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Martin Luther King III Visits LJCDS to Launch Say It Now

“Spread the word. … We are going to be a great generation,” chanted Lower School students, reciting Martin Luther King III during assembly. Students from La Jolla Country Day School, the Preuss School UC San Diego and the Monarch School joined forces to participate in the Say It Now initiative—a movement to inspire 1 million expressions of gratitude.

Walter Green, founder of Say It Now, addressed the audience of “changemakers” and encouraged students to express gratitude for the people who have impacted their lives now, while they are here to appreciate it. “None of us are self-made,” he shared. “We have been shaped by the people who have been important in our lives.”


The gathering was the first live event for Say It Now. From uplifting performances to heartfelt speeches and readings, the assembly was filled with inspiration and gratitude.

In recognition of the 60th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech, Martin Luther King III acknowledged that although racism still persists, there has been progress.

King noted the importance of a strong foundation: “We must build our lives on a strong foundation…so in your life, develop your foundation and always retain a sense of gratitude. … Be grateful to those who are there to assist you and always be willing to share that gratitude.”

Students from Grades 4–12 in the Madrigals, concert choir and Black Student Union sang “Lift Every Voice and Sing,” a powerful anthem of hope and resilience.

Students courageously shared live expressions of gratitude. Jaden Mangini ’24 honored his brother, Chase ’18, who has been a constant source of support and encouragement in his life. Harper Goff ’28 expressed appreciation to her volleyball coach, who has always been in her corner, no matter what.

Mahlia Washington ’26 thanked her grandma: “Granny knows the hard times we’ve both endured, and I would go through it all over again as long as it’s with her. … Granny has always told me that I am capable of so many things. … You’ve shown me who I can become—a strong, intelligent Black young woman full of dreams and aspirations.”

LJCDS students are agents of change, and the assembly promoting gratitude embodies the school’s core value, dignity. “I urge each of you, our future generation, to carry on the virtues and values of Dr. King’s work and his dream to become a more just and inclusive world,” said Colleen O’Boyle, assistant head of school for academic affairs, in her remarks. “This dream begins with your collective work, action and commitment.” —TIFFANY TRUONG


By Asha Patel ’28

I am one who stands up. Stands up for those who can’t.

At least, I try to.

One tiny voice, right?

That’s all I am.

A tiny, worthless voice.

How can I, change a bully’s mind?

How can I, stand up to a bully?

I don’t matter.

I’m nothing.


That’s what the bullies think.

I am smart.

I have a good heart.

I am kind.

I have a strong mind.

I am a rebel.

And well,

I am one who will stand up.