LNE & Spa - November 2013

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holiday open house by Noreen Young

THE HOLIDAYS ARE THE PERfect time to make your business shine in more ways than one! You can do so many things in your spa or salon to celebrate the season. Host a winter open house or have a weekly countdown to the holidays. Bring in a professional guest to talk about something you know your clients will love! Customize gift baskets for your clients, or offer pre-made gift sets they can simply purchase from you.

Ho ho ho, it’s beauty to go!

photo: Africa Studio/Shutterstock.com

Retail stocking stuffers are big business! Sell irresistibly priced mini-sized “cute” products. Some examples are candles, perfume, bath salts, body or hand lotions, hairspray, sunscreen, shampoo, aromatherapy eye masks, moisturizers, makeup brushes, nail polishes and eye shadow kits. ‘Tis the season for bling! Bling it on, carry fashion accessories and gorgeous hair ornaments. Once upon a time at my business, after doing a client’s makeup for a special occasion, they would often mention that they had to go shopping for accessories. After awhile, we decided to offer our clients an array of jewelry ourselves. It was a huge success! Since then, we have always been stocked up on bling. It makes the clients’ hearts sing and the registers ring!

Bring in Santa! Offer seasonal pampering services that sound simply divine! Candy Cane Champagne Dream ManiPedi: The candy cane champagne effervescent fizzer soak used for this service is made with soothing sweet almond

oil, vitamin E, coconut and palm oils. These bath soaks smell amazing, and pack a punch of lingering softness. If your retail products are on a celebrity’s list of favorites or featured on a popular television show, be sure to mention that! Clients love to hear about beauty products that celebrities adore and use!

The ever popular gift card At my beauty business, we sell a lot of gift cards, but not just at Christmas; they work for us all year round. We promote them by mentioning them to the client in the treatment room, via email, seasonal postcards, newsletters and at the front desk. However, you should not leave it solely up to the front desk team. Think of the gift cards as “silent seller” elves throughout your facility. Place a sample of one in a unique, beautiful frame that attracts their attention and captures the spa guest’s eye. Spread the gift cards all around your facility, leaving them at the front desk, rest rooms, spa/shower area, meditation rooms and locker rooms. If your spa is part of a resort, feature them at the pool lounge area under a cabana. A simple “Gift Certificates Available” sign at the front desk is so yesterday. Sending gift cards to recipients by mail is a better option. The holidays are a hectic, time crunched season. Ship gift cards to recipients or have a courier service do it. Your clients love that they can buy gift cards, and you can provide the added convenience of delivering them to that special someone’s door for them. Don’t limit your success with your events and gift cards—think outside the box, circle and square. Go social with your holiday happen-

November 2013 • Les Nouvelles Esthétiques & Spa

ing events, gift ideas, gift cards and specials that you may be offering that month. You carry a yummy brand of bath/body care, and there are some amazing fragrant products that seem made for Thanksgiving or the holidays, so put the message out there. If you sell it, flaunt it! Make the reader feel as if they can smell the pumpkin and sugar. Make your offers so irresistible that they simply have to call you! Advertise these offers on Twitter, Pin­ terest, Facebook, Instagram and Yelp— whatever it takes to lure them in and let them know what you offer. Show them what you can do for them! Complimentary gift wrapping, gorgeous bows and mini note cards are a must. Everything does not have to come with a fee. Sometimes it is great to be free! The holidays are a beautiful and magical time! Celebrate the season, and offer your clients whatever they desire. Make your clients’ lives a little easier—and while you are at it, think about giving them an end-of-the-year thank you gift. It can be as simple as a lip balm. Little things can make a big difference. After all, who doesn’t love a gift? Happy selling! n

Noreen Young is a makeup artist and sought-after speaker in the salon/spa beauty industry. She has worked with designer Diane Von Furstenberg, actor Martin Short and many sports professionals and other celebrities. Her experience includes work on Larry King Live and several television networks. Young released a makeup and skin care DVD entitled Diamonds Aren’t a Girl’s Best Friend … Makeup Is! For more information call 904.739.2560. LNEONLINE.com • Page 109

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