll be attending St. Joseph’s in Philadelphia for business administration.

“It’s been a long time coming,” said Christian Buontempo, 17. “I’m relieved. I’m happy. And ready to conquer.” The graduate will be attending High Point University in North Carolina and plans to study business management and administration.

The festivities began with the Cranford High School Band and Orchestra performing “Pomp and Circumstance.” Presentation of Colors from Cranford VFW Post No. 335 followed, and then the “Pledge of Allegiance,” let by Breona Pizzuta, vice president, Class of 2023; Sabrina Prata, treasurer, Class of 2023; and Aila Riera, secretary, Class of 2023. The Cranford High School Concert Choir sang “The Star-Spangled Banner.”

Garret Hanlon, president, Class of 2023, addressed the class reflecting on experiences that shaped them. “Time is the most precious resource we have,” he said. “It’s up to us to cherish these moments. Take risks. Pursue your passions. Seize the day. Live fully.” hoped their future dreams go well.

After a heartfelt speech about the parents who took care of the students, Cantagallo encouraged the graduating class to be proud of their accomplishments.