Petsguide Summer/Fall 2013

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A Free Publication of Services & Activities for Pets in OC & Long Beach Metro • • Summer/Fall 2013




Basic Pet Fitness Guidelines PLUS Ways to exercise your dog you never knew existed (Hint: Sheep are involved)

Weight How to maintain it & why it’s important

Pantry Wait till you see Poisons what made the list


Well Being How to keep your pet healthy and living longer


Tons of musthave pet tips and resources


Possible Symptoms of a Pinched Spinal Nerve:

VCA Rossmoor

VCA All Care

(562) 598-8621 Los Alamitos

(714) 963-0909 Fountain Valley

• Head held low • Resists to jump • Uneven gait • Drags toes • Yelps with movement • Difficulty squatting • Straining to lift leg

A Primary Healing Alternative:

• When your pet is of older or young age at a risk for certain medications or anesthesia for diagnostic tests or surgery. • When you have personal financial challenges regarding surgery or diagnostics tests.

“Where experience and compassion for your pet make a difference.” • Basic Obedience • Puppy Socialization • Advanced Training • Problem Solving • In-Home Training

• In-Kennel Training • Pre Puppy Set-Ups • Training with Kids • AKC Good Citizen Training • K-9 Socialization

Now offering full service grooming! Dan Atkinson, Certified Trainer (714) 545-2404 •

tableofcontents Adoption & Rescue �������������������������������5 Animal Communicators ������������������������7 Birds ������������������������������������������������������8 Boarding & Day Care ����������������������������8 Cats �����������������������������������������������������10 Calendar ����������������������������������������������34 Clubs & Social Groups ������������������������12 Dog Sports & Fitness ��������������������������12 Emergency Resources ������������������������12 End-of-Life ������������������������������������������15 Groomers ��������������������������������������������16 Identification & Licensing ������������������18 Insurance ��������������������������������������������36 Nutrition & Health �������������������������������18 Parties �������������������������������������������������19 Pet Assistance ������������������������������������19 Pet Shops & Boutiques �����������������������20 Pet Sitters & Dog Walkers ������������������23 Photography ����������������������������������������24 Poop Removal �������������������������������������24 Products ����������������������������������������������24 Reptiles & Exotics �������������������������������25 Service & Therapy Animals ����������������25 Shelters �����������������������������������������������26 Special Needs �������������������������������������38 Taxi Services ���������������������������������������27 Therapy & Rehabilitation ��������������������27 Trails, Beaches, Recreation & Parks ����� 28 Training Programs ������������������������������30 Veterinary Services ����������������������������32 Volunteering ����������������������������������������36

2 petsguide summer/fall 2013

publisher’snote Resolutions are not just for a new year. Each day we can make a choice to live a healthier lifestyle, eat right and exercise regularly. We’re Southern Californians—that’s what we’re supposed to do. So why don’t we make the same resolution for our pets? It’s time to get on that bandwagon and help our pets live healthier and longer lives. Don’t worry, we’re not talking kale shakes and doga––we’re talking simple, practical steps that will add to their quality of life. MOVE: Pets need exercise––at least 30 minutes a day. The editorial on pages 3-4 offers creative suggestions to get your pets moving, from local hiking paths and dog parks to sheep herding and Kitty Cardio (page 39). Remember, start slow and consult with your vet to make sure your pet is ready. This, BTW, turns out to be great for our fitness too! Two birds, one stone. Yes! BUY A SMALLER BOWL: Over 55 percent of dogs and cats are overweight or obese. These extra pounds translate into health issues that can lead to a shorter life. Page 38 lists ways to tell if your pet is overweight, and offers weight-loss tools if you need them. KEEP IT SIMPLE: We found 10 simple tips that make a big difference in the overall health and wellness of your pets. Chances are you’re doing some of them already, but you’ll want to check page 4 to make sure. (FYI: The other 39 pages in Petsguide are loaded with resources to help you achieve all 10.) Don’t miss our Petsguide Health Challenge on page 40––prizes are involved!




If you would like information on affordable and effective advertising in Petsguide, give us a call at (562) 799-0140. We would be happy to send you our rates. The deadline to advertise in the winter/spring issue is November 15, 2013. Web and Scoop advertising are ongoing.

legal stuff: “Petsguide™ Copyright 2013 Liz Davis. All rights reserved. No portion of this magazine may be used for a derivative work, reproduced or copied – mechanically, electronically, or by any other means, including photocopying – distributed, or displayed without prior written permission of the publisher. The materials herein are provided on an “as is” basis and the publisher of this magazine, KIDSGUIDE, Inc., expressly disclaims all warranties, including without limitation the warranties of currentness, correctness, completeness, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement of intellectual property, and freedom from errors. KIDSGUIDE, Inc. assumes no liability or responsibility for any loss or injury arising out of errors, omissions, uses, or participation as a result of publication of all magazine editions to the fullest extent permitted by law. KIDSGUIDE, Inc. is not in any way recommending or endorsing any program, business, activity, or advertiser listed within this magazine. Names, addresses, fees, descriptions, and services listed in PETSGUIDE are subject to change. We sincerely request that any errors be brought to the publisher’s attention so that they may be corrected in future editions.”

To comment on editorial or program changes, call (562) 799-0140 or email: 10313 Los Alamitos Blvd., Los Alamitos, CA 90720 more info at

Flat Abs Fast! Drop Five by Fall! Cut Those Carbs! There’s no escaping the headlines nudging us to get in shape. And it turns out we aren’t the only ones battling the bulge. Even our pooches have paunches. According to the Association of Pet Obesity Prevention (APOP), a whopping 55 percent of our cats and dogs (80 million pets!) have trotted over to the rotund side, and this extra weight leads to the same mind-and-body maladies it does in humans. But here’s the good news: just like us, diet and exercise do the trick. And we have the skinny on getting your pet moving, feeding him right, and helping him live a long and happy life. Let’s get going.

Fido Fitness According to the ASPCA, the amount of exercise your dog needs depends on his age, size and breed, but the bare minimum is a half-hour daily walk. Check with your vet before you start anything strenuous. Puppies shouldn’t jog or run for sustained periods until their bones are finished growing (around 18 months). Likewise, take it easy on older dogs or larger breeds that are prone to ligament injuries, arthritis and hip dysplasia. Flat-nosed dogs, like pugs, have trouble breathing when they workout hard, so go slow. For all other dogs, the goal is a good pant. Strap on a leash and take your dog inline skating or biking. Play fetch, blow bubbles or try hide and seek.

Dogs were meant to work. Just a few generations back, your pet’s ancestors roamed the Earth scavenging for their next meal. They hunted, herded and protected pioneer families. Now tell the truth. Is your dog sitting next to you with his paw in the Chili Cheese Fritos? Right along with us, our dogs have become couch potatoes. They get their food dropped in a bowl twice a day and rarely do anything more strenuous than snarl at the FedEx man. Lounging all day gives our dogs no outlet for their mental and physical energy. And that’s a problem. Physically, a sedentary pet will gain weight, lose agility and risk health problems that can

Petsguide to

Health&Wellness more info at

By Audrey Eftychiou

Health issues keeping your dog on the couch? Check our “Therapy & Rehabilitation” section on page 27 for a canine chiropractor, homeopathic experts and therapeutic sessions with Kerrilynn DeHart of Surf City Pet Massage and People Too ( Kerrilynn reminds us that massage provides health benefits, including recovery from injury, increased circulation, pain relief, and decreased anxiety. Check for even more fitness ideas and safety tips.

Weight a Minute!

Off the Couch!

shorten their lives. (More on that later.) Mentally, that pent-up angst can show itself as nasty habits. Antsy dogs chew, dig and scratch. They raid the trash, spaz out when guests arrive, bang around the house, and stay up late. They’ll angle for your attention with jumping, barking and whining, and get a little too rough with your kids. And even if you have a big yard, don’t assume your dog is out there running laps. (Picture that elliptical trainer in your bedroom.) More likely, he’s moping by the back door waiting for a glimpse of your loving face. Like Burgess Meredith in “Rocky,” you need to suit up and take your champ out for a spin.


Take him for a swim, or challenge him to soccer with a Boomer Ball ( Check our “Trails, Beaches, Recreation and Parks” section on page 28 for a long list of hiking trails, seaside paths and dog parks where you can let your pooch loose with a pack of playmates. And check with your local recreation department for fun-and-affordable classes. (For something totally new, see “Wacky Workouts.”) Strapped for time? We have a long list of dog walkers on page 23 whose mission is to keep your dog active with neighborhood jaunts or (clean-up free!) beach trips.

The biggest benefit of romping with Rover is that he’ll maintain his trim physique. And that’s important. Pets that are more than 10 to 20 percent overweight are at greater risk for heart and lung problems, hypertension, diabetes, liver disease and some types of cancer, not to mention joint pain, injuries and a decreased life span by 2.5 years. (That’s nearly 18 in people years.) What—and how much—you put in his bowl matters. Just like exercise, your pet’s diet should depend on his age, activity level and breed. Because little guys need more energy to grow, puppy and kitten recipes have more calories. Switch to a grown-up recipe after a year, or your pet will end up with a middle-aged muffin-top. Likewise, a senior pet that’s less active needs fewer calories, and a senior recipe. Both canned and dry varieties are fine, experts say, so the choice is yours. Persnickety pets tend to like canned food, but dry is cheaper and makes for easier cleanup. Pick a label that says “complete and balanced nutrition,” and look for a stamp from the American Association of Feed Control Officials (AAFCO). If your pet’s particularly picky or has allergies or health issues, you can cook up your own food at home. (You’ll want a balance of proteins and carbs—like chicken and rice.) Ask your vet for advice and recipes, or a referral to a pet nutritionist. Just Food For Dogs ( offers premium whole-food deliveries, do-it-yourself kits, health issue-specific options and tons of online resources. Or choose from a wide variety of superpremium, organic, allergen-free and raw pet foods at Animalia and other specialty shops (see page 20). Here’s the important part: Read the package, and then measure. Premium foods have less filler, so serving sizes are smaller. And remember that couch potatoes need about 10 percent less, while sporty types might need up to 40 percent more. Feed your adult pet once or twice a day (your choice!) in the same place at the same time. Once he’s walked away, he’s likely done, so you can toss the leftovers after about 30 minutes. Limit treats to 10 percent or less of your dog’s daily diet (that’s a couple of biscuits a day), and petsguide petsguidesummer/fall summer/fall2013 2013 | 33

beware of table scraps. People food can expand your dog’s waistline and give him a nasty case of hurricane gut, or worse. (See our list of no-no’s to the right.) Stick with the program, and it’ll show! Your pet will have healthy skin and a shiny coat, plenty of energy, normal-looking poops and an enviable figure. Most important, he’ll be right by your side for as long as possible.

Wacky Workouts Sheep Herding

Any dog (yes, even Chihuahuas) can learn to herd livestock during a $35, two-hour class from All Breed Herding Training, in Long Beach, Anaheim and Sun City. Email

Agility Courses

DASH Dog Agility Sport Handlers offer regular practice sessions, workshops and competitions in Orange County and Riverside.

Pantry Poisons Antifreeze, snail pellets, cleaning products. You probably have all of these pet poisons locked up. But did you know these groceries could also make Fido sick? • Avocado • Bread dough with uncooked yeast • Chocolate • Coffee/coffee grounds • Fruit seeds and pits • Garlic (large quantities) • Grapes and raisins • High-fat or greasy foods (turkey skin, bacon fat, etc.)

• Hops & alcoholic drinks • Macadamia nuts • Moldy foods from the trash • Onions, chives or onion powder • Salt and spices in large quantities • Tea/tea bags • Tomatoes • Xylitol (a sugar substitute found in sugarless gum and toothpaste)


Surf City Surf Dog runs an annual surfing competition and festival in Huntington Beach set for September 27-29.

Top 10 Tips for a Long & Healthy Life 1. Spay or Neuter

6. Prevent Heartworm

2. Vaccinate

7. Keep Hydrated

Join a group of enthusiasts and let your dog try scootering, carting, bikejoring, canicross, skijoring, weight-pulling and dogsledding.

Keeping your pets up-to-date on vaccines makes them less vulnerable to disease. Ask your vet for yearly recommendations. See page 20 for low-cost options.

Disc Sports

3. Schedule a Check-Up

8. Groom, Groom, Groom

Pets are good at hiding illnesses and injuries, but with a yearly check-up your veterinarian can detect problems before they become serious, painful and expensive.

Brush your dog frequently to prevent matting and to remove dirt and loose hair. Visit a pro every 4-6 weeks to tidy up his coat, clear his ears, wipe his eyes and clip his toenails.

4. Take Time for Dental Care

9. Be Anal

Fun 4 Fido

Jump Start Dog Sports offers a dog games-and-tricks class, plus K9 nose work, musical freestyle, agility and more.

Urban Mushing

Join D2isc Dogs in Southern California for play days, free clinics, competitions and charity shows.


Coach your dog as he nudges eight balls into a goal in this game of teamwork.


Two teams of dogs run side-by-side, over obstacles to release a flyball and return it to the finish line in this action-packed relay race., www.ocflyball. org,, www. Check our “Dog Sports & Fitness” and “Trails, Beaches, Recreation & Parks” sections for even more ideas.

petsguide summer/fall summer/fall 2013 2013 44 | petsguide

Altering your pet helps prevent cancer, hernias, prostate disease and infections. It also helps stop aggressive behavior and roaming in males.

Bad breath is a sign that plaque has built up on your pet’s teeth and gums. This can cause tooth decay and infection that can spread to the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, bones and joints. Brush regularly and get a yearly check-up.

5. Treat for Fleas

Fleas can infest your house and cause skin disease, anemia, allergies and tapeworms. Pick a remedy specifically for your pet’s size and species.

Spread by mosquitoes, heartworm is hard to treat and sometimes fatal. Most vets recommend a blood test, plus preventative once-a-month tablets. Provide fresh, clean water at all times. Watch for signs of dehydration, including sunken eyes, lethargy, loss of appetite, dry mouth and depression.

Anal glands normally empty when your pet poops, but can become impacted and cause pain, infections and abscesses. A groomer or vet can express them for you.

10. Bring Her with You

On a 78-degree day, the temp inside your car can top 120 degrees, putting your pet at risk of brain damage, heat stroke or death. Leave her safe at home, or bring a leash and take her along on errands.

more info at


adoption & rescue

Purebred German Shepherd Dogs of all ages, colors and sizes seeking loving, forever families. To learn more about adoption event dates and locations and to view available dogs, please visit our website

Agencies that offer rescued pets for adoption and/or referrals for adoption. Many organizations have pictures of available pets on their website. An application process is required prior to adoption. Most animals are spayed/ neutered, vaccinated and microchipped. Most organizations also provide rescue services and volunteer opportunities, such as pet foster homes. Also see: “Shelters.” • Beagles and Buddies (626) 444-9664 B&B’s 15-acre sanctuary is located in the high desert of San Bernardino County, near Victorville. They are open weekdays by appointment, as well as Fridays and Saturdays, 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. with open-house-style adoptions. They like to receive an emailed application in order to familiarize themselves with adopters; since they know their dogs well, they can help with a good match. And, that helps them to decide who to bring to their Sunday mobile adoptions at Petsmart in Monrovia (see “Calendar”). Each of their dogs is microchipped with prepaid registration, spayed/neutered, fully vaccinated, is dewormed, and leaves freshly bathed with leash/collar and all medical records. They’ve been in business over 20 years and have rescued, rehabbed and re-homed 14,000 dogs during that time. B&B will always accept the return of any of their grads—for any reason—for the rest of their lives. • Coastal German Shepherd Rescue (714) 528-4730 Coastal German Shepherd Rescue is a non-profit 501(c)3 public charity dedicated to finding loving homes for abandoned German Shepherds in Southern California. Established in 2004, Coastal rescues dogs from high-kill shelters stretching from Central California to Mexico. Adoptable shepherds and shepherd mixes are available ranging in age from puppies to seniors (visit their website for a list of available shepherds). Foster homes always View our wish list to help our dogs!

needed. Tax-deductible donations welcome. See their “Events” page on their website for upcoming adoptions. See ad on this page. • German Shepherd Rescue of Orange County (714) 974-7762 German Shepherd dogs are legendary for their intelligence, beauty and loyalty. German Shepherd Rescue of Orange County is a non-profit organization that rescues and rehomes purebred German Shepherds that have lost their homes due to unfortunate circumstances. Last year, they found loving homes for almost 400 purebred dogs. Visit their website to donate, adopt, volunteer or surrender a dog. Adoption events are held every weekend at area pet retailers, see website for locations. See ad on this page. • Southern California Bulldog Rescue (714) 612-0265 So Cal Bulldog Rescue specializes in rescuing abandoned and homeless English Bulldogs in the Southern California area. The non-profit rescue focuses on rescuing bulldogs from shelters, taking bulldogs surrendered by owners and saving bulldogs abandoned at vet offices. The rescue network consists of many volunteers who foster, perform home checks, transport, and place bulldogs into homes. They help bulldogs find suitable homes; during the last seven years, more than 1,000 bulldogs have been placed through rescue. So Cal Bulldog Rescue relies entirely on donations and fundraisers for support. Like their Facebook page at

Placing German Shepherds throughout Southern California. See ad on page 6. • The Pet Rescue Center 25800 Jeronimo Road, Ste. 100, Mission Viejo (877) 277-7938 Non-profit adoption center that works with the community, shelters, veterinarians and animal rescue groups to save the lives of dogs and cats at risk of euthanasia due to overpopulation. They provide education, rescue programs, and a no-kill, veterinary-supervised, temporary sanctuary for these pets while working to locate an adopting family. Volunteer opportunities available, apply online at All-Breed Rescue Groups A Home 4 Ever Rescue

(949) 369-2387

Adopt & Shop 353 Lakewood Center Mall, Lakewood, (562) 5312871; and 184 The Shops at Mission Viejo Mall, Mission Viejo, (949) 364-8400. Animal Assistance League of OC (714) 893-4393 Animal Match Rescue Team • Animal Network of Orange County (949) 759-3646 See ad on page 27.

$20 OFF 1 Week of Camp!

Cannot be applied to the last two weeks of camp, single day or 1/2 days.

Adoptable Shepherds from puppies to seniors. Volunteers needed. Foster homes needed. Donations welcome. non-profit 501(c)3 public charity (714) 528-4730 more info at

petsguide summer/fall 2013 5

English Bulldog Rescue Southern California Bulldog Rescue • (714) 612-0265 • non-profit 501(c)3 animal rescue organization • provides medical care and loving homes to abused, abandoned and neglected English bulldogs Make a difference in the life of an amazing bulldog: apply to adopt one • make a donation • volunteer Animals Rule Placement Foundation

Rescue Me Pups

Calif. Labradors, Retrievers & More (858) 273-5386

Barks of Love Animal Rescue

Rover Rescue (310) 379-0154 Spay/neuter vouchers are available for eligible families.

Camp Cocker Rescue

(714) 855-5009

Cuddly Canines Rescue A non-profit rescue dedicated to saving pregnant dogs and unwanted litters under eight-weeks old from area shelters. Dream Animal Rescue

(949) 836-5664

Pet Project Foundation The Ark of San Juan Companion Animal Rescue

(949) 492-1617


Friends of OC’s Homeless Pets (714) 280-4993

Waggin’ Trails Rescue Foundation (714) 328-8661

Fur-Ever Home

Bird Rescues See “Birds” for avian rescues.

(949) 444-9154

Gimme Shelter Pets (714) 916-8884 Also provides free behavioral coaching for pet owners who are thinking of relinquishing their animals. I.C.A.R.E. Dog Rescue

(800) 961-1858

Labs and Friends Rescues lab mixes and other breeds too. www. Love Those Paws (562) 212-8420 Modjeska Ranch Rescue (714) 608-3119 Also rescues farm animals, such as horses and goats. New Beginnings for Animals

(949) 348-8057

No Stray Left Behind Pardon Me Pups and Pals (562) 713-5103 Primarily a dog rescue, occasional cats, birds and small animals are available. 6 petsguide summer/fall 2013

Breed-Specific Rescue Groups Abandoned Terrier Rescue Assoc. (818) 347-1029 Mostly rescues wire-fox terriers. Adopt-A-Saint

(888) 231-8713

Afghan Hound Rescue of Southern California Australian Shepherd Rescue Basset Hound Rescue of So. Cal. (949) 464-9065, Bichon FurKids Rescue Boston Buddies

(310) 364-4543

Greyhound Adoptions CalGAP, (949) 275-0916,; and Fast Friends Greyhound Rescue, (800) 298-5743,

Change of Heart Pit Bull Rescue Dachshund Haven of Garden Grove (714) 638-3773 English Springer Rescue America French Bulldog Rescue Network German Shepherd Safe Haven Great Pyrenees Association of Southern California

(949) 363-5254

(909) 887-8201

Husky Camp/SHRRCA, Labrador Rescuers

(619) 819-0234

Leonberger Rescue

(866) 443-4542

Miniature Schnauzer and Friends Rescue Old English Sheepdog Rescue

(310) 392-3366

Orange County Pit Bull Rescue, Pei People Shar Pei Rescue Pugs ‘n Pals

(949) 262-7843

Retrievers and Friends of Southern California more info at

Shiba Club of So. Cal. and Jindo Project Rescues,

7871, Renee; (818) 621-4880, Bonnie. www.

So. Cal. Bull Terrier Rescue

(818) 594-4177

So. Cal. Dachshund Relief

(714) 961-0114

Orange County Cavy Haven (714) 242-7548 Adoption of rescued Guinea pigs from shelters in Orange County, LA County and the Inland Empire.

So. Cal. Labrador Retriever Rescue (888) 554-ALAB No out-of-pocket fostering expenses. Southland Collie Rescue (949) 858-0298, Orange County; (310) 366-5573, Los Angeles. Southland Sheltie Rescue

(562) 697-9784

Westie Rescues Westie Rescue of California, www.westierescueca. com; and Westie Rescue of OC and Beyond, (714) 960-1083, Westside German Shepherd Rescue (310) 202-7283 Cat Rescues See “Cats” for kitten and cat rescues. Foster Homes for Animals Foster families take in animals that are waiting to find permanent “fur-ever” homes. Most adoption and rescue organizations need foster families and will provide for the needs of the animals, including food and medical care. An application process is usually required. The length of fostering can vary from a few days to several months. For details, inquire at the adoption and rescue organizations listed in this section. If You Lost or Found a Pet or Cannot Take Care of Your Pet See “Emergency Resources.” Multi-Species Rescue The Bunny Bunch (714) 889-9755 Adoption of rescued rabbits, chinchillas, Guinea pigs and other small animals. Free nail trims and grooming as well as educational classes. 15434 Bechler River Ave., Fountain Valley. California Potbellied Pig Assoc.

Rabbit Rescue

Psychic Medium Animal Communicator Reiki Master

(562) 862-8844

Reptile Rescue See “Reptiles and Exotics” for rescues. Shelter Adoption Most shelters offer adoption of unclaimed, healthy animals housed in their facilities. There is usually a small fee; spay/neuter and other veterinary services are often included or discounted. Unless the facility specifies otherwise, animals who are not adopted are euthanized after a set period of time. See “Shelters” for a list of local facilities. Web Resources The following websites offer current listings of adoptable pets available from local facilities: www.,; and www.

animal communicators Individuals using intuitive methods to communicate with pets. • Shari Mosqueira - Psychic Medium, Animal Communicator, Reiki Master (562) 507-0868 Shari was born with a natural gift to talk to spirits that have passed on. Spirits communicate telepathically to Shari. Animals communicate the same way, telepathically. Shari will see what is going on from your living or departed pet’s point of view and look

Shari Mosqueira • (562) 507-0868 for an opportunity to communicate their message. Shari’s goal is to connect pets with their owners so both may have the most enjoyable, abundant experience together. Results are often surprising and offer much comfort to clients. See ad on this page. • Terri Steuben (714) 875-7194 Terri Steuben gives a voice to dogs, cats, horses, birds and other pets through her abilities as an animal communicator. She can give you a better understanding of your pet, and help you solve behavior problems like biting, chewing, jumping, separation anxiety, scratching, sibling disputes and trauma. She assists with puppy education, health issues, comforting passing pets and connecting with deceased pets. Terri also has the gift of medical intuition that allows her to feel where animals are experiencing pain or discomfort in their bodies (see “Therapy and Rehabilitation” for details). Terri’s work with animals includes disaster response and she is regularly called in by the Humane Society of the United States, American Humane Association and other organizations; she works with veterinarians, helps save victimized animals, and performs search and rescue. Give her a call. All Terri needs is a name and she can talk to your pet. Check

(925) 937-9045

Farm Sanctuary’s Animal Acres Honey, I Shrunk the Pigs (714) 985-9954 Helps place pigs and also offers rescued pigs for adoption. Long Beach Shelter Rescue (562) 493-0895 Adoption of rescued rabbits, rodents, hamsters and Guinea pigs from local shelters. Email: rodentlady44@ Meadowbrook Animal Sanctuary & Haven (MASH) MASH is a multi-species rescue. (951) 505more info at

Terri Steuben $20 OFF “Give Your Pets a Voice”

1 Week of Camp! ∞ Animal Communicator ∞ Reiki Master Cannot be applied to the last two ∞ Medical weeks ofIntuitive camp, single day or 1/2 days.

First Book Out Now !

Phone, Skype & In-Home Sessions


petsguide summer/fall 2013 7

Exotic Birds by Fran Boarding • Grooming

Supplies Birds Cages Voted ird B B “ est n OC” i e r Sto tsguide by Pe

(714) 761-0868 9215 Valley View St., Cypress out Terri’s website for information about her how-to book on communication for pet owners. Also see: “Therapy and Rehabilitation.” See ad on page 7.

birds Retail stores offering a variety of birds, supplies, boarding, grooming and training, plus a sanctuary rescue. Also see: “Pet Shops and Boutiques.” • Exotic Birds by Fran 9215 Valley View St., Cypress (714) 761-0868 Voted “Best Bird Store in OC” by Petsguide, Fran helps to educate and encourage her clients to care for and love their feathered family members in the best way they can. Fran prides herself on offering a wide assortment of domestic, hand-raised babies to choose from. Fran is also dedicated to finding suitable homes for older birds that are in need of a new home. Previously-owned birds often adapt easily to a new owner, and are more affordable than a baby bird. In addition to finding a special new pet, at Exotic Birds by Fran you can also schedule a grooming appointment, or make boarding reservations for your feathered friends while you are away. Whether you are looking for the latest tasty treat for your bird, or a new spacious powder-coated cage or play tree, you can find it at Exotic Birds by Fran. While you are there you are likely to meet a cuddly Cockatoo, crazy Caique, or an amazing African Grey. Every visit to Fran’s is likely to bring a different encounter; even if you did just stop by for some food. Fran also offers home grooming appointments and in-home consultations. See ad on this page.

8 petsguide summer/fall 2013

Bird Rescue Lily Sanctuary Rescue and Retreat (714) 442-9474

• Alicia Pet Care Center 25800 Jeronimo Road, Ste. 100, Mission Viejo (949) 768-1313 Bird-Only Clinics Both a full service veterinary hospital as well as Animal and Bird Clinic a new boarding facility. They offer large, comfortof Mission Viejo (949) 768-3651 able, sanitized, and well-maintained accommo24912 Chrisanta Drive, Mission Viejo dations that are outfitted with fresh bedding and 100% pure filtered water at all times; their enclosures are outfitted with safety glass, all of which Bird Clinic (714) 633-2910 helps to minimize your pet’s stress and maximize 200 South Tustin St., Ste. E.,Cannot Orange be applied to the their comfort. Doctor supervision is provided during last two weeks of stay, along with individualized care by the camp, single daythe orentire 1/2 days. skilled and loving staff. Attention is paid to special If You Found an Injured or Deceased Bird dietary and medication needs, including diabetic See “Emergency Resources” under Wildlife Sercare. Grooming services are available, including vices or Animal Control. baths, nail trimming and dental services. Also see “Veterinary Services.” Retail Stores Specializing in Birds BirdStuff (714) 639-6039 • Animal Inns of America 210 South Tustin St., Orange 10852 Garden Grove Blvd., Garden Grove (714) 636-4455, (562) 424-5429 Canary World Exotic Bird Farm (562) 921-8543 Animal Inns provides the ultimate in pet care, includ13250 Rosecrans Ave., Norwalk ing valet pick-up and delivery services via their own pet limousine. Their comfort care packages include canine suites in a variety of sizes with exercise area, Fins ‘N Feathers (562) 929-2157 cat apartments with sunning windows, daily groom14423 Pioneer Blvd., Norwalk ing, snack and playtime. Every pet receives human touch contact at least six times a day. Detailed reMagnolia Bird Farm (714) 527-3387 cords are kept on every guest and a “report card” of 8990 Cerritos Ave., Anaheim daily activities is gone over with the pet owner. Staff veterinarians are available daily, plus a fully equipped animal clinic is just steps away from the facility. Pets Omar’s Exotic Birds may be checked in or picked up 365 days a year, 23507 El Toro Road, Lake Forest (949) 472-3962 including holidays. Animal Inns encourages pet own903 E. Imperial Hwy., Ste. B, Brea (714) 572-8353 ers to visit and make a personal inspection of the facility. Come by for a visit! Family run since 1978. See ad with discount coupon on page 9. Pottsee’s Exotics (562) 804-2220 9929 Artesia Blvd., Bellflower • Back Bay Veterinary Hospital 4263 Birch St., Newport Beach Rainbow Feathers (562) 597-7099 (949) 756-0554 4100 E. Anaheim St., Long Beach Full-service small animal veterinary hospital provides boarding for dogs, cats, birds and rodents. Wild Birds Unlimited (714) 985-4928 Large and spacious facility features an enclosed 17611 Yorba Linda Blvd., Yorba Linda outdoor play yard, large indoor runs, exercise and playtime in the grassy area and plenty of daily attention. High quality pet food is provided. They treat your pets like their own! See ad on page 33.

boarding&daycare Day, overnight and extended boarding and care for dogs, cats and other pets. Other services and discounts may be offered. Always inquire about qualifications, check references and ask for a tour. Advanced reservations from one week up to two months may be required, especially around vacation season and major holidays. Many veterinary clinics and hospitals offer day and overnight boarding for pets; check with your vet for availability. Also see: “Pet Sitters and Dog Walkers.”

• Doggietown USA 7466 Edinger Ave., Huntington Beach (714) 841-3330 An indoor, climate-controlled, cage-free day care and boarding facility. Their canine guests are considered extended family and are treated as such. The staff knows every dog coming through the door and who their guest’s favorite friends are. Clients love giving their dogs the opportunity to take part in a “supervised slumber party” at Doggietown USA: dogs sleep together with other similar sized canine guests on cots in an open environment, and the attentive staff is with the dogs 24/7 to take care of them and keep their sleeping areas clean. All employees are certified in animal first aid and CPR. more info at

Animal Inns


Come In For A Tour


c Comfort Care c Valet Pick-Up c Health Care & Delivery Service. c Convenience Care

Lodging & physical fitness program when your pet stays for 4 days or more.

Animal Inns of America 714-636-4455 c 562-424-5429 10852 Garden Grove Blvd. (freeway close) Doggietown USA is “The Place For Pets To Play and Stay.” See ad with special offer on page 10. • Exotic Birds by Fran 9215 Valley View St., Cypress (714) 761-0868 Voted “Best Bird Store in OC” by Petsguide. Make boarding reservations at Exotic Birds by Fran for your feathered friends while you are away. See “Birds” for complete listing. See ad on page 8. • Katella Animal Clinic 10712 Katella Ave., Anaheim (714) 535-6791 While boarded at the clinic, each dog is given a complimentary exam by the veterinarian; food is provided, dogs are walked two or more times a day, and the facility is clean and sanitized daily. Vet appointments and grooming services can even be scheduled along with boarding stays; vaccinations can be brought up to date if needed, along with administration of a Capstar tablet for flea prevention. Also see “Veterinary Services.” See ad on page 11. • Kind To Canines 20271 Riverside Drive, Newport Beach (714) 545-2404 All dogs who board with Kind to Canines are trained personally by owner Dan Atkinson. The belief that most dogs benefit from a structured schedule of

Wee ! Car

Holidays excluded. One coupon per client with this ad

leash training and off-leash socialization is emphasized, rather than traditional boarding where dogs are not mentally and physically stimulated. Although day care services are not offered, dogs have the option of day training where they come in for the day to train with Dan as well as participate in off-leash socialization with groups of dogs; at the end of the day Dan conducts a private lesson with the owner and assigns “homework.” Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. 5 p.m.; Saturday, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.; closed Sundays. Also see “Groomers” and “Training Programs.” See ad on page 1; coupon on page 37. • My Doggies Daycare and Overnight Boarding 30314 Esperanza, Rancho Santa Margarita (949) 709-4600 Voted the best dog facility in Orange County by the Orange County Register! Large group play environment, with separate air conditioned areas for small and large dogs. Doggie cams allow you to watch your pooch while you’re away. Instead of being left in a room or kennel all day, guests enjoy up to 12 hours of play and exercise. Groomers and trainers are on-site. Visit the website for more information and internet specials. Mention this listing and receive a free first day of day care! See coupon on page 29. • Sanders K9 Inn 112 West Walnut Ave., Fullerton (714) 451-2166 Sanders K9 Inn is the place where friendships are

formed fur-ever. At their 3,500-square-foot facility, they offer day care services and short or long-term boarding. Your best friend will play safely, supervised in a leash-free, cage-free, chain link-free environment while you’re on vacation or at work. A bath, blow dry, nail trimmings and daily brushing to keep your pup feeling clean and invigorated is an optional add-on. Family-owned and operated, they have a passion for pets and understand that their clients bring them a member of their family. Staff is on site 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to ensure the safety and well being of your pet. See ad with discount coupon on this page. • The Lucky Dog Resort 1405 N. Baxter St., Anaheim (714) 635-5762 They offer one of the finest dog boarding and day care accommodations available for both short- and long-term stays. Their staff is caring, loving and are canine educated experts. With over 8,700 square feet, the center is equipped with the highest quality boarding suites, play/exercise and training areas. All dogs are welcome! Dogs can participate in supervised group play, if social with other dogs. For those guests who prefer one-on-one attention or do not qualify for group play, they receive individual play and exercise sessions throughout the day with trained staff members. They are “your dog’s home away from home choice.” Training is also available on site through their training division, Select K9 Academy (see page 32). See ad on page 32.

Leash-Free, Cage-Free • Staffed 24 Hours Family-Owned & Operated • 3,500 sq.ft. Facility New Client Special

50% Off

boarding or daycare rates. Up to 7 days.

112 West Walnut Ave., Fullerton • (714) 451-2166 • more info at

petsguide summer/fall 2013 9

Doggie Daycare & Cage Free Boarding “The Place for Dogs to Play & Stay”

Dogs play in a safe, cage-free, leash-free, playground. Staff is certified in animal CPR & first aid. Facility is staffed 24/7. Boarding dogs enjoy a supervised “slumber party!”

(714) 841-3330 7466 Edinger Ave., Huntington Beach

FREE 1-Day Visit Includes FREE Consultation

New clients only. Not valid with any other offer. Exp. 12/31/13

spcaLA’s Pet Hotel and Grooming Salon (562) 570-3079 Boarding services are offered to spcaLA donors. To become a donor, call (323) 730-5300, Ext. 233 or visit their website. 7700 East Spring St., in El Dorado Park, Long Beach. Full-service and DIY grooming also available. The Bone Adventure Home, 1629 Superior Ave., Costa Mesa, (949) 6502692; and Backyard, 2700 Bristol St., Costa Mesa, (714) 604-1414. The Pet Set 3960 Cherry Ave., Long Beach

(562) 595-5889

The Vet’s House (714) 964-9304 They specialize in medically fragile pets, plus hospice care. 20332 Riverside Drive, Newport Beach

• Yorba Regional Animal Hospital and Pet Resort 8290 East Crystal Drive, Anaheim (714) 921-8700 Boarding for your dogs and cats with a doctor on duty 24-hours every day. Special needs boarding also offered. You will pick-up a happy pet with a “report card” of his or her stay. Luxury suites with webcams available. Now offering a resort menu for that added touch. Doggy Daycare offered. Voted Orange County Register’s 2009 “Best of OC for Boarding and Grooming,” and 2010 “One of the Best of OC for Boarding/Daycare and Hospitals.” For additional services, see ad on the back inside cover; see coupon on page 27.

Camp Bow Wow 1431 N. Daly St., Anaheim (714) 533-2267 220 Calle Pintoresco, San Clem. (949) 218-7387

• Your Animals Best Friend (714) 898-5800 Doggie Sleepovers in a caring home environment or at Your Animal’s Best Friend Dog House––no crates, no cages––your dog is free to roam and play. All dogs must be social and up-to-date on all vaccinations. Doggie Day Care and Doggie Socialization groups are available. For a complete description of services, see ad on page 23.

Dogvacay Find hosts for boarding and other pet sitting and walking services.


Joyful Paws Pet Hotel and Day Care (562) 435-7297 1701 Fashion Ave., Long Beach

Feline adoption, rescue, associations, boarding and veterinary clinics. Also see your area of interest as services and products for cats are listed throughout Petsguide.

More Boarding and Day Care A Small World Doggie Day Care and Boarding (949) 713-3291 29821 Aventura, Ste. A, Rancho Santa Margarita

Mrs. Petlove’s Bed and Breakfast (714) 871-3000 951 West Bastanchury Road, Fullerton

Bark! Bark! Daycare & Grooming 325 Atlantic Ave., Long Beach (562) 437-3655 2655 St. Louis Ave., Signal Hill (562) 427-3655 Bellflower Pet Hospital and Hotel (562) 925-5300 10326 Artesia Blvd., Bellflower BZY Feet Kennel (714) 545-9116 20321 Riverside Drive, Newport Beach

Coastal Kennels (949) 494-0142 20592 Laguna Canyon Road, Laguna Beach Crossroads Country Club Pet Resort (800) 823-4283 10832 Knott Ave., Stanton Dog Day Afternoon (714) 840-5263 5391 Old Pirate Drive, Huntington Beach

Mar Mel Inn (562) 439-2993 1374 Gladys Ave., Long Beach.

Park-A-Pet (949) 582-0660 27622 Camino Capistrano, Ste. A, Laguna Niguel Petopia Pet Resort 2417 N. Batavia St., Orange

(714) 637-1986

Pet Suites (949) 425-0700 19 Journey, Aliso Viejo. Social Lounge Day Care (949) 448-0303 Small dogs only. 27101 Aliso Creek Road, Ste. 130, Aliso Viejo. Sunrun Kennels (714) 641-3193 20322 Riverside Drive, Newport Beach

10 petsguide summer/fall 2013

Vinjon’s Kennel 17651 Imperial Hwy., Yorba Linda (714) 528-8734 3890 Walnut Ave., Chino (909) 627-2212 Wags and Wiggles 23171 Arroyo Vista, RSM (949) 635-9655 14402 Chambers Road, Tustin (714) 368-7077

• At Home Cat Care, Inc. (949) 857-CATS At Home Cat Care has been providing professional cat care in your home since 1993. Your cats can be visited once, twice or three times daily while you are away on vacation, business excursions or weekend getaways. Cats are fed, given fresh water, the litter is scooped and, if required, medications, insulin shots and subcutaneous fluids are administered. Her years of experience have taught her many easy ways to give pills to cats and yet still remain friends with them. The cats are played with so they get exercise and are given hugs and cuddles when they allow it. Massage and Reiki are available for an additional charge. The goal of At Home Cat Care is the loving comfort of your cats while you are away, so that you can have peace of mind and enjoy your trip. See ad on page 12. • Katella Animal Clinic 10712 Katella Ave., Anaheim (714) 535-6791 Provides full service and emergency services for cats. They also offer grooming and hair cuts, even more info at

for difficult-to-groom cats. Mention “Petsguide” for $5 off: cat boarding and Heartworm testing. See “Veterinary Services” for complete listing, and ad on this page with discount coupons. • Yorba Regional Animal Hospital and Pet Resort 8290 East Crystal Drive, Anaheim (714) 921-8700 Full service procedures and care offered for cats. Also, cats are boarded in a separate room, to keep them in a quiet, dog-free environment. Specialized treatment includes acupuncture and a board certified surgeon when needed. See ad on back inside cover; coupon on page 27. Cat Rescues A Cat’s Tale (424) 218-6622 Periodic low-cost spay/neuter programs available. Blue Bell Foundation for Cats (949) 494-1586 Appointments required. Volunteer opportunities available. 20982 Laguna Canyon Road, Laguna Beach. Email: www. Caring Friends Cat Rescue Adoption events every Saturday, noon - 5 p.m., at two locations: Petsmart, 7631 Carson Blvd., Long Beach and Petsmart, 2741 El Camino Real, Tustin. Cat Paws The Helen Sanders Cat Protection and Welfare Society. Cats In Need of Human Care Kitty Bungalow Charm school for wayward cats. Street-cat rescue. Long Beach Felines

(562) 453-7377

MeoowzResQ (714) 997-0868 Adoption fairs held on weekends. Visit website for various OC locations. National Cat Protection Society (949) 650-1232 Adoptees receive a certificate for a free veterinary exam. Retirement center also offered. Open Tuesday - Saturday, noon - 4:30 p.m. 6904 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. OC Small Paws

(714) 815-4300

Cat-Only Boarding Also see “Boarding and Day Care” for facilities that offer cat boarding. Cats Luv Us Boarding Hotel (949) 582-1732 27601 Forbes Road, Ste. 25, Laguna Niguel more info at

Katella Animal Clinic 10712 Katella Ave., Anaheim, CA 92804 (714) 535-6791 • Established 1950

Providing surgical and medical veterinary care for your dogs, cats, exotics, birds, and reptiles. Specializing in orthopedics, declaw, neuter, spay, and all surgical needs. Grooming & boarding also available • Thursday Vaccine Clinics • Call for details


Vet Exam for first-time clients

15% OFF

$5 OFF

Spay & Neuter Dogs or Cats

First-time clients only

• FREE Microchip with Puppy & Kitten Programs Open Monday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.



Dental Exam with $60 off blood screen. Low-cost Dental Care. One discount per visit

Saturdays, 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

We See EMERGENCIES and WALK-INS during business hours. petsguide summer/fall 2013 11

At Home Cat Care, Inc.

in the interest area and enter your zip code. www.


American Kennel Club (AKC) - A directory of dog clubs based on the type of training, services and competition.

Peace of Mind Expert Care Bonded Insured Licensed Cat-Only Clinics All About Cats Health and Wellness Center (714) 692-8CAT (8228) 23661 La Palma Ave., Yorba Linda The Cat Care Clinic 2638 N. Tustin Ave., Orange

(714) 282-2287

Cat Clinic of Orange County 1680 Tustin Ave., Costa Mesa

(949) 631-1454

T.H.E. Cat Hospital 3069 Edinger Ave., Tustin

(949) 733-2287

clubs& social groups Pet-related social networking, activities and clubs. Desperate Paws of OC Dog Club Planned social activities and meet-ups designed to get pet parents and their pets out of the house. Dog Scouts of America A national organization that promotes responsible dog ownership, the important role of the human/canine bond and challenges people and dogs to learn how to better serve each other. The dog is the Scout and earns badges, the handler can be an adult or child. Junior programs and information on starting your own troop are available. Meetups - Find meetup groups in your area or create one of your own. Type the breed or species

12 petsguide summer/fall 2013

Online Communities and Social Networks (dating community for pets and pet lovers),,,,, an online community to get information, answers to questions, and research a pet’s move,, www., like YouTube, but for pets only, and www., uses your social network to coordinate pet sitting services from friends and professionals.

dog sports &fitness

clinics throughout the year where members and prospective members can exchange training ideas. They also plan several competitions and a variety of shows throughout the year for dog-related charities, humane societies, sporting events and schools. Clinic dates, event schedules and contact information are available on their website. Flyball The following organizations offer flyball, a relay race/agility-based team sport for dogs. For more information, visit the North American Flyball Association at Orange Crush Flyball Club “The heart of flyball in Orange County.” The website provides local listings of tournaments, practices, classes and information about the sport. The Woof Gang Flyball Team Local classes for the novice and expert. Practice times and tournament calendar available. www.

Dog sport classes and clinics, including agility, herding, frisbee, flyball and urban mushing, plus information on referrals and competitions. Also see: “Trails, Beaches, Recreation and Parks.”

Jump Start Dog Sports 4691 Valley View, Yorba Linda (714) 985-1555 Classes include recreational and competition agility, Frisbee, obedience, rally, conformation, musical freestyle, K9 nose work, flyball and treibball.

All Breed Herding Training Classes are available year round to teach all breeds of dogs how to herd sheep. Jerome Stewart has been teaching herding classes since 1988, and currently teaches three classes per week in Long Beach, Anaheim and Sun City. Each class is two hours for $35; preregistration is not required. No previous experience necessary. Email:

Urban Mushing Home of the Southern California Working Snow Dogs, a group of humans and their canine companions indulge in different dog-powered activities. A variety of “mushing” type activities are included, such as dog scootering, carting, bikejoring, canicross, skijoring, weight-pulling and dogsledding. Clinics and meetings offered throughout Southern California. Monthly newbie classes now available.

American Treibball Association (303) 718-7705 Treibball is a reward-based communication game to build a stronger bond between dog and handler which uses a combination of classic obedience and herding cues. The game consists of the dog working off-leash and obeying the handler’s cues, using his nose or shoulders to “herd” eight balls into a goal within 10 minutes. It takes thinking, communication and coordination of the team to get the driving done, and all those balls in the goal. Find local trainers, rules about the sport and more on their website. DASH Dog Agility Sport Handlers Regular practice sessions, mentoring program, workshops and seminars, lending library, and annual AKC and CPE competitions. Disc Dogs in Southern California D2ISC organizes a series of informal play days and

emergency resources Emergency services and resources for all animals. Also see: “Adoption and Rescue,” “End-of-Life,” “Shelters” and “Veterinary Services.” What is an emergency? Here are a few “need-to-go-to-the-emergencyroom-now” signs: 1) Difficulty, abnormal or no breathing. 2) Loss of consciousness or collapse. 3) Shock: weak, rapid pulse, pale gums, cool limbs, low body temperature. 4) Bloat: drooling, swollen abdomen, extreme anxiety, pacing, attempt to vomit or defecate unsuccessfully. 5) Any burns or gaping wounds. 6) Seizures. 7) Profuse, repeated vomiting or diarrhea. 8) Depression, lethargy, weakness, running/bumpmore info at

D Robert Woods, DVM, CVA General Veterinary Medicine Acupuncture Chinese Herbs Low Level Laser Therapy Pulsed EMF Therapy

Homeopathy Homotoxicology Prolotherapy Nutraceutical Therapy Flower Essence

(714) 539-0755

11561 Salinaz Ave., Garden Grove

ing into things. 9) Near-drowning. 10) Electric shock. Whenever possible, call ahead before transporting, so the emergency clinic can be prepared. • Animal Ambulance (866) 473-8911 Animal emergency services are provided 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, with eight fully equipped units. Services include emergency care, such as oxygen, suction, intubation and IV treatment; emergency, inter-hospital and long-distance transports; in-home euthanasia; body removal; and cremation services. Ambulance stations in Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino and San Diego counties. All staff are registered veterinarian techni-

cians, and emergency medical technicians trained in animal first aid and CPR. The company is operated under a veterinarian license. See handy coupon you can cut out and put by your phone in case of emergency, on page 39. See ad on this page. After-Hours Veterinarians Many veterinarian offices are open after 6 p.m. and on weekends. Find vets in your area by searching online (veterinary offices open after 6 plus your city). Keeping a list of these offices on hand could save you the expense of a trip to the emergency room. Animal Control The following organizations provide emergency animal control services for the cities indicated.



Services include rescuing stray, trapped, injured, abandoned, deceased or wild animals; and investigating animal cruelty, animal bites and noise complaints. Most animal control services are provided by your city’s shelter or a branch of a local police department; the number listed may be a police dispatch. For non-emergency services and local and regional shelter information, see “Shelters.” Costa Mesa City Animal Control (714) 754-5311 Costa Mesa only. If an animal’s life is in danger, call (714) 754-5674. Irvine Animal Services (949) 724-7092 Irvine only.

Animal Ambulance, Inc. 24 Hr. Emergency Pet Ambulance • 24 Hr. Emergency Pet Ambulance • Hospital Transfers with Oxygen • Home Euthanasia / Body Removals

• Long Distance Transportation • Air Ambulance / Charter Flights • Cremation Services

Toll Free 1-866-473-8911 • more info at

petsguide summer/fall 2013 13

Keep This in Your Wallet

Open all night, weekends & holidays. Accidents • Injuries • Illness

Huntington Beach Norwalk (714) 794-6900 (562) 863-2522 LA County Downey Animal Shelter (562) 940-6898 Serves Artesia, Cerritos, Hawaiian Gardens, La Habra Heights, La Mirada and Whittier. www. La Habra Animal Control La Habra only.

(562) 905-9771

Animal Poison Control Center (ASPCA) (888) 426-4435 A 24-hour hotline for any animal poison-related emergency. A $65 consultation fee may be applied.

• Orange County Veterinary Specialists (949) 654-8950 24-hour emergency services. 3021 Edinger Ave., Tustin. For a full listing see page 33; ad on the back outside cover.

Deceased Animal Pickup/Removal Orange County Animal Care Services, (714) 9356848; and LA County Department of Animal Care and Control, (562) 940-6898.

So. Cal. Veterinary Specialty Hospital (949) 833-9020 24-hour emergency care. 1371 Reynolds Ave., Irvine.

Dog Fighting Hotline (877) NO2FITE (662-3483) A 24-hour tip line for Los Angeles residents to report any information about dog fighting rings, an upcoming dog fight or individuals involved in dog fighting. Tipsters can remain anonymous and still collect up to $5,000 if the information leads to arrest or convictions. Please note, if there is a dog fight in progress, call 911.

• VCA All Care Animal Referral Center (714) 963-0909 24-hour emergency and specially referral center located in Fountain Valley. Multiple veterinary specialties are under one roof––from sophisticated surgery to cutting-edge MRI and CT services, seven days a week. Highly trained veterinarians work in partnership with primary-care veterinarians to provide advanced care and rehabilitation for family pets. Thorough communication with you and your family veterinarian is one of their core values. Services include: emergency and critical care, internal medicine, surgery, neurology, dentistry, oncology (cancer care), radiology (diagnostic imaging), physical rehabilitation (with hydrotherapy), acupuncture, chiropractic care and pain management. 18440 Amistad St., Fountain Valley. See ad on page 11.

Emergency Animal Hospitals When possible, notify staff of your situation prior to arrival. For information on non-emergency and specialty care, see “Veterinary Services.”

Long Beach Animal Care Services (562) 570-7387 Also serves Cerritos, Los Alamitos, Seal Beach and Signal Hill.

Animal Emergency Referral Center (310) 325-3000 24-hour emergency services. 3511 PCH, Ste. A, Torrance.

Mission Viejo Animal Services (949) 470-3045 Mission Viejo, Laguna Niguel and Aliso Viejo.

Animal Urgent Care of South OC (949) 364-6228 Emergency and urgent care, Monday - Friday, 6 p.m. - 8 a.m.; Saturday, noon - Monday, 8 a.m. Open 24 hours on holidays. 28085 Hillcrest, Mission Viejo.

Newport Beach Animal Control (949) 644-3717 Newport Beach only. OC Animal Care (714) 935-6848 Anaheim, Anaheim Hills, Brea, Capistrano Beach, Coto de Caza, Cypress, Dove Canyon, El Modena, Foothill Ranch, Fountain Valley, Fullerton, Garden Grove, Huntington Beach, Laguna Hills, Lake Forest, Las Flores, Midway City, Orange, Orange Park Acres, Placentia, Portola Hills, Rancho Santa Margarita, Rossmoor, San Juan Capistrano, Silverado, Stanton, Sunset Beach, Surfside, Trabuco Canyon, Tustin, Tustin Foothills, Villa Park and Yorba Linda. San Clemente-Dana Point Animal Shelter (949) 492-1617 Dana Point, Monarch Beach, San Clemente and Talega. Santa Ana Animal Control Santa Ana only.

(714) 245-8792

Southeast Area Animal Control (562) 803-3301 Bell Gardens, Bellflower, Buena Park, Downey, La Palma, Lakewood, Montebello, Norwalk, Paramount, Pico Rivera, South El Monte, South Gate, Santa Fe Springs and Vernon. Westminster Animal Control Westminster only.

14 petsguide summer/fall 2013

(714) 548-3201

Central Orange County Emergency Animal Hospital (949) 261-7979 Monday - Thursday, 6 p.m. - 8 a.m.; Friday, 6 p.m. - Monday, 8 a.m. 24-hours on all holidays. 3720 Campus Drive, Ste. D, Newport Beach. • Crossroads Animal Emergency Huntington Beach (714) 794-6900 Norwalk (562) 863-2522 Emergency and urgent care for your pet—all night, all weekend and every major holiday. Monday Thursday, 6 p.m. - 8 a.m.; Friday, 6 p.m. - Monday, 8 a.m.; and 24 hours on weekends and major holidays. Two locations: 18364 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach; and 11057 Rosecrans Ave., Norwalk. Also see “Veterinary Services.” See ad on this page.

VCA Lakewood Animal Hospital (562) 926-3600 24-hour emergency care. 10701 South St., Cerritos. • Yorba Regional Animal Hospital (714) 921-8700 This state-of-the-art facility is fully staffed with a veterinarian on duty 24-hours a day, every day. Offers emergency surgery, digital radiography, ultrasonography, endoscopy, fluid therapy, oxygen support, onsite blood work and laboratory testing plus 24-hour monitoring. If your pet’s primary care veterinarian’s office is closed, the experienced emergency team at Yorba Regional will provide treatment, then follow-up with your pet’s veterinarian and fax all records and lab results. 8290 East Crystal Drive, Anaheim. www. For additional services, see ad on the back inside cover; see coupon on page 27.

Long Beach Animal Emergency (562) 735-5200 Open Monday - Thursday, 6 p.m. - 8 a.m., Friday, 6 p.m. - Monday, 8 a.m., and 24 hours on holidays. 4720 E. PCH, Long Beach.

If You Cannot Care For Your Pet Most shelters will accept pets brought to the shelter by owners who can no longer care for their pet, provided the owner lives within the region served by the shelter; fees may apply. The standard holding period for stray animals to be reclaimed does not apply to owner-surrendered pets, who may not be held long enough to be adopted prior to euthanization. Some non-euthanizing rescue operations will accept owner-surrendered pets, allowing the pets to be adopted. For details and contact information, see “Adoption and Rescue, “ “Pet Assistance” and “Shelters.”

Orange County Emergency Pet Clinic Garden Grove (714) 537-3032 La Habra (714) 441-2925, (562) 690-2925 Open nights, weekends and 24 hours on most holidays: Monday - Friday, 6 p.m. - 8 a.m.; Saturday, noon - Monday, 8 a.m. Locations: 12750 Garden Grove Blvd., Garden Grove; and 1474 S. Harbor Blvd., La Habra.

Lost and Found Pets If you have lost your pet: 1) Call your local animal control office (see “Animal Control”) for recent activity in your area, including pick-ups and found pet reports. 2) Search www., a service of the Humane Society, for listings and pictures of animals brought into shelters, updated hourly. If you have not found your more info at

pet after searching, register your pet as lost to receive an email when a matching animal is listed by a shelter or registered as found on the site. 3) Personally visit all local and regional shelters in your area to look for your pet; neighboring cities often contract with different shelters. Visit as often as possible as animals are brought in continuously. If the shelter policy allows, leave your contact information with a recent photo of your pet; shelter staff cannot always provide notification, but most will provide as much assistance as possible. See “Shelters” for contact and location information. 5) Visit or, “Amber Alerts” for lost or stolen pets; fees apply. If you have found an animal without tags: 1) Register the pet as found at; matching descriptions will be emailed to owners who have registered lost pets. 2) Check “Shelters” for a shelter that will accept animals found in your city; if possible, take the animal to a no-kill shelter. At the shelter, the animal will be scanned for microchip ID and logged. Stray animals are generally held for a owner-reclaimation period prior to being available for adoption; unless it is a no-kill shelter, the animal may be euthanized if the animal is not claimed or adopted. 3) Call your local animal control office to report the animal as found. If necessary, they will transport the animal to the local shelter. 4) For additional no-kill options, contact the appropriate rescue organization (see “Adoption and Rescue”). SoCal Animal Response Team (SCART) (714) 349-1047 SCART provides temporary animal sheltering in a disaster, and can support rescue efforts after a disaster. Also offers classes in Animal Disaster Preparedness and Sheltering in a Disaster, plus animal first aid and CPR. For a detailed checklist for creating an emergency disaster supply kit for any pet, visit their website under “News & Information.” Wildlife Services Critter Catchers (949) 497-5046 Offers humane solutions to problematic wildlife such as bat exclusion, ducks in swimming pools or raccoons in attics; also removes deceased wildlife and repairs damage that wildlife may have caused, such as holes in roofs or fences. Operating hours: Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Email: Critter Control (800) CRITTER, (858) 271-1112 Provides animal control, animal removal and animal prevention services to homeowners, businesses and municipalities. Serves Orange County and San Diego. International Bird Rescue Center (310) 514-2573 Rescues aquatic birds caught in oil or emergency situations. Find tips on their website, such as what to do if you found an injured bird. 3601 S. Gaffey St., Box 3, San Pedro. Long Beach Animal Hospital (562) 434-9966 Assistance for found injured wildlife in Long Beach. 3816 E. Anaheim St., Long Beach. more info at

Opossum Society of the U.S. (714) 536-3538 For orphaned and/or injured opossums, call or visit the website for information. In emergency situations, call Animal Control (see listing in this section). Pacific Marine Mammal Center (949) 494-3050 The center rescues and rehabilitates ill or injured marine mammals from Orange County beaches. Volunteer opportunities available. 20612 Laguna Canyon Road, Laguna Beach. Songbird Education Center (714) 964-0666 Assistance and resource for orphaned or injured songbirds. The OC Wildlife Foundation (714) 899-1100 Part of Westminster Veterinary Group, they assist found injured wildlife. 6621 Westminster Blvd., Westminster. Wetlands and Wildlife Care Center (714) 374-5587 The center provides assistance for emergency situations involving ill or injured wildlife. 21900 Pacific Coast Highway, Huntington Beach.

end-of-life Cremation, burial, hospice and euthanasia services, plus pet loss and bereavement support groups and counseling. Also see: “Emergency Resources,” “Pet Assistance” and Mobile Vets listed under “Veterinary Services.” • Animal Ambulance (866) 473-8911 In-home euthanasia, body removal and cremation services. Their goal in providing these services is to make the transition easier for both your pet and your family. By providing this service at home, they can create a sense of comfort, because pets, like us, are most comfortable at home. Being able to pass at home with all the love and support that a family provides can make passing so much easier. Also see “Emergency Resources.” See ad on page 13; coupon on page 39. • Compassionate Hearts Services (949) 616-4445 “Touching One Heart at a Time.” Licensed psychotherapist and board-certified chaplain offer a free pet loss bereavement group, Monday evenings, Orange County. Individual therapy and pet memorial services also available. Specializes in children’s grief. See ad on this page. • Dr. Robert E. Woods, DVM, CVA 11561 Salinaz Ave., Garden Grove (714) 539-0755 It is important to Dr. Woods that each patient has a chance to a dignified progression of life. Wheth-



Andrea Keith, LMFT 4199 Campus Drive #550 Irvine, CA 92612

(949) 650-2442

er it be a consultation for a wheelchair fitting or rental, electro acupuncture, pain management, or having to help a client make a challenging decision, Dr. Woods will be there to offer comfort and support. Saying goodbye to your beloved pet can be easier in the comfort of your own home. Often, it is soothing for them to be surrounded by the family they love in a familiar environment. Dr. Woods offers house calls to his patients for a variety of reasons to keep them comfortable and stress-free. See ad on page 13. • Pet Loss Counseling and Support Groups of Orange County (949) 650-2442 Pet Loss Counseling and Support Groups provide therapeutic and compassionate support to assist you when saying goodbye to the pet you love. Facilitated by Andrea Keith, LMFT, support groups meet at 12:30 p.m., typically on the first and third Saturdays each month. 4199 Campus Drive, #550, Irvine, 92612. No reservations required for support group. Individual, couples and family counseling sessions are also available, by appointment only. See ad on this page.

Pet Memorial Services Pet Bereavement Therapy Support Groups Adults and Children

949/616-4445 petsguide summer/fall 2013 15

Julie Clemens, MSW (562) 708-2315 Certified pet loss counselor. Bi-monthly group meetings at Seal Beach Animal Care Center. Also offers individual Saturday sessions by appointment. Email:

• Celebrity Paw Spa, Pet Spa Mobile Grooming & School 145 W. Whiting Ave., Fullerton (714) 447-0141 Celebrity Paw Spa is a luxury pet spa offering instore grooming, a pet boutique, plus mobile grooming services. Mobile services are offered in the Brea, Buena Park, Fullerton, La Habra Heights, Orange, Placentia, Anaheim and Yorba Linda areas. The pet spa, formerly Lisha’s Grooming Salon, is professionally run since 1985. All groomers are pet first-aid and CPR certified. Gift cards and a rewards program are available. A state-certified grooming school is also offered; see O.C. Academy of Pet Styling listed in this section. See ad on page 17.


• Exotic Birds by Fran 9215 Valley View St., Cypress (714) 761-0868 Voted “Best Bird Store in OC” by Petsguide. Exotic Birds by Fran offers professional grooming. See “Birds” for complete listing. See ad on page 8.

Linda’s K-9 Kastle Dog Grooming & Bathing Pet Supplies • Frontline & Advantage too! 8229 Commonwealth Ave. Buena Park Hospice and Home Euthanasia When a pet is fighting a terminal disease or in the advanced stages of cancer, kidney failure or neurological disorders, there may come a point where the cost of treatment can become more than its benefit. Pet owners have the option of stopping aggressive treatment and letting their pets end their life comfortably in the surroundings of their own home through hospice care. There may also come a time when pet owners need to make the decision of euthanasia. Businesses listed in this section offer counseling concerning hospice care and euthanasia. Consultation is required before hospice care is started. Also see Mobile Vets listed under “Veterinary Services.” Pet Cemeteries Pet Haven Cemetery and Crematory (310) 532-2477 18300 South Figueroa St., Gardena Sea Breeze Pet Cemetery (714) 962-7111 19542 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach More Pet Loss Counseling and Support Groups ASPCA Grief Counseling (877) GRIEF-10 Contact Dr. Stephanie LaFarge at the 24-hour hotline or through email. Callers are recommended to leave a message if they don’t get through the first time. Dr. Monica Diedrich (714) 772-2207 Offers counseling, plus workshops and classes. PetLoss Partners Providing emotional support for individuals, groups, couples and families who are experiencing or anticipating the loss of a beloved pet. Ellie Freedman, Orange County, (949) 315-5616; and Sandra Grossman, LA County, (818) 421-1516.

(714) 521-2280

Traditional grooming services and instruction, plus DIY and mobile groomers. DIY groomers typically offer supplies including aprons, nail-trimming implements, earcleaning tools, flea control, anti-shedding treatments, dryers, brushes, combs and various shampoos and conditioners; additional fees may apply. Mobile groomers travel to your home or business for all of your pet’s grooming needs. • Animalia 16389 Bolsa Chica St., Huntington Beach (714) 377-7630 Self-service baths come in three levels ranging from basic to luxury. All baths include shampoo and conditioner, blueberry facials, ear-cleaning pads, brushes, Furminator, towels and aprons–– all you have to do is bring the dog! Bathers have a choice of shampoos: oatmeal, tearless, flea control and no-chemical for sensitive skin. The luxury-level baths also include top-of-the-line products, plus toothpaste and toothbrush and cologne. All bath stations are completely disinfected from top to bottom after every wash. Animalia is only minutes from dog beach, making it the perfect destination before heading home. Bathing hours: Monday - Saturday, 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.; and Sunday, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Ask about their frequent-bather program and virtual coupon for self-service wash. See ad on page 21; coupon on page 39.

Surf City Pet Massage and People too!

Kerri-Lynn DeHart L.M.T., C.C.M.T. NCTMB Certified/IAAMB Member ABMP Member

(714) 837-7311 16 petsguide summer/fall 2013

• Katella Animal Clinic 10712 Katella Ave., Anaheim (714) 535-6791 Grooming services include breed clip, hand drying and professional styling. Appointments can be scheduled along with veterinary or boarding visits, or independently. A Capstar tablet for flea prevention can be administered if necessary. Also see “Veterinary Services.” For $5 off grooming services, see ad on page 11. • Kind To Canines 20271 Riverside Drive, Newport Beach (714) 545-2404 Let your dog be pampered while being groomed, and have a day of play at Kind to Canines, where all dogs socialize together rather than being stuck in a crate all day. They specialize in products that are primarily green and eco-friendly. Also see “Boarding and Day Care” and “Training Programs.” See ad on page 1; coupon on page 37. • LaunderPet Belmont Heights 3429 E. Broadway, Long Beach (562) 433-3605 Seal Beach 318 Main St., Seal Beach (562) 430-7196 Bixby Knolls 4102 Orange Ave., #113, Long Bch (562) 427-2551 Full-service grooming, food and supplies are offered at all three LaunderPet locations. Their grooming staff provides gentle and expert care and pampering for your best friend(s). Check out their great reviews on Yelp! Call them today for an appointment and let one of their talented groomers spoil your pet. Walkins are welcome as space and time permit. Selfservice dog and cat wash is available at the Belmont Heights and Bixby Knolls locations, for just $12. Their self-service wash has professional grooming tubs and tables; you make the mess and they clean it more info at

up! Provided supplies include towels, ear cleaner, brushes and a forced air dryer. You can bring your own shampoo, and other products and services are available for an additional fee: shampoos, conditioners, nail trimming, ear cleaning and gland expulsion. Food and supplies are available for purchase at all three locations, and they also offer pick-up and delivery—call for details. Call or visit the website for each location’s hours, and a discount coupon. Also see “Pet Shops and Boutiques.” See ad on this page and coupon on page 28. • Linda’s K-9 Kastle 8229 Commonwealth Ave., Buena Park (714) 521-2280 Offers full service grooming for your dog by a friendly, caring and experienced staff. Services can include wash, cut and style, nail trimming, ear cleaning, flea treatments and more. They offer Frontline and Advantage in a single dosage if your dog is in need of one. See ad on page 16. • My Doggies Grooming 30314 Esperanza, Rancho Santa Margarita (949) 709-4600 Caring, gentle and experienced dog groomers offer breedcuts, puppy cuts, shavedowns, bath and brushout, dematting, skin care, furminator treatments, and nail and ear care. Your dog or cat never has to go in a kennel and most grooms are completed in two hours or less. Your pup will receive expert care and handling; their goal is to ensure a stress-free grooming experience. Mention this listing and receive $5 off your first groom! • O.C. Academy of Pet Styling Grooming School 145 W. Whiting Ave., Fullerton (714) 883-3440 Learn a rewarding career in pet styling. O.C. Academy offers a state-certified grooming school. Lindell and the instructors are trained in the “Golden Paw Method” which is a step-by-step method designed and refined over a 35-year period. Students of all ages can master all of the basic grooming skills with an emphasis on fine finishing. Tool usage and maintenance, safety, cleaning and sanitation, prepping, bathing, blow drying, styling and speed techniques are covered in depth. Accelerated course with limited class size. Call today for a tour! See ad on this page. • Pussy & Pooch Pethouse and Pawbar ® 4818 E. 2nd St., Long Beach (562) 434-7700 222 East Broadway, Long Beach (562) 624-1199 A modern pet bathing and grooming area is located within P&P, which is designed for comfort, convenience, and a pleasant spa-like experience. The grooming facility is outfitted with professional grade equipment, featuring full-sized bathing tubs and premium, natural spa products. Walk-in clients are first-come, first-served; appointments recommended. Reduce your “pet carbon paw print” with their many biodegradable and green pet care and grooming products. Experience the difference and treat your pet with a trip to the Bathhouse! Also see “Pet Shops and Boutiques.” See ad on page 20. more info at

Voted #1 Fullerton’s Best of OC Also Offering:

OC Academy of Pet Styling A State Certified Grooming School Location

Pet School PetSpa Spa••Mobile Mobile • School

Call For A New Career

714-447-0141 Since 1985

c 7 14 - 883 - 3 440 c

Formerly Lisha’s Grooming Salon • New Name • New Location to Serve You

c Full Service Pet Styling, All Breeds Dog & Cat Grooming c Puppies & Large Dogs Welcome c Teeth Brushing c Gift Cards c Ask About Our Express Grooming Services c Climate Controlled, Lic. Ins., Supervised c Call for Available Days and Times c Walk-in Services While You Wait * Nails & Anals

• Soggy Dog 344 East 4th St., Long Beach (562) 432-6934 For five years now Soggy Dog has been presenting the streets of Long Beach with the cleanest dogs in town with both their full-service and selfservice grooming. Self-service grooming is made up of two professional self-wash tubs to help your pooch smell fresh and look their best. They provide all the supplies you will need, including specialized shampoos and conditioners, and can even help you trim nails and brush teeth. No appointment is necessary and your 10th wash is free. Soggy Dog is a store dedicated to the community and their four legged family members. They look forward to meeting you and your pooches whether you stop by for a self wash, a groom, a bag of treats or just to say hello. See ad with discount coupon on page 21. • Sudsy Dog (562) 377-1360 6410 E. Del Amo Blvd., Lakewood Lakewood’s premiere self-serve dog wash provides waist-high tubs and features all organic products. They now also have full-service grooming. Being environmentally friendly, they donate a tree for every 50 dogs washed. Discounts are given for service dogs and newly adopted or rescued dogs and cats. Open Tuesday - Friday, 11 a.m. - 7 p.m.; weekends, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.

Parking on Chapman Next to Bank of America

145 W. Whiting Ave. Fullerton CA 92832

• Wags to Whiskers 5505 Stearns St., Long Beach (562) 430-5161 Wags to Whiskers has been voted “best pet groomer” in Long Beach for many years, and again in 2013! Check out their great reviews on Yelp! They specialize in all-breed pet grooming, de-matting, flea treatments, dental care, nail trimming/polishing and the FURminator®. The FURminator® will help reduce your pets shedding 60-80%. Wags to Whiskers has a professional grooming staff with over 50 years experience to groom your poodles, Shih Tzus, Yorkies, Morkies, Malteses, Maltipoos and more. Premium foods and supplies too! See ad on this page; coupon on page 28. • Yorba Regional Animal Hospital and Pet Resort 8290 East Crystal Drive, Anaheim (714) 921-8700 “A Day at the Spa” includes shampoos and conditioners tailored to your pet’s needs; hand fluff drying as necessary; hair cut or style; nail and ear maintenance; anal gland release; sanitary clip and conditioning cologne. Voted Orange County Register’s 2009 Best of OC. For additional services, see ad on the back inside cover; see coupon on page 27. DIY Grooming Locations Also see Animalia, LaunderPet, Soggy Dog and Sudsy Dog listed in this section.

$20 $5OFF Off or 1 First WeekGrooming of Camp! $3 off next visit*

Cannot be applied to the last two weeks ofGrooming camp, single day or 1/2 days. • Food

& Supplies

Long Beach • Belmont Heights, 3429 E. Broadway, 562-433-3605 Fre e tle Bixby Knolls, 4102 Orange Ave. #113, 562-427-2551 Genpert Wags to Whiskers, 5505 E. Stearns St., 562-430-5161 ProFgorod am! Exare! Seal Beach • 318 Main St., 562-430-7196 C *Grooming - One coupon per customer - $30 min. - Products & services vary by location - Call for info. Exp. 12/31/13

petsguide summer/fall 2013 17

Bark! Bark! Daycare and Grooming (562) 427-3655 2655 St. Louis Ave., Signal Hill Dirty Dog Wash (714) 960-7002 504 Main St., Huntington Beach Dirty Paws (562) 420-2277 4501 E. Carson Ave., Ste. 102, Long Beach spcaLA Pet Hotel and Grooming Salon 7700 East Spring St., Long Beach. Mud Puppy Dog Wash (949) 951-3414 22902 Los Alisos, Unit O, Mission Viejo Pet Treasures U-Wash (949) 493-7297 653 Camino De Los Mares, #100, San Clemente Super Suds Dog Wash 250 Alamitos Ave., Long Beach

(562) 436-1859

Doggie Spa (714) 374-8777 19365 Main St., #103, Huntington Beach Tidy Dog (562) 433-1330 4110 E. Ocean Blvd., Long Beach Your Elegant Pet (562) 529-8414 4332 South St., Lakewood.

identification &licensing Resources for microchips, GPS collars and pet tags for identification, including information about where, how and why to license your pet. Identification GPS Collars - The GPS pet collar allows pet owners to locate their cat or dog anytime and anywhere. Most collars can locate a pet within a mile, display a pet’s position and movement, and track up to three pets simultaneously. The following websites offer GPS pet collars: www.;; www. and Microchips - Most veterinarians, shelters and rescues offer microchip identification and placement. The vet or organization chooses a microchip company that offers additional services. Contact your local vet or shelter (see “Shelters”) for fee information. Also see “Calendar” for low-cost microchip clinics. Pet Tags - For instant tags, automated machines may be found at larger pet stores. If you are looking 18 petsguide summer/fall 2013

for an alternative to the jingling “tin-tag,” consider slide-on tags, embroidered collars or wooden tags. Licensing: Why and How All dogs over the age of four months are required by law to be licensed and vaccinated against rabies. The licensing law was implemented as a heath issue related to rabies. It also keeps an updated record of ownership. Residents owning or having custody of any dog must license the dog within 15 days after the license becomes due. Residents must provide proof of a California-approved rabies vaccination to obtain a license (OCCO 4-1-70). License discounts are often offered for spay and neutered animals and pets of senior citizens. Applications and fees are usually available on the city’s website and can be obtained in-person or by mail. The following agencies provide licenses for dogs and cats: Costa Mesa Animal Control (714) 754-5311 Serves Costa Mesa only. 99 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa. Dana Point, Newport Beach and San Clemente Animal Licences (800) 738-3463 Also serves Newport Coast, Corona Del Mar, Balboa and Monarch Beach. Irvine Animal Care Center (949) 724-7740 Serves Irvine only. 6443 Oak Canyon, Irvine. www. La Habra Animal Control (562) 905-9771 Serves La Habra only. Licensing through La Habra police department. 201 E. La Habra Blvd. www. Laguna Beach Animal Shelter (949) 497-3552 Serves Laguna Beach and Laguna Woods only. 20612 Laguna Canyon Road, Laguna Beach. Long Beach Animal Care Services (562) 570-7387 Serves Cerritos, Long Beach, Los Alamitos, Seal Beach and Signal Hill. 7700 E. Spring St. www. Mission Viejo Animal Services Center (949) 470-3045 Serves Mission Viejo, Laguna Niguel and Aliso Viejo. OC Animal Care (714) 935-6848 See the “Animal Control” section on page 13 for a complete list of cities. 561 The City Drive South, Orange. Santa Ana Licensing (714) 647-5257 Santa Ana only. Southeast Area Animal Control Authority (562) 803-3301 Licenses for the cities of Bellflower, Buena Park, La Palma, Lakewood and South Gate. www.

Westminster Animal Control (714) 548-3201 Westminster only.

nutrition&health Businesses specializing in pet health and nutrition products. Plus, pet CPR / first-aid classes. Also see: “Pet Shops and Boutiques.” • Animalia 16389 Bolsa Chica St., Huntington Beach (714) 377-7630 Animalia specializes in raw, super premium and organic diets for dogs and cats. They carry foods that do not contain wheat, corn, soy or by products. Raw food and fresh refrigerated food are available, along with high quality treats provided by local bakers; nutritional supplements too. Animalia is a pet specialty store (see “Pet Shops and Boutiques”) and offers self-service wash (see “Groomers”). See ad on page 21; discount coupon on page 39. • B & B Pharmacy 10244 Rosecrans Ave., Bellflower (562) 866-8363 Having trouble giving your pet their medicines? B&B Pharmacy has the answer! Custom-designed to fit your pet’s individual needs, they tailor dosages relative to your pet’s size, assuring that your animal receives the proper dosage they need to get better and stay healthy. Animals can become very picky when dealing with medicine. By compounding the medication, it now becomes a treat for the animal and not a hassle for you. Great for dogs, cats, birds and other animals, in flavors they already love, including tuna, cheese, peanut butter, fruit and more! See ad on page 32. • JustFoodForDogs 500 W. Coast Hwy., Newport Beach (949) 722-3647 JustFoodForDogs began with one simple, primary objective—to increase the quality and length of life for as many dogs as possible through a complete and balanced, healthy, whole food diet. JFFD makes daily meals and treats for healthy dogs, and prescription and custom formulated diets for dogs with special health issues, such as obesity, digestive disorders, pancreatitis, cancer, food allergies, diabetes, liver and kidney disease. All recipes are made from ingredients certified by the USDA for human consumption and have been developed by JustFoodForDogs’ veterinarian, nutritionist, pet chef and a cadre of dogs and dog lovers. Also see “Pet Shops and Boutiques.” See ad on page 19. • Nature’s Logic Nature’s Logic is the pioneer in developing truly 100% natural pet foods derived from nature…not chemistry. The company has created the first and only full-line kibble, canned, and raw frozen pet food more info at

in the world with no chemically synthesized ingredients and is committed to providing the highest quality and safest nutrition for dogs and cats. Nature’s Logic diets include no wheat, corn, rice, soy, tapioca or potato. For more information about Nature’s Logic, visit See ad on this page; coupon on page 29. More Local Homemade Pet Food California K9 Kitchen (714) 655-0669 Homemade Doggy Dinners (949) 690-2587 OC Doggie Dinners

(714) 528-3022

Pet CPR/First Aid Classes American Red Cross Pet First Aid Topics include breathing emergencies, CPR, lifethreatening bleeding, injuries and illnesses such as seizures, poisoning and heat emergencies. Greater Long Beach, 3150 East 29th St., Long Beach, (562) 595-6341. Orange County, 601 North Golden Circle Drive, Santa Ana, (714) 481-5300. Doggie and Me (714) 742-8895 First-aid kits are also available. Portion of all proceeds benefit pet oxygen masks for fire departments. Sirius K9 Academy (714) 296-9714 Pet first-aid and CPR classes for groups and individuals. Sunny-dog Ink, Denise Fleck (818) 951-7962 Animal first-aid and CPR classes. Website features pet-safety information and tips, as well as pet-safety products, including first-aid kits and books. www.

parties Party supplies, plus baked goods. Also see: “Pet Shops and Boutiques.”

more info at

JustFoodForDogs Balanced, Whole Food For Healthy Dogs. Prescription Diets & Custom Formulations for Sick Dogs. Veterinarian Approved. 100% USDA Ingredients. No Preservatives.

Newport Beach West Hollywood 866.726.9509 Cooked Fresh l Packaged Frozen l Delivered to Your Door • Animalia Birthday Cakes and Cookies 16389 Bolsa Chica St., Huntington Beach (714) 377-7630 Birthday cakes and cookies available. See “Pet Shops and Boutiques” for complete listing; ad on page 21; coupon on 39.

referrals for low-income families in the greater LA area for spay/neuter and emergency veterinary procedures. They also provide therapy animals, education and assistance regarding feral cats, and humane education. Volunteer opportunities available.

• Top Dog Barkery Corona Del Mar Plaza 924 Avocado Ave., Newport Beach (949) 759-DOGS Made-to-order “Pawty” cakes personalized for any occasion! Birthday? Training graduate? Puppy shower? Call Top Dog Barkery to place your doggie cake order, and they’ll make any four-legged celebration fun and delicious with one of their fresh-baked creations. Also fresh from their bakery, you will find pupcake and cupcake mini’s, pup overs, pup pies, cake pups, doggie ding dongs, and gourmet canine cookies and biscuits. Top Dog Barkery is “The Dog Lover’s Boutique and Bakery!” See ad on page 21.

(888) 666-2279

pet assistance Low-cost spay/neuter services, vaccinations, microchips and pet medications, as well as medical, financial and legal assistance or referrals. Also see: “Calendar” for monthly lowcost clinics. Actors and Others for Animals (818) 755-6045, (818) 755-6323 The organization offers financial assistance and

Advocacy Groups ASPCA Humane Society of the U.S.

(202) 452-1100

Humane Society, Orange County (714) 536-8480 Saddleback Valley Humane Society and SPCA

(949) 262-5859


(888) 772-5721

SPCA, Orange County

(714) 964-4445

Animal Assistance League of Orange County 15102 Jackson St., Midway City (714) 893-4393 The organization assists with pet-related problems, such as a free lost/found service, low-cost spay/neuter referrals as well as financial assistance for low-income pet owners needing veterinary care and food supplies. Downtown Dog Rescue (818) 407-4145 Rescues dogs in crisis and assists low-income

petsguide summer/fall 2013 19

and drop-off locations. If you are an “in-need” rescue, give them a call. Volunteers needed. Pet Assistance Foundation (877) 772-9738 The foundation donates funds to qualified pet owners to assist in getting their pets spayed/neutered. They refer pet owners to a select group of veterinarians who offer low-cost services to low-income households as wells as those who are unemployed, seniors or disabled.

and homeless pet owners with free services such as spay/neuter, vaccines and basic medical care for dog owners who want to keep their dogs out of a shelter.

Found Animals Foundation Web tool that finds low-cost spay/neuter locations in Orange and Los Angeles counties. www.

Friends of Long Beach Animals (562) 988-SNIP (7647) They promote spay and neutering, humane education of animals, sponsor adoption events and assist Long Beach Animal Care Services. They also provide vouchers to low-income pet households for Long Beach and Signal Hill residents.

Golden State Humane Society Low-cost spay and neuter services for cats and dogs, starting at $29.50 for cats and $39.50 for dogs. Low-cost vaccines and basic veterinary services are offered on a walk-in basis; schedule of fees are listed on their website. Two locations: 555 Artesia Blvd., Long Beach, (562) 423-8406; and 11901 Gilbert St., Garden Grove, (714) 638-8111.

If You Can No Longer Take Care of Your Pet or If You Found or Lost a Pet See “Emergency Resources.” • Katella Animal Clinic 10712 Katella Ave., Anaheim (714) 535-6791 Mention “Petsguide” for a free exam on your pet’s first visit. Also offers affordable prices for spay/ neuter and vaccinations. Weekdays only. Disney employees receive an additional 10% off the cost of medical services—ask for details. Also see “Veterinary Services.” See ad for additional savings on page 11.

Pet Stores The following big-box pet stores offer low-cost vaccination clinics at select locations: Petco, www.; and Centinela Feed and Pet Supplies, Snp|LA (310) 241-0768 Low-cost spay or neuter services, starting at $45 for cats and $110 for dogs. Low-cost vaccinations and dental cleaning also available. Discounts to low-income households, rescued pets and community cats. Check their website for special promotions. 957 N. Gaffey St., San Pedro. www.

Low-Cost Services AAA Animal Hospital (714) 536-6537 Spay and neuter starts at $30 for cats and $85 for dogs (cost depends on weight). No appointment necessary. 21632 Newland, Huntington Beach.

Trinity Pet Hospital (949) 768-1314 Full-service pet hospital with low-cost spay and neuter services for cats, starting at $60 for males; and dogs, starting at $90, plus bloodwork. 24861 Alicia Parkway, Ste. D, Laguna Hills.

Animal Discount Clinic (714) 537-0570 Provides low-cost spay/neuter for cats and dogs. Also offers dental cleaning, vaccinations, de-worming, microchips and flea control products. 13252 Euclid St., Garden Grove.

Vet Care Pet Clinic (714) 895-8600 Low-cost spay/neuter for cats start at $55 and dogs start $116 (spay/neuter for dogs is based on weight). 12453 Valley View St., Garden Grove. www. Also visit www.mobilepetcare. com or call (800) 988-8387 for a low-cost mobile clinic schedule in your city.

Bellflower Pet Hospital and Hotel Vaccination Clinic (562) 925-5300 Low-cost vaccination clinic every weekday afternoon. 2-4 p.m. Call for fees. 10326 Artesia Blvd., Bellflower.

20 petsguide summer/fall 2013

Operation Blankets of Love (818) 402-6586 They collect, transport and distribute recycled or new pet-related items to animals in shelters and rescue groups. Visit their website for items needed

RUFF Rescue (949) 580-1092 The rescue helps pets and their owners with financial assistance for veterinary care including spay/neuter vouchers. They also support rescues from high-kill shelters. spcaLA P.D. Pitchford Companion Animal Village & Education Center 7700 East Spring St., Long Beach (562) 570-7722 They provide programs and services including cruelty investigation, disaster animal response team, low-cost vaccine/microchip clinics, humane education and a variety of shelter services. Their website also features adoptable animals.

pet shops &boutiques Retail stores providing food and supplies for animals. Also see: “Birds,” “Nutrition and Health” and “Reptiles and Exotics.” • Animalia 16389 Bolsa Chica St., Huntington Beach (714) 377-7630 The store, for dogs and cats only, offers a variety of specialty foods, toys, apparel and treats from basic to luxury. Large selection of U.S. made toys, super premium and organic and raw foods containing no wheat, corn, soy or by products, clothing items for teacups to XXX large dogs, puppy gear, collars, treats from local bakers, healthy goodies, flower essences and much more. Pets are welcome on a leash or in a carrier. Special orders are welcome too! Animalia is open Monday - Saturday, 10 a.m. - 7 p.m.; and Sunday, 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. See additional listings in “Groomers” and “Nutrition and Health.” See ad on page 21; coupon on page 39. Bird Stores See “Birds” for bird stores that specialize in birds and their supplies. more info at

• JustFoodForDogs 500 W. Coast Hwy, Newport Beach (949) 722-3647 JustFoodForDogs makes daily meals and treats for healthy dogs and prescription and custom formulated diets for dogs with special health issues. All recipes are made from ingredients certified by the USDA for human consumption and have been developed by JustFoodForDogs’ veterinarian, nutritionist, pet chef and a cadre of dogs and dog lovers. Also see “Nutrition and Health.” See ad on page 19. • LaunderPet Belmont Heights 3429 E. Broadway, Long Beach (562) 433-3605 Seal Beach 318 Main St., Seal Beach (562) 430-7196 Bixby Knolls 4102 Orange Ave., #113, Long Bch (562) 427-2551 LaunderPet offers an extensive line of dog and cat food and supplies, including Canidae, Felidae, Orijen, Honest Kitchen, Taste of the Wild and many more. They also sell frozen, raw foods by Primal and Bravo too. If they do not have something in stock, they are happy to order it for you. They also offer pick-up and delivery—call for details. Call or visit the website for each location’s hours, and a discount coupon. Also see “Groomers.” See ad on page 17; coupon on page 28. • Pussy & Pooch Pethouse and Pawbar ® 4818 E. 2nd St., Long Beach (562) 434-7700 222 East Broadway, Long Beach (562) 624-1199 An innovative and unique pet lifestyle boutique geared toward modern pets and their owners. A neighborhood urban oasis, P&P offers a colorful and interactive social setting featuring distinctive, yet moderately priced high quality products and everyday essentials (food and supplies) with a focus on healthy nutrition and green living for pets. P&P is home to the one-of-a-kind Pawbar®, where furry friends can feast on made-to-order meaty pet meals or enjoy pet bakery treats and personalized cakes. It’s also home to the Bathhouse which offers pet grooming and spa services. P&P is dedicated to its communities and hosts regular mixers for pets and their parents, including Mutt Mingles, pet adoptions, pet-centric charity events, pet nutritional guidance and more. Also see “Groomers.” See ad with discount coupon on page 20.

full-service grooming, self wash, and healthy and wholesome organic foods and treats from Taste of the Wild, Fromm, Canidae, Orijen and more, as well as everyday supplies, such as collars and leashes, bowls and health supplements. They look forward to meeting you and your pooches whether you stop by for a self wash, a groom, a bag of treats or just to say hello. See ad with discount coupon on this page. • Top Dog Barkery Corona Del Mar Plaza 924 Avocado Ave., Newport Beach (949) 759-DOGS Delightful pastries are just the tip of the iceberg at Top Dog Barkery where a bakery case full of “Pupcakes” and cupcake minis, Pup Pies, Pup Overs, fancy canine cake slices and fresh-baked cookies all look good enough for you to eat! Find top-of-the-line dog products and unique gift items with top-notch customer service for you and your four legged BFF at this doggie haven. Top Dog Barkery is “The Dog Lover’s Boutique and Bakery!” See ad on this page. More Pet Stores Adopt & Shop 353 Lakewood Center Mall, Lakewood, (562)

We are “The Dog Lover’s Boutique and Bakery”



16389 Bolsa Chica St., Huntington Beach


Mini Pupcake

(949) 759-DOGS

Corona Del Mar Plaza 924 Avocado Ave., Newport Beach One per customer w/coupon, exp. 12/1/13


MON–SAT 10am–7pm SUN 10am–6pm

Reptiles and Exotics Stores See “Reptiles and Exotics” for stores that specialize in reptiles, amphibians, turtles, tortoises, arachnids and other herptiles. • Soggy Dog 344 East 4th St., Long Beach (562) 432-6934 For five years, Soggy Dog has been presenting the streets of Long Beach with the cleanest dogs in town. They are a store dedicated to the community and their four legged family members. They offer more info at

10% off your purchase with this ad.

petsguide summer/fall 2013 21

and 4700 Pacific Coast Highway, Long Beach, (562) 494-1660. Long Beach also offers doggie day care and DIY grooming.

531-2871; and 184 The Shops at Mission Viejo Mall, Mission Viejo, (949) 364-8400. www. Anaheim Feed and Pet Supply (714) 992-2012 1730 N. Lemon St., Anaheim. Barkworks 2001-A Brea Mall, Brea

(714) 256-4393

Blacksmith’s Corner (562) 531-0386 17647 Lakewood Blvd., Bellflower Centinela Feed and Pet Supplies 2320 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa, (714) 540-4036; 24/7 In Your Home or In Our Home Boarding Special Needs Pet Care AM/PM & Midday Walks Quality Time

Nobody Sits, Stays or Walks Like We Do

Available 24/7 • 949-709-2707 22 petsguide summer/fall 2013

7051 Yorktown Ave., HB 21425 Brookhurst St., HB 14370 Culver Drive, A-100, Irvine 21612 Plano Trabuco Road, TC

(714) 969-2800 (714) 962-8800 (949) 726-1226 (949) 216-9081

Chateau Le Pooch Store and Spa (714) 482-0452 860 W. Imperial Highway, Ste. M, Brea Cannot be applied toPetCo the last two (888) 824-7257 weeks of camp, single day or 1/2 days. 26 locations throughout greater Long Beach and Coast Pet Supply (949) 497-6580 Orange County. 880 North Coast Highway, Laguna Beach Petian (714) 992-5030 Collar and Leash Pet Shop (714) 530-4490 235 N. Euclid St., Fullerton. 9772 Chapman Ave., Garden Grove Pets Pets Pets (714) 848-5859 18583 Main St., Huntington Beach Dogma 6755 Quail Hill Parkway, Irvine, (949) 737-5950; and 21113 Newport Coast Drive, Newport Coast, Pets Plus (949) 640-6072. Laguna Niguel (949) 495-0500 Mission Viejo (949) 951-1126 Feed Barn (949) 548-3151 San Clemente #1 (949) 496-8400 2300 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa San Clemente #2 (949) 361-8907 San Juan Capistrano (949) 248-3400 Healthy Paws (562) 902-5700 Torrance #1 (310) 719-7088 11151 First Ave., Whittier Torrance #2 (310) 539-5700, Locations: 28991 Golden Lantern, #D101, Laguna Holistic Pets Center (562) 477-3118 Niguel; 25502 Marguerite Parkway, Mission Viejo; 410 Ximeno Ave., Long Beach 638 Camino De Los Mares, #A-140, San Clemente #1; 415 Avenida Pico, Ste. O, San Clemente #2; 32022 Camino Capistrano, San Juan Capistrano; Kahoots 17440 Crenshaw Blvd., Torrance #1; and 2539 26012 Marguerite Parkway, Mission Viejo, (949) PCH, Torrance #2. 348-1682; and 18681 Main St., #102, Huntington Beach, (714) 842-1841. PetSmart (800) 738-1385 19 locations throughout greater Long Beach and Kriser’s Orange County. 5365 Alton Parkway, Irvine, (949) 551-4100; and 1044 Irvine Ave., Newport Beach, (949) 515-0000. Puppy Shop Boys (714) 641-1717 688 Baker St., #5, Costa Mesa spcaLA Marketplace (562) 570-4926 Adoption center, grooming service and pet hotel. ProSalt Water Licks (562) 592-0875 ceeds benefit spcaLA’s programs and services. 7700 Birthday Pawtys also offered. 16543 22nd St., SunEast Spring St., Long Beach. set Beach. Muttropolis Dog and Cat Boutique (949) 717-6888 865 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach.

Sanbar Tropical Fish and Pets (949) 548-5015 250 E. 17th St., Ste. E, Costa Mesa

Paw Shoppe Pet Center 6416 E. Spring St., Long Beach

(562) 425-5131

Scraps for Pets (714) 998-BARK (2275) 17767 Santiago Blvd., #609, Villa Park

Pet Country (949) 951-7387 22485 El Toro Road, Ste. A, Lake Forest

The Puppy Store (714) 835-2275 Rescued pets available for adoption. 2800 N. Main St., #632, Santa Ana Mall.

Pet Pantry (714) 998-2060 1500 E. Village Way, Ste. 2248, Orange.

The Sand Bar Pet Shop (949) 768-0422 25571 Marguerite Parkway, #1-J, Mission Viejo

Pet Stop Warehouse (949) 305-0532 27690 Santa Margarita Parkway, Ste. D, Mission Viejo.

Wild’s Animal Supplies 27932 La Paz Road, Ste A, LN 32880 PCH, #30, Dana Point

Pet Supply 18545 Brookhurst St., FV

Your Elegant Pet (562) 529-8414 4332 South St., Lakewood.

(714) 964-5585

(949) 831-8678 (949) 488-0025

more info at

pet sitters &dog walkers In-home pet sitting and dog walking services. Home care, such as switching on and off lights and watering plants, is often included. Dog field trips to parks or beaches can be included with sitting services. Most pet-sitting providers are bonded, insured and members of professional associations, such as Pet Sitters International and the National Association of Professional Pet Sitters; some are animal-CPR and first-aid certified. Always ask a pet sitter or dog walker for their qualifications and check their references. Also see: “Boarding and Day Care.” • 4 Pause (949) 842-7443 Candice Yarbrough CPT, CMT offers pet sitting and dog walking services delivered with love and attention that include: replenishing food and water, exercise, play time, administering medication (if necessary), bird cage maintenance, yard / litter box maintenance, personalized fitness program, and photo / video text of activities. Combination packages are also available that include training, exercise and play. Candice is a member of the Association of Pet Dog Trainers (ADPT) and Pet Partners Therapy Animal Program (formerly Delta Pet Society). Also see “Training Programs” and “Taxi Services.” See ad on page 30.

would give them yourself. Their professional service eliminates the discomfort of caged boarding and exposure to other pets and the transmission of disease. Services include feeding, daily walks (including mid-day walks, too), medication administration if necessary, and a report card with detailed notes about each visit. Free extras include mail and newspaper pick up, plant and garden watering, and care of other small animals. Pet-taxi services to and from vet or groomer appointments are also available. Call today to set up a complimentary interview. Insured, licensed and bonded. Serving the south Orange County area. See ad on this page; discount coupon on page 39. Kathleen Sauer Owner/Operator

• Pet Sitting

(949) 274-6130

• Pet Taxi


• Home of Hunter Pet Care (714) 292-5071 Are you going on vacation? Home of Hunter Pet Care provides daily visits with your pets while you are away. Are you busy, tired or feeling guilty? They also offer half-hour and hour walks to give your pooch exercise and companionship while you’re at work or away for long hours. Medication adminis-

Serving Parts of South Orange Co.

YOUR TRUSTED SOURCE FOR PROFESSIONAL PET SITTERS & DOG WALKERS • Pet CPR and First Aid Certified • Licensed, Bonded and Insured • One-Four Daily Visits Per Day • Overnight Stays Schedule your FREE • Daily Dog Walking Meet & Greet Today!

• At Home Cat Care See listing in “Cats” on page 10; ad on page 12. • Critter Sitting Individuals (949) 274-6130 CSI pet sitting services make it possible for you to leave your pets in the comfort of your own home, where they get the attention and care you

• Dog Walking

Daily dog walking service at rates that can’t be beat!

Pets feel secure in the comfort of their own home, safe from illness & injury that may occur while boarded.

(888) 380-PETS (7387) • Serving Long Beach, Lakewood and Huntington Beach

714-898-5800 more info at

petsguide summer/fall 2013 23

• Posh Pet Nannies (657) 201-PETS (2629) “People Trust Us...Pets Love Us.” PPN is one of Orange County’s most trusted pet-sitting businesses. They pride themselves in offering compassionate and professional care for your pet. Services range from a quick “tinkle time” to mid-day walks to overnight visits. They cater to the individual needs of your pet(s) and tailor their services to your (and your pet’s) busy schedule and lifestyle. At PPN, they make it possible for you to take that extended vacation knowing that your pet/pets are getting the utmost love and attention while you are away. Please call today to set up a free consultation. Licensed, bonded and insured.

tration, including insulin shots, is available. Rates start at just $15. Serves Huntington Beach and surrounding cities. Email: See ad on page 22. • OC Pet Companions (949) 709-2707, office; (949) 554-5496, cell “Nobody Sits, Stays or Walks Like We Do!” OC Pet Companions was created to provide companionship and fulfill the special needs that pets have in the absence of their families. Professional pet sitters committed to care for your pets with love, respect and individual attention. OC Pet Companions’ clients have given their staff a five-star rating on Give them a call and find out why! Serving South Orange County, bonded and insured. Email: See ad on page 22. • Pet Sit Pros (888) 380-PETS (7387) Pet Sit Pros is “Your Trusted Source for Professional Pet Sitters and Dog Walkers.” They are the Long Beach, Lakewood and Huntington Beach area’s “Pet Sitting and Dog Walking Professionals.” In-home pet care is a great alternative to boarding and kennels when you go away. Your pets feel secure in the comfort of their own home and safe from illness and injury that may occur from being around other unfamiliar pets. Their Animal Care Specialists are certified in pet CPR and first aid, and they are fully licensed, bonded and insured. Their pet sitting professionals can visit your home one to four times per day or stay overnight to take care of all your pet’s needs. They also offer daily dog walking services at rates that can’t be beat. They offer a free “Meet and Greet” so their family can meet yours. Join the PSP family today! See ad on page 23.

• Your Animals Best Friend (714) 898-5800 Customized services include: taking your dog for a walk in your neighborhood, picking up waste during walk, providing fresh water upon return home, giving treats (if you permit), playing with your dog and giving him or her love and attention. Walks start at only $15 with discounts for additional dogs. Additional charges may apply for large or aggressive dogs. Inquire about monthly dog walking rates. If you get a competitive quote with the same services offered, please give them the opportunity to match or beat it. Multiple visits and overnights for when you are out of town in a caring home environment or at Your Animal’s Best Friend Dog House. See ad on page 23. Dog Walking Groups at See listing in “Clubs and Social Groups” on page 12.

photography Photographers specializing in pet portraiture. • The Pawtographer (888) 969-7297 Celebrities, the media, publishers and animal lovers of all kinds use The Pawtographer to capture their pets with this new, fun and creative perspective to pet portraiture that hasn’t been seen before. Whether you prefer a traditional pose, a candid moment or a creative themed experience, from natural portraits and documentary style to fully developed sets and themes, The Pawtographer will capture the beauty and personality of your pet. Real sets are used, pets can wear actual clothes and they actually enjoy the unique experience. Check out their website, full of inspiration; or, if you have a particular idea of your own, they can make it happen. • Your Animals Best Friend (714) 898-5800 Remember your best friend for a lifetime! Pet-photo

24 petsguide summer/fall 2013

sessions are available with a professional photographer. Please call for customized quote and availability.

poopremoval Animal waste removal services, primarily for dogs and cats. Costs for services vary depending on number and species of animals and frequency of service. • Pet Butler (800) PET-BUTLER (738-2885) Wanna be “poop free?” Leave the dirty job to Pet Butler! They come to your home and clean up after your pet, making life more convenient, enjoyable and safe for pets and their owners. Simply put, it’s what they “doo.” Pet Butler also provides pet stations and supplies to individual yards, parks and multi-family communities. As the largest, oldest and most respected poop scooping service, they have been cleaning up poop and deodorizing the outdoors for close to 20 years. Yes, Pet Butler really is #1 in the “#2” business. Discounts for seniors, disabled and pet care professionals. Also offers an all-natural odor eliminator spray for yards. See ad on this page. • Your Animals Best Friend (714) 898-5800 Are you a busy executive, overloaded mom or just someone who needs a hand? Going out of town for vacation, emergency or business? Your Animals Best Friend offers waste pick-up and removal, plus a variety of other services, such as home sitting, plant care, errand running and project help. All services are customized to your needs. See ad on page 23.

products Petsguide’s featured pet product for cats and dogs. • Nature’s Logic Nature’s Logic is the pioneer in developing truly 100% natural pet foods derived from nature… not chemistry. The company has created the first and only full-line kibble, canned and raw frozen pet food in the world with no chemically synthesized ingredients and is committed to providing the highest quality and safest nutrition for dogs and cats. Nature’s Logic diets include no wheat, corn, rice, soy, tapioca or potato. For more information about Nature’s Logic, visit See ad on page 19. more info at

reptiles&exotics Rescues and retail stores that offer a variety of exotic reptiles, amphibians and supplies. Also see: “Pet Shops and Boutiques.” Reptile and Exotic Rescues Reptile and Amphibian Rescue Network (RARN) (310) 717-5011 RARN cares for sick and injured, stray and abandoned reptiles and amphibians, primarily from shelters and other rescues. When animals are healthy, they are adopted out to qualified homes. Reptile Rescue Orange County (949) 291-0701 RROC specializes in rehabilitating and finding homes for reptiles, amphibians, invertebrates and all other exotics. Services include adoption, education, rehabilitation, consulting, boarding and photo/ video/film shoots. Reptile and Exotic Specialty Stores La Habra Pets (562) 697-7110 1919 W. La Habra Blvd., La Habra Paw Shoppe Pet Center 6416 E. Spring St., Long Beach

(562) 425-5131

Prehistoric Pets (714) 964-3525 Parties available; reptile zoo on site. 18822 Brookhurst St., Fountain Valley. Reptiles Unlimited 4236 Atlantic Ave., Long Beach

(562) 426-1090

Reptropolis (949) 492-6598 1310 N. El Camino Real, San Clemente The Reptile Outlet 10529 Beach Blvd., Stanton \

(714) 761-2066

service& therapy animals Programs and organizations that sponsor and/or train service or therapy animals. • Animal Health Foundation Pet Partners Los Angeles and Orange Counties (714) 710-9114 AHF sponsor’s Pet Partner Teams that visit hospitals more info at

and care facilities on an ongoing basis, interacting with patients, their families and medical staff, helping to relieve stress and create a sense of well being. AHF R.E.A.D. volunteers visit school sites promoting literacy and encouraging students to read aloud to their companion therapy dog. Volunteer opportunities available. Service Animals The following organizations provide referrals, information, training and/or service animals, plus ongoing support to assist the blind, hearing impaired or physically/ mentally disabled. Volunteer opportunities available. Canine Angels (888) 592-6457 Canine Animals places professionally-trained assistance dogs with children and young adults between the ages of 5 and 25 that have physical and developmental disabilities. Canine Companions (800) 572-2275 Canine Companions provides free, trained, assistance dogs for people with disabilities, plus ongoing support to ensure quality partnerships. Donations welcome and volunteer opportunities (including puppy raising) available. Canine Support Teams (951) 301-3625 Providing specially trained assistance/service dogs to people with disabilities other than blindness to support personal, social and occupational independence. Ask about the Pawz for Wounded Veterans and Prison Pup programs and how to become a puppy raiser. Dogs4Diabetics (925) 246-5785 The organization provides quality medical alert dogs to insulin-dependent diabetics through programs of training, placement and follow-up services. www. Guide Dogs for the Blind (800) 295-4050 GDB provides guide dogs free of charge to individuals with impaired sight. Volunteers and puppy raisers needed. Guide Dogs of America (818) 362-5834 GDA provides guide dogs and instruction in their use, free of charge, to blind and visually impaired men and women. Donations welcome and puppy raising opportunities available. Paws With a Cause (714) 309-7654 This organization trains assistance dogs nationally for people with disabilities, provides lifetime team support and promotes assistance dog awareness through education. Foster homes and puppy raisers always needed. Email: Therapy Animals The following organizations sponsor therapy animals who work with schools, hospitals and convalescent homes. See “Trails, Beaches, Recreation and Parks” for cities that offer therapy-animal classes. BARK Therapy Dogs (562)235-8835 BARK provides therapy dogs to schools and libraries

PET CANCER AWARENESS 10 POINTERS Maintain a regular schedule of wellness exams with your family veterinarian. If you notice any of the signs below, call them for an appointment right away.

1. Unusual swellings that persist or grow 2. Sores that do not heal 3. Weight loss 4. Loss of appetite 5. Unusual bleeding or discharge 6. Offensive odor 7. Difficulty eating or swallowing 8. Hesitation to exercise or loss of stamina 9. Persistent lameness or stiffness 10. Difficulty breathing, urinating or defecating Los Angeles (310) 558-6120 9599 Jefferson Blvd. • Culver City

Orange County (949) 552-8274 2887 Edinger Ave. • Tustin

San Fernando Valley (818) 888-6882 20051-I Ventura Blvd. • Woodland Hills

South Orange County (949) 262-5150 28085 Hillcrest • Mission Viejo petsguide summer/fall 2013 25

to encourage children to read. BARK dogs also attend community events and visit colleges, senior centers and nursing homes. They evaluate teams at least once monthly, provide all supplies, and will try to find a location near you. They are a recognized AKC Therapy Dog group. Paws 4 Healing (714) 542-9433 Members and registered pets provide animal therapy for assisted-living and convalescent homes, hospitals and homeless shelters. R.E.A.D. program provides therapy animals to schools and libraries to increase literacy. Volunteers and volunteer animals of all kinds are welcome. Pet Partners Pet Partners, formerly Delta Society, trains people and screens them with their pets so they can visit patients/clients in hospitals, nursing homes, hospice and physical therapy centers, schools, libraries and many other facilities. Find a local group or ways to start your own on their website. Pet Prescription Team (562) 694-8090 A volunteer organization dedicated to helping pet owners train their family pet(s) to become therapy animals. They provide therapy training classes, therapy certification and AKC CGC testing for the purpose of visiting nursing homes, hospitals, special institutions, libraries and wherever else therapy dogs are needed. 1404 Dorothea Road, La Habra Heights. Orange County SPCA (714) 964-4445 The OCSPCA’s Pets Are Wonderful Support (PAWS) program has 100 volunteer/dog teams who visit children’s homes, hospitals, nursing and assisted living facilities, rehabilitation centers and autism programs throughout Orange County. Canine Literacy volunteer/dog teams visit schools to help children build self esteem by improving their comprehension skills and teaching the joy of reading.

shelters Government, non-profit or private animal shelters, commonly called “the pound,” provide shelter and care for stray, lost or abandoned animals. All shelters offer healthy animals for adoption; there is usually a fee. Animals are kept at the shelter until claimed by their owners; adopted to new owners; placed with a rescue or adoption organization; or euthanized. Most shelters accept animals from residents of specific cities only. For animal control services, including found/ stray animals, see the listing under “Emergency Resources.” Also see “Adoption and Rescue.”

26 petsguide summer/fall 2013

Euthanizing vs. Non-euthanizing Shelters Most city shelters perform euthanasia on animals that typically have temperament problems, are unhealthy, or have exceeded the capacity of the shelter. Non-euthanizing shelters keep all healthy animals until adopted; however, they do perform euthanasia on pets that are unadoptable. Sometimes these shelters are called prohumane rather than non-euthanizing, but are similar. There are a few shelters that practice a true non-euthanizing policy—those that do, will turn animals away if their shelter is full. If you have found an animal and need to take it to a shelter, but are concerned about the life of the animal, ask about the shelter’s policy before you take the animal in. Many adoption and rescue organizations offer advice and/or referrals about found/lost/stray animals, see “Adoption and Rescue” for a list of organizations. (Most shelters provide pictures of adoptable and found/stray animals on their website.) The designated description of each shelter has been updated as of May 2013. Please inquire with each shelter as policies may change. Animal Assistance League of Orange County 15102 Jackson St., Midway City (714) 893-4393 Non-euthanizing rescue kennel, also provides pet assistance and humane education programs. Irvine Animal Care Center 6443 Oak Canyon, Irvine (949) 724-7740 Pro-humane shelter provides for stray animals found in Irvine only. Pets available for adoption. Owner relinquished pet fee is $75-250, depending on spay/neuter and current vaccine status. Foster opportunities. LA County Downey Animal Shelter 11258 S. Garfield Ave., Downey (562) 940-6898 Euthanizing shelter is a branch of the LA Department of Animal Care and Control. Services include pet adoption, licensing, humane investigations, emergency rescues during natural disasters, enforcement of animal control laws, and temporary care for stray animals found in designated cities. Owner relinquished pet fee $10-250, depending on drop-off or pick-up. Laguna Beach Animal Shelter 20612 Laguna Canyon Road, Laguna Beach (949) 497-3552 Pro-humane shelter provides care for stray, sick or injured animals found in Laguna Beach or Laguna Woods only. Does not accept ownersurrendered pets, but can provide referrals for alterative options.

Long Beach Animal Care Services 7700 East Spring St., Long beach (562) 570-7387 Euthanizing Long Beach animal shelter shares site with spcaLA, see their listing in this section for more information. Accepts owner-relinquished pets; fee applies. Mission Viejo Animal Services Center 28095 Hillcrest, Mission Viejo (949) 470-3045, Pro-humane shelter provides pet adoption and licensing; also provides care for stray animals from Mission Viejo, Laguna Niguel and Aliso Viejo only. Check website for special events. Staff is available after hours for emergency services only. Ownerrelinquished pet fee is $25-100 depending on resident and spay/neuter status. OC Animal Care 561 The City Drive South, Orange (714) 935-6848 Euthanizing shelter provides animal control and shelter services for many Orange County cities (see “Emergency Resources” for a complete list of cities). Services include pet adoption, licensing, lost and found listings, and temporary care of stray animals found in designated cities. Found exotic pets, including reptiles and birds, are adopted by drawing every Wednesday at 4 p.m. Visit the website,, for additional services and information, such as Orange County pet laws. Educational tours and volunteer opportunities available. For after-hours information, call (714) 935-7158. Owner relinquished pet fee is $81. Orange County Humane Society 21632 Newland Ave., Huntington Beach (714) 536-8480 Pro-humane shelter accepts stray and owner-relinquished pets from Costa Mesa and Newport Beach only. Owner relinquished pet fee starts at $65, additional fees may apply. San Clemente-Dana Point Animal Shelter 221 Avenida Fabricante, San Clemente (949) 492-1617 As a pro-humane, all-volunteer shelter, all adoptable animals stay until reclaimed or adopted. Funded by the Pet Project Foundation and the cities of San Clemente and Dana Point, which provide food, housing and medical care. Services include pet adoption, as well as care for animals found in San Clemente and Dana Point. Owner relinquished pet fee is $100 for dogs and $6585 for cats, depending on spay/neuter status. Seal Beach Animal Care Center 1700 Adolofo Lopez Drive, Seal Beach (562) 430-4993 As a non-euthanizing, all-volunteer shelter, all more info at

healthy animals stay until reclaimed or adopted. Services include pet adoption, as well as care for stray or owner-relinquished dogs and cats from Seal Beach only. Southeast Area Animal Control Authority 9777 SEAACA St., Downey (562) 803-3301 Euthanizing shelter. SEAACA provides animal control and shelter services for various LA County cities as well as Buena Park and La Palma (see “Emergency Resources” for a list of cities). Services include pet adoption, licensing and low-cost veterinarian services for the public, as well as temporary care for animals found within the designated cities. Owner relinquished pet fees range from $35-75. spcaLA P.D. Pitchford Companion Animal Village and Education Center 7700 East Spring St., Long Beach (562) 570-7722 Pro-humane adoption center, pet store, boarding and grooming. Shares site with Long Beach Animal Care Services, see their listing in this section for more information. Does not accept owner relinquished pets.

taxiservices Pet shuttle services. Also see: “Boarding and Day Care” and “Pet Sitters and Dog Walkers.” • 4 Pause (949) 842-7443 Need help driving your dog to the vet, groomer, doggie day camp? Need help picking up pet supplies? Candice Yarbrough CPT, CMT offers pet taxi services for your beloved family member. Pet sitting, dog walking and training services are also offered. See listings in those sections for details; see ad on page 30. • Animal Ambulance (866) 473-8911 Offers emergency, inter-hospital and long-distance transports. See “Emergency Resources” for complete listing. See ad on page 13; coupon on page 39. • Critter Sitting Individuals (949) 274-6130 Serving south Orange County. Pet taxi services are available to and from vet or groomer appointments. A $25 fee is charged for a round trip within five miles of the pet’s home. Pet sitting and dog walking is also offered. See ad on page 23; discount coupon on page 39. more info at

We Want Your Backyard!

therapy &rehabilitation Therapy and rehabilitation for pets, such as massage, chiropractic and/or holistic alternative medicine for dogs, cats, small animals and horses. • Canine Chiro VCA Rossmoor, Los Alamitos (562) 598-8621 VCA All Care, Fountain Valley (714) 963-0909 Many of your pet’s everyday activities and injuries can cause the spinal bones to lose their normal position or normal motion, which may ultimately alter your pet’s health and/or cause pain. As a chiropractitioner for pets, Dr. Wasserman relieves your pet’s suffering through chiropractic care, and restores quality of life; he is truly devoted to the health and well-being of your canine companion. Also see “Veterinary Services.” See ad on page 1. • Dr. Robert E. Woods, DVM, CVA 11561 Salinaz Ave., Garden Grove (714) 539-0755 Dr. Woods has specialized in alternative veterinary medicine for over ten years. His passion started while at Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine, where he helped found a branch and served as president of American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association. He offers a plethora of options to help his patients get back on the path to wellness. Acupuncture, LLLT laser, pulsed electro magnetic field therapy, Chinese herbs, homeopathy, homotoxicology, and nutraceutical therapy are

Community Animal Network seeks cat lovers with safe backyards for spayed and neutered untouchable cats. Cat food is provided. Save a life. Call today!

949 759 3646

avenues that allow for more options for rehabilitation. See ad on page 13. • Surf City Pet Massage and People Too! (714) 837-7311 Surf City Pet Massage and People Too! Is dedicated to working with owners and their canine friends to live a healthy, happy life together. Kerrilynn DeHart has been a licensed Massage Therapist for over ten years. Many people ask if pets understand massage therapy? She answers a resounding yes: dogs do understand the difference between affectionate petting and therapeutic touch. The demeanor of their face changes during a session and they have the same calming response as their human counterpart. Once the session is complete the dog’s response is usually one of a little surprised look then all wags and smiles. If they are receiving treatment for pain management the result is instant for them. Kerrilynn is also an animal advocate who promotes fundraising for non-profits. Recent events include Pups N Pinot, Barking Lot Party, Surf City Surf Dog, Arthritis Walk and Fred’s Halloween Fundraiser for Huntington Dog Beach. Contact Kerrylynn to participate in these types of events for your fundraisers. See ad on page 16; discount coupon on page 39.

$10 Off Any Grooming Service!

Loving care....for the life of your pet

New clients only. Valid with coupon only. Not valid with any other offer. Exp 12/31/13.

$25 Off a Dental Cleaning For locations, please call (949) 258-4402 Good for first-time customer only

petsguide summer/fall 2013 27

$5 Off

ten-acre grove of Coastal Redwoods. 4442 Carbon Canyon Road, Brea.

First Grooming or $3 off next visit*

Grooming • Food • Supplies Seal Beach • 318 Main St., 562-430-7196 Long Beach • Belmont Heights, 3429 E. Broadway, 562-433-3605 • Bixby Knolls, 4102 Orange Ave. #113, 562-427-2551 • Wags to Whiskers, 5505 E. Stearns St., 562-430-5161 *Grooming - One coupon per customer - $30 min. - Products & services vary by location - Call for info. Exp. 12/31/13

• Terri Steuben (714) 875-7194 Animal communicator Terri Steuben has the gift of medical intuition that allows her to feel where animals are experiencing pain or discomfort in their bodies. Knowing where your pet feels pain can assist your veterinarian with diagnosis and treatment. She is also a trained Reiki Master of the Usui method, a form of hands-on healing that originated in Japan and is designed to align and balance the body. Terri uses Reiki with animals pre- and post-surgery, and with those that have cancer, kidney problems and other conditions. When your pet hurts, a 15-minute phone session with Terri can be an important step to relief and recovery. Terri’s how-to book, “Secrets of a Pet Whisperer: Stop Telling Your Animals to Misbehave,” teaches her simple, two-step process for effective communication with all of your pets. Order through her website today! Also see “Animal Communicators.” See ad on page 7. • Yorba Regional Animal Hospital and Pet Resort 8290 East Crystal Drive, Anaheim (714) 921-8700 Primary and preventative care at this state-of-theart facility. Therapeutic services include acupuncture, cold laser therapy and stem cell therapy. For additional services, see ad on the back inside cover; see coupon on page 27. Therapy and Rehabilitation Centers Pets are seen for pre/post-op surgeries, non-surgical and treatment, such as ACL tears, paralysis, injuries, obesity and senior-pet issues. California Animal Rehabilitation (310) 998-2273 Veterinarians and therapists certified in canine rehabilitation offering custom in-clinic programs and home care. Services include personalized exercise programs, therapeutic massage, laser therapy, magnetic and pulsed signal therapy, acupuncture, hydro-therapy and gait training, splinting, bracing and custom cart fitting. 2237 Colby Ave., Los Angeles. Two Hands Four Paws (310) 475-8555 Services include massage, hydrotherapy, exercise regimes, balance work, laser therapy, acupuncture, gait analysis, wheelchair fittings, nutrition and weight loss counseling. Day care and fun swim sessions also available. 2240 Federal Ave., Los Angeles. 28 petsguide summer/fall 2013

trails,beaches, recreation&parks Local city recreation departments offering a variety of dog-training classes, dog-friendly beaches, parks and trails. Dog park use requires that your dogs are current on vaccinations and that you clean up after your dogs. When visiting a leash-free dog park, keep them on leash before you go into the park and when you exit, and do not bring female dogs in heat. City and regional parks allow leashed dogs on trails and other recreation areas. Park websites list additional rules and regulations. Trail use requires that all dogs must be on a leash no longer than six-feet. Many trails are shared by equestrians, bicyclists, pedestrians and wildlife. All distances are approximate. Unless otherwise noted, no water or waste bags are provided, please trek with your dogs prepared and bring your own supplies. Note: Check water conditions at dog beaches at They also have an app for smart phones and tablets.

Buena Park (714) 236-3860 Dog Obedience, Puppy Kindergarten and Dog Manners Crash Course. Bellis Dog Park (714) 236-3860 Open: daily, 8 a.m. - dusk; Wednesday, 10 a.m. dusk. Bellis Park, 7171 8th St. Costa Mesa (714) 327-7525 Crash Course in Basic Canine Manners, Dog Obedience, Flyball Fun For Dogs, Obedience Refresher and Drill, and Puppy Kindergarten. Costa Mesa Bark Park (949) 733-4101 Open: dawn to 9 p.m.; closed Tuesdays. TeWinkle Park, corner of Arlington Ave. and Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. Talbert Regional Park (949) 923-2250 North Talbert offers 91 acres and South Talbert is 88 acres. The trail system allows linkage to other parks up and down the stream along the Santa Ana River. 1298 Victoria Ave., Costa Mesa. www. Fairview Park Trail (714) 754-5300 Six miles round trip. Water fountain and dog-waste bags available. Corner of Placentia and Adams, Costa Mesa. Cypress (714) 229-6798 Dog Obedience, Dog Manners Crash Course, Frisbee Dogs and Puppy Kindergarten. Dana Point (949) 248-3530 AKC Canine Good Citizen, Dog Obedience, Dog Manners Crash Course and Frisbee Dogs.

Anaheim (714) 765-5191 AKC Canine Good Citizen Test, Doggie Workout: Frisbee and Freestyle, Dog Obedience, Puppy Kindergarten, Canine Games Agility Course, Frisbee Dogs, K9 Work and Play, Lend A Paw: Pet Therapy and Dog Manners Crash Course.

Fullerton (714) 738-6317 AKC Canine Good Citizen, Canine Games Agility, Dog Obedience, Doggie Workout: Frisbee and Freestyle, Frisbee Dogs, Beyond K9 Basics, K9 Work and Play, Pet Therapy Training and Basic K9 Manners for Special Breeds (herding dogs including pit bulls, German shepherds and similar breeds and/or mixes).

Yorba Regional Park (714)973-6615 A linear park over one mile long situated in the mouth of Santa Ana Canyon features trails and access to the Santa Ana River Trail. 7600 E. La Palma, Anaheim.

Fullerton Pooch Park (714) 738-6575 Open: daily, 7 a.m. - 8 p.m; closed Wednesdays for maintenance. Next to Hunt Branch Library, 201 S. Basque Ave., Fullerton.

Brea Dog Manners Crash Course.

(714) 990-7100

Carbon Canyon Regional Park (714) 973-3160 124-acre park with walking/hiking trails, plus a

Fullerton Dog Trails (714) 738-6575 The Fullerton area offers the following dog-friendly trails, open 7 a.m. - sunset: Fullerton East Coyote Hills Trail - Three miles round trip, trail starts in Trail Rest Park and ends in Craig Regional Park. Fullerton Panorama Trail - Three miles round trip, trail head in Coyote Hills Golf Course. Hiltscher Park Trail - Three miles round trip, trail head at the corner of Bastenchury and West Valley View Drive. Juanita Cooke more info at

Greenbelt and Trail - Five and a half miles round trip, trail head at north end of Laguna Lake Park.

First Day

Craig Regional Park (714) 973-3180 124-acre park with hiking trails. 3300 North State College Blvd., Fullerton. Garden Grove (714) 741-5200 Beginning Flyball, Dog Conformation and Rally, Dog Manners Crash Course and Dog Obedience. Huntington Beach (714) 536-5486 AKC Good Citizen, Dog Obedience, Calling All Frisbee Dogs, Crash Course in Canine Manners, Beginning Flyball, K9 Work and Play, and Puppy Kindergarten. Best Friend Dog Park (714) 536-5486 Open: daily, weekdays, 9 a.m. - 7 p.m.; and weekends, 10 a.m. - 7 p.m. Central Park, Huntington Beach. Dog Beach (714) 841-8644 1.5 miles of beach where dogs may be off-leash in the water and on wet sand daily, 5 a.m. - 10 p.m. Fresh water and dog bags are available. Free and open to the public. Donation-based memberships are available to support the beach. Metered parking (currency, coins and Visa/MC). Annual parking permit is available, call the Marine Safety Division for rates, at (714) 536-5281. Pacific Coast Highway, between 21st and Seapoint streets. Huntington Beach Central Park (714) 960-8847 350-acre park with walking trails and dog park. Golden West St. and Talbert Ave. Santa Ana River Bike Path/Hiking Trial Path that parallels the Santa Ana River channel is 29 miles one way. Huntington Beach to Yorba Regional Park to Green River Golf Course in Corona. Path is shared by cyclists, joggers and strollers. Wieder Regional Park (949) 923-2250 24-acre park features hiking trails. 19251 Seapoint Ave., Huntington Beach. Irvine (949) 724-6610 Dog Obedience and Puppy Kindergarten. Central Bark (949) 724-6833 Open: daily, 6:30 a.m. - 10 p.m.; closed Wednesday for maintenance. 6405 Oak Canyon, Irvine. Mason Regional Park (949) 923-2220 365-acre park features paved walking paths. 18712 University Drive, Irvine. Orange County Great Park (866) 829-3829 Leashed dogs are allowed in all areas of the park, including most special events. They can even take a ride in the Great Park Balloon (rides $5-10). Park entrance, Sand Canyon and Marine Way, Irvine. more info at


Pre-screening interview required First time clients only

daycare • boarding • training • grooming

30314 Esperanza, RSM • 949.709.4600 Laguna Beach (949) 497-7050 Puppy Kindergarten, Dog School and Agility for Fun. Laguna Beach Bark Park (949) 910-9947 Open: daily, dawn to dusk; closed all day Wednesday for maintenance. 20652 Laguna Cayon Road, Laguna Beach. Laguna Beach (949) 246-2459 Leashed dogs are allowed on city beaches north of Aliso Beach anytime of day between September 11 - June 14; before 9 a.m. and after 6 p.m., June 15 - September 10. Dogs must be on a leash at all times. No dogs are allowed at Aliso County Beach or any beach south of Victoria Street (except for Treasure Island Beach). Metered parking. Pacific Coast Highway, Laguna Beach. Laguna Niguel (949) 425-5100 Dog Obedience (beginning and intermediate), Dog Manners Crash Course and Calling All Frisbee Dogs. Laguna Niguel Pooch Park (949) 362-4300 Open: dawn to dusk. 31461 Golden Lantern, Laguna Niguel. Laguna Woods A Place for Paws (949) 639-0500 Open: daily, 7 a.m. - dusk. Ridge Route at Peralta Drive. Lakewood (562) 866-9771, Ext. 2408 Dog Manners Crash Course, Dog Obedience and Frisbee Fun. Long Beach (562) 570-6555 AKC Canine Good Citizen, Canine Games Agility Course (novice and advance), Puppy Kindergarten,



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Positive Puppy Headstart, Pet Manners Fine Tuned and Pat Manners with Positive Reinforcement. Downtown Dog Park Open: daily, dawn to dusk. Lincoln Park, Broadway and Pacific Ave. El Dorado Regional Park East (562) 570-1771 West (562) 570-3225 More than 660 acres with walking trails. Vehicle entry, $5-7. Annual passes available. K9 Corner Open: daily, 6 a.m. - 10 p.m. Pacific Ave. and 9th St., Long Beach. Long Beach Recreation Dog Park (562) 570-3100 Open daily, 6 a.m. - 10 p.m.; possible Monday morning closure for maintenance. 5201 E. 7th St., Long Beach. Rosie’s Dog Beach (562) 570-3100 Open: daily, 6 a.m. - 8 p.m. One dog per adult; bring your own water and waste bags. Visit the website for additional rules. Metered parking. Belmont Shore, between Argonne and Roycroft. Uptown Dog Park Open: daily, 6 a.m. - 10 p.m. Scherer Park, 4600 Long Beach Blvd., Long Beach. (562) 570-1674. Wrigley Heights Dog Park (562) 570-3111 Open: daily, 6 a.m. - 10 p.m.; Monday morning closure for maintenance. 3401 Golden Ave., Long Beach. Newport Beach (949) 644-3151 Puppy Kindergarten, Dog Obedience, Dog Manners Crash Course, and Dog Obedience Refresher Drill Workshop. Corona Del Mar, Newport and Balboa Beaches Dogs on six-feet or shorter leashes are allowed be-

Any Size Canine or Feline Dry Kibble or Raw Frozen Food PLUS 2 FREE CANS

Void if altered or copied. Not valid with any other offer. Voucher valid for Nature’s Logic products only. Retailer: Send coupon and receipt of purchase to your Nature’s Logic Distributor. Distributor: Return to Nature’s Logic for credit by March 31, 2014. See for retail locations. 1-888-546-0636 EXP. 12/31/13 petsguide summer/fall 2013 29

Features paved and unpaved walking/hiking trails. Parking, $3-7. 1 Irvine Park Road, Orange. www. Orange Dog Park Open: daily, 7 a.m. to dusk; closed Wednesday for maintenance. 190 South Yorba St., Orange. www.

DOG TRAINING Private & Personalized Obedience Training Down-Stay 20 Minutes Jumping • Pulling Bolting Out The Door Behavior Management Off Leash Day Training While You’re at Work

Santiago Oaks Regional (714) 973-6620 1,758-acre park features hiking trails that provide access to the Anaheim Hills trail system that connects several parks. 2145 N. Windes Drive, Orange.

PET TAXI Pick Up/Drop Off Vet & Groomer Visits Pick Up Pet Supplies Doggie Day Camp

Placentia (714) 993-8232 Dog Obedience, Dog Manners Crash Course, Canine Agility Course, and K9 Work and Play.


Tri-City Regional Park (714) 973-3180 40-acre park with paved and natural walking trails. 2301 Kraemer Blvd., Placentia. www.

Daily Drop-in Visits Walk/Excercise/Play Time Love & Attention Administer Meds if Necessary Yard/Litter Box Maintenance Photo/Video Text of Activities Train, Excercise & Play Package

Candice Yarbrough, CPT, CMT


Rancho Palo Verde Point Vicente Interpretive Center (310) 377-5370 Trek through coastal lands. Dogs must be leashed. Bring water. Waste bags are available. 31501 Palos Verdes Drive West, RPV.

Rancho Santa Margarita RSM Dog Park (949) 635-1800 Open: daily, dawn to dusk. 24328 Antonio Parkway.

fore 10 a.m. and after 4:30 p.m., year-round. Fresh water is available at all beaches. Waste bags are available at Corona Del Mar beach. Corona Del Mar State Beach, Iris St. and Ocean Blvd., Corona Del Mar, (949) 644-3151; Newport and Balboa Beach, Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach, (949) 644-3211.

Saddleback (Mission Viejo area) (949) 768-0981 Puppy Kindergarten, Dog Obedience (novice and intermediate), AKC Good Citizen, Crash Course in Basic Canine Manners and Frisbee Dogs.

Upper Newport Bay (949)923-2290 1,000 acres of open space and hiking trails. 2301 University Drive, Newport Beach. www. (714) 973-6835

PSA: Ink & Sword

Orange Irvine Regional Park

30 petsguide summer/fall 2013

Oso Creek Trail (949) 470-3000 Three miles round trip. Be cautious of wildlife, including coyotes. 27301 La Paz Road, Mission Viejo. San Clemente (949) 361-8264 Dog Obedience. San Clemente Dog Park (949) 361-8264 Open: 6 a.m. to dusk; closed Tuesday until 1 p.m. for maintenance. 310 Avenida La Pata, San Clemente. Seal Beach (562) 431-2527 Dog Obedience and Puppy Kindergarten. Arbor Dog Park (562) 431-2527 Open: dawn to dusk, seven days a week. Nonresident user license is $12 per year, call (562) 430-4993. 4665 Lampson Ave., Seal Beach. www.

Trabuco Canyon Cleveland National Forest (858) 673-6180 Dog-friendly trails are located in Trabuco Canyon, including Holy Jim Falls Trail (three miles round trip) and Trabuco Canyon Trail (five miles round trip). Hikers must purchase a day pass or a year Adventure Pass, available at sporting good stores and ranger stations. Bring your own water and waste bags. Open dawn-dusk. Tustin (714) 573-3326 Dog Obedience and Puppy Kindergarten. Westminster (714) 895-2860 Dog Obedience, Puppy Kindergarten and Dog Manners Crash Course. Whittier Whittier Narrows Recreation Area (626) 575-5526 More than 1,400 acres with trails and a dog sports field. 823 Lexington-Gallatin Road, South El Monte. Yorba Linda (714) 961-7160 AKC Canine Good Citizen, Basic K9 Obedience (special breeds such as herding and bully breeds), Beyond K9 Basics, Canine Agility Games (beginning and intermediate), Crash Course in Basic Canine Manners, Dog Obedience, Doggie Workout with Frisbee and Freestyle, Frisbee Dogs, K9 Work and Play, Pet Therapy Training and Puppy Kindergarten.

training programs Behavior training for dogs. Also see “Dog Sports and Fitness” and “Trails, Beaches, Recreation and Parks.” • 4 Pause (949) 842-7443 Be the person your dog thinks you are. Dog trainer Candice Yarbrough CPT, CMT offers private and personalized training sessions built around your particular needs that take into account your dog/ puppy’s age, sex, breed, temperament and personality. Candice addresses jumping, pulling, sit / stay / down / come / heel, hyperactivity, begging, advanced off-leash training, behavior management and proper pet etiquette, plus down / stay in 20 minutes. Training is offered for all dogs, regardless of breed and Candice offers a guarantee on all sessions. If at the end of the session you feel your dog didn’t learn or catch on, the session is free. Member of the Association of Pet Dog Trainers. Also see “Pet Sitters and Dog Walkers” and “Taxi Services.” See ad on this page. more info at

• Four Paws U (714) 710-9114 Serving Orange County. Private sessions cover behavior and socialization, how dogs communicate with each other and us, plus basic “Real Life Manners.” They work with you and your dog on an individual basis. Sessions are scheduled at your convenience. Private behavior consultations are also available. Group field trips are scheduled to practice those “Real Life Manners” in public settings. Their goal is to enhance your relationship with your dog using humane methods that build a trusting bond. See ad on page 31; coupon on page 37. • K-9 City 28052 Camino Capistrano, #101, Laguna Niguel (949) 364-3300 K-9 City is an indoor facility where they provide training, boarding, day care and grooming, plus

sell dog food and supplies. In a fun, family atmosphere, they combine a high standard of excellence so dogs can receive the right training and attention they need to develop into loyal, healthy, well-behaved pets. Puppy training, in-kennel training, group classes, and private training are available, and include self-control exercises (working on issues like digging, barking, chewing, house breaking, separation anxiety, etc.), lay downs, call backs and boundary controls. They also offer excellent boarding, day care and grooming services, plus distribute Life Vantage Canine Health. This daily supplement reduces canine stress and supports brain, heart, eye, joint and cognitive functions. See ad on page 32. • Kind to Canines Obedience Training 20271 Riverside Drive, Newport Beach (714) 545-2404 Offers a range of obedience training options to best

suit you and your pet; from puppy socialization to problem solving, they do it all. Their in-home training program allows you to be hands-on with your dog’s training from the start. Don’t have the time? They also have training at their kennel located in Newport Beach for 100% obedience in all commands. Whatever the problem, Kind to Canines has a positive solution. Visit their website for in-depth case studies, alumni and testimonials. Also see “Boarding and Day Care” and “Groomers.” See ad on page 1; coupon on page 37. • My Doggies Daycare and Overnight Boarding 30314 Esperanza, Rancho Santa Margarita (949) 709-4600 Training opens up a line of effective communication which is necessary to instruct your dog about what you want him/her to do. Come, sit, down, stay, walk-on-leash, and -off commands

Four paws U Great relationships are based on trust not intimidation 714.710.9114

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• Learn how to teach your dog the basics with methods recommended by the AVSAB • Professional Member of the APDT - CPDT - KA • Delta Society (Pet Partner) Evaluator • Friend of the SCVMA • AKC CGC Evaluator • Affiliate of Peaceable Paws (Hagerstown, MD)

petsguide summer/fall 2013 31

Professional Dog Training & Boarding

Unmatched Results - Unmatched Value - Free Evaluations • 1405 N. Baxter St. , Anaheim • 714-635-5762 are just the beginning. Obedience training will help your dog learn to listen to your instructions, even when around distractions. Techniques are based on the individual temperament; ensuring a more positive outcome. They work with all breeds, sizes and ages, offering basic training and behavior modification plus overcoming aggression and anxiety issues. Their gentle and experienced trainers use proven and lasting reward-based methods, providing expert instruction at both ends of the leash. Mention this listing and receive a free evaluation! See coupon on page 29. • Select K9 Academy 1405 N. Baxter St., Anaheim (714) 635-5762 Full-service professional dog training center with over 30 years’ experience. They provide expert training for all breeds and all ages, including all levels of obedience, behavior modification/ problem solving, protection training and puppy development. Their training approach and techniques are unmatched and their programs, along with their exceptional ongoing client support, are among the finest available. With over 8,700 square feet, the training and boarding center is fully equipped with the highest quality training areas and kennels in the industry. Begin opening the lines of communication and improving the bond and relationship between you and your dog by calling to schedule your free evaluation and get ready for one of the most rewarding experience for both you and your pet! They “Know, Understand and Talk Dog.” Boarding is also available on site at their Lucky Dog Resort; see page 9. See ad on this page.

TRAINING: Puppy, Group, Private, Kennel. PLUS: Boarding • Day Care Grooming • Supplies Now proud distributors. Formulated to support your dog's health.

28052 Camino Capistrano, Laguna Niguel

(949) 364-3300 32 petsguide summer/fall 2013


veterinary services Veterinary clinics and hospitals offering care and specialized treatment pertaining to specific animals or fields of medicine. Also see “Emergency Resources,” “End-of-Life,” “Pet Assistance” and “Therapy and Rehabilitation.” • Alicia Pet Care Center 25800 Jeronimo Road, Ste. 100, Mission Viejo (949) 768-1313 Alicia Pet Care Center’s motto is “We’re Taking Care of Your Babies,” and is a full-service veterinary hospital that is committed to providing the highest quality care available for your pets in a gentle and compassionate manner. They have provided medical, surgical, boarding and dental services for dogs and cats for over 30 years, enabling the doctors and staff to develop specialized services in preventative medicine, dermatitis, geriatric care and surgery. Member of the SCVMA, CVMA and AVMA. Also see “Boarding and Day Care.” • Animal Dental Care (949) 258-4402 Imagine how your teeth would look and feel if you didn’t brush them daily. The same applies to your pets’ teeth. Bad breath and stained teeth are unappealing, but many pet owners aren’t aware that these

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may be symptoms of serious gum disease. Unless you are regularly providing some form of dental care, you are neglecting an important factor in the overall health of your pet. Animal Dental Care provides anesthesia-free dental care to dogs and cats through licensed veterinary facilities throughout California. They strive to provide the best possible oral care for pets and to help educate pet owners on how good dental care contributes to the overall good health of pets. For more than 20 years, they have established a solid reputation among a network of over 300 veterinarians for their professionalism and gentle way with animals. To learn more about them and to watch an informational video, visit their website. See ad on the front inside cover; coupon on page 27. • Back Bay Veterinary Hospital 4263 Birch St., Newport Beach (949) 756-0554 Back Bay Veterinary Hospital is a well-established, full-service small animal veterinary hospital providing comprehensive medical, surgical and dental care. Their state-of-the-art facility features a veterinary hospital with a fully equipped surgery center, a large and spacious boarding facility, and a comprehensive grooming salon. Their doctors and staff are committed to providing the very best quality medical and surgical care in a compassionate, loving manner. See ad on page 33. • Canine Chiro VCA Rossmoor, Los Alamitos (562) 598-8621 VCA All Care, Fountain Valley (714) 963-0909 As a chiropractitioner for pets, Dr. Wasserman’s life work is devoted to the health and well being of your canine companion. His chiropractic care for pets focuses on the nervous system, which controls the function of every cell, tissue, organ and system of the body. Many of your pet’s everyday activities and injuries can cause the spinal bones to lose their normal position or normal motion, which may ultimately alter your pet’s health and/or cause pain. Dr. Wasserman’s philosophy to relieve suffering through chiropractic care, and thereby restore quality of life, has been his goal for more than 25 years. His helpful website is full of useful tips on your pet’s spinal health, nutrition, health, home products and recommended reading. See ad on page 1. • Crossroads Animal Emergency 18364 Beach Blvd., HB (714) 794-6900 11057 Rosecrans Ave., Norwalk (562) 863-2522 Emergency and urgent care for your pet—all night, all weekend and every major holiday. Crossroads uses the latest advancements including digital X-ray, ultrasound, patient monitoring and anesthesia. The staff at Crossroads is skilled and highly trained to provide you and your pet with the ultimate in care, compassion and treatment. Their staff surgeon, Dr. Blackwood, has been with Crossroads for 17 years providing high quality orthopedic and soft tissue surgeries. Crossroads has opened a second location in Huntington Beach. See “Emergency Resources” for hours; see ad on page 14. more info at

19046 Brookhurst St., Huntington Beach 92646 • • (714) 968-9400

• Dr. Robert E. Woods, DVM, CVA 11561 Salinaz Ave., Garden Grove (714) 539-0755 Dr. Woods prides himself on offering a personal relationship with each patient. His clients are his extended family and he wants what’s best for them, like: limited ingredient and mercury-free vaccines, digital radiology, CO2 laser surgery, endoscopy, otoscopy, in-house labwork, ultrasonography and more. In conjunction with cutting-edge diagnostics, alternative medicine is his speciality. He can incorporate multiple treatment options together to provide a health plan specific to each patient’s needs. See ad on page 13. • Katella Animal Clinic 10712 Katella Ave., Anaheim (714) 535-6791 Surgical and medical veterinary care for dogs, cats, exotics, birds and reptiles. They specialize in orthopedics, de-clawing, spay/neuter and surgical procedures. The clinic treats emergency and walk-in patients during business hours. Also see “Boarding and Day Care,” “Cats,” “Groomers” and “Pet Assistance.” For a free exam, and discounts off their already affordable prices, see ad on page 11. • Orange County Veterinary Specialists 3021 Edinger Ave., Tustin (949) 654-8950 Orange County Veterinary Specialists offers internal medical and emergency critical care 24 hours, 7 days a week. Doctors are always on the premises, along with an in-house lab for immediate blood, urine and fluid testing. They can also provide digital x-ray and ultrasound, oxygen therapy, critical care incubators and more. Their doctors are experienced and their staff is kind and caring. Also see “Emergency Resources.” See ad on back outside cover. • Surf City Pet Hospital 19046 Brookhurst St., Huntington Beach 92646 (714) 968-9400 Surf City Pet Hospital is committed to providing high quality medicine with compassionate personal care for all your pet’s needs. They are a full service small animal veterinary hospital providing complete medical and surgical services, including vaccinations,

SURF CITY PET HOSPITAL Providing Complete Medical & Surgical Services $20 OFF Comfortis

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19046 Brookhurst St., Huntington Beach 92646 • • (714) 968-9400 blood testing, allergy testing, digital radiographs, dental cleaning and polishing, spays, neuters, mass removals and orthopedic surgeries. In addition, they provide day care, boarding and grooming services. Dr. Sally Gindi is dedicated to teaching clients about diseases, prevention and treatment. See ad on this page; coupon on page 39.

in-depth information and access to the latest treatments available. The Veterinary Cancer Group does more than care for pets; they care for the families who love them. See Pet Cancer Awareness Pointers on page 25.

• VCA All Care Animal Referral Center 18440 Amistad St., Fountain Valley (714) 963-0909 24-hour emergency and specially referral center located in Fountain Valley. Multiple veterinary specialties are under one roof––from sophisticated surgery to cutting-edge MRI and CT services, seven days a week. Highly trained veterinarians work in partnership with primary-care veterinarians to provide advanced care and rehabilitation for family pets. Thorough communication with you and your family veterinarian is one of their core values. Services include: emergency and critical care, internal medicine, surgery, neurology, dentistry, oncology (cancer care), radiology (diagnostic imaging), physical rehabilitation (with hydrotherapy), acupuncture, chiropractic care and pain management. See ad on page 11.

• Yorba Regional Animal Hospital and Pet Resort 8290 East Crystal Drive, Anaheim (714) 921-8700 Primary and preventative care, surgical and dental services are available at this state-of-theart facility. Specialized services include a board certified veterinary surgeon on staff, orthopedic surgery, soft tissue laser surgery, laparoscopic surgery, including spaying and gastropexy (a unique laparoscopic surgery for deep chested dogs to prevent twisting of the stomach caused by bloat). Also offering endoscopy, stem cell therapy, behavior consultations, acupuncture and reproductive services. Early morning dropoffs, evening and weekend appointments. Voted Orange County Register’s 2010, “One of the Best Animal Hospitals of OC.” For additional services, see ad on the back inside cover; see coupon on page 27.

• Veterinary Cancer Group Los Angeles (310) 558-6120 Orange County (949) 552-8274 San Fernando Valley (818) 888-6882 South Orange County (949) 262-5150 Veterinary Cancer Group is committed to taking the fear out of cancer; and replacing it with hope. They are staffed by leading board-certified medical and radiation oncologists who are passionate about improving the lives of pets with cancer by providing

Mobile Vets The following mobile vets typically provide hospice to elderly or sick pets and home euthanasia: 911 Vets, Los Angeles County, (866) 491-1838, A Mobile Vet, South OC only, (949) 495-5475. Dr. Paul Lynch, DVM, Southern California, (714) 309-6372. Dr. White’s Veterinary Mobile Clinic, South Bay, Long Beach and parts of North Orange County, (310) 968-8370. In Home Final Pet Care, (714) 924-7675, Orange County and Long Beach,

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4263 Birch St., Newport Beach 92660 • (949) 756-0554 | more info at

petsguide summer/fall 2013 33

petsguide calendar ongoing Adoption Events See the Calendar at for more local adoption events. • Animalia’s Food Drive and Teeth Cleaning (714) 377-7630. See ad on page 21; coupon on page 39. Ongoing: Food Drive at Animalia sponsors “No Empty Bowls,” a year-round food drive for homeless animals. The food is distributed by the volunteers of the OCSPCA. Donations are always needed and most appreciated. Fourth Tuesdays: Anesthesia-free teeth cleaning and polish. There is a vet on site that gives a check-up (included) and vaccines are available for purchase. Starting at $16. Call to set up your appointment. • Beagles and Buddies Adoption Events Fridays - Sundays: Open-house style adoptions on Fridays and Saturdays at the sanctuary. Mobile adoptions on Sundays. The rescue would like to receive an emailed application before a visit, to familiarize themselves with adopters. Since they know their dogs well, they can help pair a good match. Fridays and Saturdays, 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. B&B’s 15-acre sanctuary, 23430 US Hwy 18, Apple Valley. Sundays, 11 a.m. - 4 p.m., mobile adoptions at Petsmart, 745 W. Huntington Drive, Monrovia. (626) 444-9664. Breakfast with Bassets First Saturdays: Bring your basset and enjoy the company of other bassets and their owners. You can also meet some hounds that are available for adoption. 10 a.m. - noon. Free. Huntington Beach Dog Park, Edwards and Inlet streets. (714) 5365672. • So Cal Bulldog Rescue Adoption Events Second Saturdays: Meet adoptable bulldogs and save a life. Monthly adoption day and meeting of adoptable English Bulldogs. 9-11 a.m. Grand Pet Care Center, 1602 N. Grand Ave., Santa Ana. www. See ad on page 6. Fred’s Mexican Cafe Monday Date Night Mondays: Bring your well-behaved dog(s) to Doggie Date Night where guests dine with their pets on the patio. With a purchase of an entree, every dog is treated to a stew made just for them. 6 p.m. midnight. 300 PCH, Huntington Beach. (714) 374TACO (8226).

Lazy Dog Cafe Daily: Dogs are allowed at the outside tables. A “Puppy Dog” menu is available for kids and a verbal menu for dogs. Times vary by location. Brea, 240 S. State College Blvd., (714) 529-9300; Cerritos, 278 Los Cerritos Center, (562) 402-6644; Huntington Beach, 16310 Beach Blvd., (714) 500-1140; Irvine, 13290 Jamboree Road, (714) 731-9700; Orange, 1623 West Katella Ave., (714) 769-7020; Temecula, 40754 Winchester Road, (951) 7191884; and Torrance, 3525 Carson St., (310) 9216080. • Pussy & Pooch and Long Beach Museum of Art’s Yappy Hour Thursday through August 29: Bring your pooch for a special exhibit and yappy hour at the Long Beach Museum of Art. Pussy & Pooch will be on hand with a pop-up shop and goodies for the duration of the “Architecture for Dogs” exhibit which features a curated selection of design-forward products for pets and pet enthusiasts. 6-8 p.m. 2300 E. Ocean Blvd., Long Beach. (562) 439-2119., www. See ad on page 20. Low-Cost Vaccination Clinics Sundays: Anaheim Feed’s low-cost vaccination clinic offers vaccines, deworming, blood test, physical exams, microchip, etc. 4-5:30 p.m. Anaheim Feed and Pet Supply, 1730 North Lemon St., Anaheim. (714) 992-2012. Monday - Friday: Bellflower Pet Hospital and Hotel offers a low-cost vaccination clinic every afternoon. 1-5 p.m. Call for fees. 10326 Artesia Blvd., Bellflower. (562) 925-5300. Monthly: Long Beach Animal Care Services offer monthly vaccination and microchip clinics at various Long Beach locations. Check their website for dates, locations and prices. (562) 570-PETS. www. Also see Low-Cost Services under “Pet Assistance.” Madison Square and Garden Cafe Wednesdays - Mondays: Outdoor seating, dog goodies/meals and water bowls. Frequent special events for animal-centered organizations. 8 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Closed Tuesday. 320 North Coast Highway, Laguna Beach. (949) 494-0137. • Mutt Mingles at Pussy & Pooch Monthly: Join the free monthly Mutt Mingle mixer and enjoy special treats, toasts and plenty of in-store tailwagging. Mutt Mingles are a great way for your dog to learn valuable social skills. It’s a chance for them to experience and interact in a social setting—with food, drink and plenty of other distractions. Their indoor facility provides for a very comfortable setting and fun atmosphere. Third Thursdays, 6-8 p.m., 4818 E. 2nd St., Long Beach, (562) 434-7700. Sec-

ond Saturdays, 6-8 p.m., 222 East Broadway, Long Beach, (562) 624-1199. See ad on page 20. Pet Loss Support Group in Seal Beach Wednesdays: Join a pet loss support group at the Seal Beach Animal Care Center. The groups meets twice most months, check their website for dates. 7-8:30 p.m. Free. 1700 Adolofo Lopez Drive, Seal Beach. (562) 430-4993. Roots Gourmet’s Thank Dog It’s Friday Friday: Dog-friendly restaurant offers “Thank Dog It’s Friday”—get a free hot meal for your pooch with the purchase of an entree, all day. Any day of the week, check out their doggy menu and enjoy outdoor patio seating. 6473 E. Pacific Coast Highway, Long Beach. (562) 795-7668 (ROOT). The Park Bench Cafe Tuesday - Sunday: Serves breakfast and lunch for dogs and their owners. Dogs can choose from plates such as the “Wrangler Roundup” or “Rover Easy.” Tuesday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. - 2 p.m.; and Saturday and Sunday, 7:30 a.m. - 3 p.m. Closed Mondays. Check website for menus (dog and human) and petcentered events. 17732 Goldenwest St., Huntington Beach. (714) 842-0775. • Top Dog Barkery’s Monthly “Yappy Hour” Second Monday: Enjoy a social gathering during the shop’s extended hours, where wine and cheese will be served for humans, and tasty treat samples from the Barkery will be available for your four-legged BFF! In a casual “Pawty” setting, meet various “special guests,” including expert dog trainers, veterinarians and more. Plus, take advantage of “Paw’esome” unadvertised discounts and deals. 7-8:30 p.m. Corona Del Mar Plaza, 924 Avocado Ave., Newport Beach. (949) 759-DOGS. See ad on page 21. Wiener Dog Races Various Sundays: Dozens of dachshunds scramble in pursuit of fame as hundreds of spectators cheer them on, along a 20-yard cobblestone track. Handlers encourage, cajole and plead with the willful little dogs to focus on racing to the finish line. 3 p.m. July 14 (German Heritage Day), August 18, September 1 (Plum Festival); and every Sunday, September 8 - October 27 (Octoberfest). Spectate, $2; entry fee, $16. Paws at the Coffee Mill at Old World, 7561 Center Ave., #38, Huntington Beach. (714) 402-7327. www. Zimzala Daily: Dogs dine with their people on the terrace with a view of the beach and order off a special menu just for them. 7 a.m. - 10 p.m. Reservations accepted. 500 PCH, Huntington Beach. (714) 960-5050.

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more info at

july Run or Walk for the Life of a Dog July 4: Join Rover Rescue as they run/walk the July 4th 5K in Redondo Beach. This is a pledge-type fundraiser benefitting Rover Rescue, a nonprofit organization dedicated to the rescue and placement of homeless dogs from LA animal shelters. Please call, or visit their website for more information and for a registration/fundraising packet. (310) 379-0154. 7th Annual Dog Day Afternoon at the Cathedral in Downtown LA July 10: Bring your well-behaved, leashed pooch for a festive evening of mingling, music, local pet vendors and pet adoptions. Wednesday, 6-9 p.m. Free admission; parking, $5. The Cathedral of Our Lady. SEAACA’s Low-Cost Mobile Clinic in Santa Fe Springs July 10: A one-stop event for discounted pet licensing, microchip placement and vaccinations. Wednesday, 5-8 p.m. Prices vary. Santa Fe Springs High School. (562) 803-3301. www. Yappy Hour at Ritz Carlton in Laguna Niguel July 11: It’s the Ulti-Mutt Dog Party with pooches, hounds and pups of all sizes romping and playing on The Dana Lawn. Canines enjoy complimentary hand-made dog biscuits and lapping up refreshing libations, thanks to bacon, chicken, cheese, beef and liver flavored water, while their companions can purchase burgers, brews and wines. Proceeds benefit the Laguna Beach Animal Shelter. Thursday, 5-8 p.m. One Ritz Carlton Drive, Dana Point. (949) 240-5088. NoHo Dine Out Food Truck Fest with the BHRSC July 12: Join the Basset Hound Rescue of Southern California for a Meet and Greet with adoptable hounds and bring your four-legged friend to create a work of art by painting on canvas with their tail, $10 per canvas. Friday, 5-8 p.m. 11458 Burbank Blvd., North Hollywood. The location of the event is in a large vacant parking lot next to the Twin Palm apartments and just west of Lankershim. (949) 464-9065.

assist you when saying goodbye to the pet you love. Facilitated by Andrea Keith, LMFT, support groups meet at 12:30 p.m., typically on the first and third Saturdays each month. 4199 Campus Drive, #550, Irvine, 92612. No reservations required. (949) 6502442. See ad on page 15. • Top Dog Barkery Adoption Fair and Foster Program with Barks of Love July 14: Join the festivities with Barks of Love and Top Dog holding raffle prizes all afternoon in front of the store in order to build awareness of “Don’t Shop, Adopt.” Learn about the foster programs that you can help with to support a deserving dog until he/she finds their forever home. Sunday, 4-6 p.m. Top Dog Barkery, Corona del Mar Plaza, 924 Avocado Ave., Newport Beach. (949) 759-DOGS. www. See ad on page 21. Foster Class in Long Beach July 15: Help a pet better his or her chance at adoption! spcaLA is looking for foster parents for pets of all ages and needs. Potential foster parents must fill out and submit an application prior to attending a foster class. Applications are available online. Saturday, 10 a.m. - noon. Free. P.D. Pitchford Companion Animal Village, 7700 E Spring St., Long Beach. (310) 676-1149. SEAACA’s Low-Cost Mobile Clinic in Downey July 15: Monday, 6-8 p.m. Apollo Park, 12540 Rives Ave. See “July 10” for details. SEAACA’s Low-Cost Mobile Clinic in Paramount July 17: Wednesday, 6:30-8 p.m. Paramount Park, 14400 Paramount Blvd. See “July 10” for details.

SEAACA’s Low-Cost Mobile Clinic in Norwalk July 12: Friday, 4-7 p.m. City Hall, 12700 Norwalk Blvd. (562) 803-3301. See “July 10” for details.

8th Annual Shiba Club and Jindo Project Summer Picnic and Fundraiser in Anaheim July 20: Join the club for games, raffle, food and silent auction to benefit rescued Shiba and Jindo dogs. The club’s mission is to find homes for rescued Shibas and Jindos, assisting in veterinary care and mobile pick up from owners who need to surrender their dog. Saturday, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. $5 park entrance fee. Yorba Regional Park, shelters #4 and #5, 7600 E. La Palma, Anaheim. (310) 328-4972. www.,

• Pet Loss Counseling and Support Groups of Orange County July 13: Pet Loss Counseling and Support Groups provide therapeutic and compassionate support to

Catopia at OC Animal Care Services July 20: There will be lots of adorable kittens and wonderful adult cats available for adoption. OC Animal Care will provide a free spay/neuter and adop-

tion goodies for all cats adopted during the event. Saturday, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. 561 The City Drive South, Orange. (714) 935-6301. SEAACA’s Low-Cost Mobile Clinic in Lakewood July 20: Saturday, 9 a.m. - noon. Northeast corner of Clark and Del Amo. See “July 10” for details. Wiener Dog Nationals at Los Alamitos Race Track July 20: More than 80 dachshunds will dash 50 yards to qualify to compete for the title of Fastest Wiener Dog in the Nation. Proceeds benefit the Seal Beach Animal Care Center. Saturday, 6 p.m. $3, kids (17 and under), free. Los Alamitos Race Track. (562) 430-4993. AFRMA Fancy Rat and Mouse Show July 27: The AFRMA judges various categories of rats and mice including pets, English, breeder’s group, brood doe and progeny. Entry forms are found on the website. Saturday, 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. 17156 Krameria Ave., Riverside. BHRSC Annual Yard Sale in Whittier July 27: Quality items include large furniture, home décor, clothing, toys, baby items, artwork, books, glassware galore—more than you can imagine! All proceeds benefit the hounds of Basset Hound Rescue of Southern California. Saturday, 8 a.m. - noon. 7758 College Ave., Whittier. (949) 464-9065. www., Dog Days of Summer in La Habra July 27: Enjoy browsing at more than 45 vendor booths, meet adoptables with rescue organizations, wash your dog for $20, get him herd tested for $30, and take a picture with him at the photo booth. Plus, don’t miss the dancing-dog demo, see flyball and frisbee dogs, and meet dogs from the Wiener Nationals. Also, compete in the dog costume and trick contest. Saturday, 9-4 p.m. Free to attend. 1885 Hacienda Road, La Habra Heights. Kittenpalooza Adoption Event in Hawthorn July 27: Enjoy a day of pet adoption with the cutest kitties in all of Los Angeles. Pet adoptions, vendor booths, face painting for kids, gift bag for adopters and feline adoption specials. Saturday, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. spcaLA South Bay Pet Adoption Center, 12910 Yukon Ave., Hawthorne. www.

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petsguide summer/fall 2013 35

• Pet Loss Counseling and Support Groups of Orange County July 27: See “July 13” for details.

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Skyhoundz Hyperflite Local Disc Dog Championship in Torrance July 27: Hosted by Disc Dogs of Southern California, watch disc dogs show off their disc skills to win the championship. Saturday, registration starts at 8:30 a.m.; competition begins at 9:30 a.m. Check website for rules and registration. Torrance Park, 2001 Santa Fe Ave.


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Dog Days of Summer in Fullerton August 8: Dogs of all shapes, sizes and talents are being sought for the annual “Dog Days of Summer” talent show and competition. Prizes go to the dog who is the best kisser, has the loudest bark, is the fastest eater, does the best pet trick, or most resembles its owner. The event will be held at the outdoor Fullerton Market, located on Wilshire Ave., between Harbor Blvd. and Pomona Ave. Sunday, 4-8:30 p.m. Doggie competitions and entertainment, 5-8 p.m. Free. Fullerton Downtown Plaza, 121 E. Wilshire Ave. (714) 738-6545. www.


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Yappy Hour at Ritz Carlton in Laguna Niguel August 8: See “July 11” for details.

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BHRSC Meet and Greet in Laguna Niguel August 10: Meet and Greet with adoptable hounds and bring your four-legged friend to create a work of art by painting on canvas with their tail, $10 per canvas. Saturday, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. Unleashed by Petco, 27281 La Paz Road. (949) 464-9065. www.,

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volunteer Community Animal Network (949) 759-3646 Community Animal Network, Newport Beach, welcomes volunteers with professional skills. Do you love photography? Can you manage or build a website? Do you love to write? They need people to write “thank you letters” to the people who have adopted animals; volunteers with communications and marketing skills are needed, too. School-age children and adults volunteers are also needed at their weekend pet adoption events at Fashion Island Shopping Center. Volunteer Orientation every third Saturday of each month, 5-6:30 p.m. Email: See ad on page 27. For more volunteer options, see “Adoption and Rescue,” “Pet Assistance,” “Service and Therapy Animals” and “Shelters.”

36 petsguide summer/fall 2013

• Pet Loss Counseling and Support Groups of Orange County August 10 and 24: See “July 13” for details. Bark For Life Orange County in Fountain Valley August 11: The American Cancer Society’s Bark For Life is a noncompetitive walk event for dogs and their owners to raise funds and awareness for the American Cancer Society’s fight against cancer. Bring your best canine friend and join a fun-filled day starting with a walk, and then continuing with demonstrations, contests and games. Sunday, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Register as a team, join an existing team or as an individual on their website. 16400 Brookhurst St., Fountain Valley. www. National Dog Day August 26: It’s National Dog Day today. Make it a special day with your favorite canine or canines. Go to a favorite place or try somewhere new! www. Also see, “Trails, Beaches, Recreation and Parks” on page 28.

september • Pet Loss Counseling and Support Groups of Orange County September 7: See “July 13” for details. Yappy Hour at Ritz Carlton in Laguna Niguel September 12: See “July 11” for details. • Animal Health Foundation’s “Walk a Hound, Lose a Pound Event” September 15: Help the Animal Health Foundation improve the health and welfare of animals in Orange and Los Angeles Counties by joining the “Walk a Hound, Lose a Pound Event.” After the walk, enjoy disc-dog demos, agility with Wags & Wiggles, AKC CGC testing and much more. Plus, a silent auction and raffle with lots of great prizes for participants. Sunday, 8 a.m. Irvine Regional Park. For more details and to register, visit their website. Walk for the Animals Dog Bless America in Huntington Beach September 15: Activities include entertainment, vendors, silent auction, door prizes, goodie bags, contests and more. Sunday, 9 a.m. - noon. Registration begins at 7:30 a.m. Well-mannered dogs, on leashes, are encouraged to attend. No puppies under six months. 7111 Talbert Ave., Huntington Beach Central Park East behind the library. (714) 964-4445. • Animal Health Foundation Pet Evaluations September 21: Do you think your pet might make a good service animal? Animal Health Foundation is offering evaluations to test your pets ability to be part of the Animal Therapy Team. Reservations are required. Evaluations dates also offered October 12 and November 9. Visit www. or call (800) 939-0936 to get information on the prerequisites necessary to be part of this amazing team. • Pet Loss Counseling and Support Groups of Orange County September 21: See “July 13” for details. Pet First-Aid and CPR Training in Anaheim September 22: SunnyDog Inc. will teach pet parents how to administer first-aid and CPR to pets. Saturday, noon - 4 p.m. Visit the website for fees and details. Sunday, 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. Camp Bow Wow, 1431 North Daly St. Haute Dog LA Fashion Show September 25: Canine Companions for Independence and Disney VoluntEARS present the second annual Haute Dog LA, a doggie runway fashion show that will feature dozens of dogs—drawn from the ranks of the AKC and animal shelters— modeling outfits from the elegant to the outrageous. Enjoy a cocktail hour, hors d’oeuvres and more info at

silent auction, then sit back and watch couture canines give new meaning to the catwalk. Prizes will be rewarded for Most Creative, Cutest and Silliest Canine Fashions, judged by a panel of VIPs. All proceeds will benefit Canine Companions for Independence, a nonprofit organization that provides assistance dogs free of charge to people with disabilities. Wednesday, 6:30-9:30 p.m. $85-135. The Peninsula, 9882 S. Santa Monica Blvd., Beverly Hills. • 5th Annual Surf City Surf Dog September 27-29: Enjoy “3-Days of Doggone Fun” at the 5th Annual Surf City Surf Dog. Friday Night is the Shorebreak Hotel opening ceremonies, Yappy Hour and Dog Is Good Fashion Show. Saturday includes Surf City Costume Contest, two-day Expo and dog adoptions. Sunday is the world-famous Surf Dog Competition at Huntington Beach Dog Beach. See daily schedule with times on their website. See ad on page 35. Wag ‘N’ Walk in Seal Beach September 28: Wag ‘N’ Walk is an opportunity for you and your dog to enjoy a walk together and help homeless animals enjoy a better life at the same time. Help raise money and awareness for the pets in residence at the Seal Beach Animal Care Center. Join the walk with or without a canine companion. Events include a dog walk, raffles, a SBACC Adoptable Dog Show, a training demonstration and contests for dogs and their people. Saturday, 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Seal Beach Pier. (562) 430-4993. SCART’s 8th Annual Pet Fair in the Park in Long Beach September 29: SoCal Animal Response Team’s 8th Annual Pet Fair in the Park. Vendors for pets, dog talent contest, dog agility course and demonstrations, disaster preparedness, $20 micro-chipping and more. Sunday, 9:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. at Long Beach Marine Stadium Park. Register for the dog talent contest online at

october • Annual Southern California Bulldog Rescue Howl-O-Ween Picnic October: Bulldog owners and families come together to dress up their bulldogs in creative costumes, walk in a park parade, and participate in fundraising events. Date and location to be announced; check their website for details. www. See ad on page 6. Interfaith Blessing of the Animals October 5: The blessing invites all well-behaved pets of any kind to be blessed by one member of the clergy or be blessed by all. Olive branches and holy water will to be available. Saturday, 6:10 p.m. Free for blessing and to spectate. 1 Granada Ave., on the concrete boat launch ramp, next to Rosie’s more info at

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Dog Beach, Long Beach. (562) 439-3316. www. • Pet Loss Counseling and Support Groups of Orange County October 5: See “July 13” for details. • Bullies Uncorked Wine & Food Fundraiser October 6: The annual Bullies Uncorked Wine & Food Fundraiser features wine tasting, food pairings, live and silent auctions, raffles, games and live entertainment. All proceeds benefit Southern California Bulldog Rescue. Sunday, 1-4 p.m. $30 presale, $40 at the door. Sundried Tomato, 31781 Camino Capistrano, San Juan Capistrano. www. See ad on page 6. • Animal Health Foundation Pet Evaluations October 12: Also offered November 9. See “September 21” for details. Pugtoberfest in Costa Mesa October 12: Grab your pugs and other quadrupeds and join in “pugtastic” festivities, including an adopted-dog parade, auctions, adoption fair, vendor booths, “Ask the Vet” Q and A, ear cleaning, nail clipping and contests, such as best kisser, best costume, find-your-pug and dog race. Saturday, 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. $7-13, all proceeds benefit Pugs ‘n Pals rescue. Free parking. TeWinkle Park, 970 Arlington Drive. (949) 2627843. Walk with the Angels in Irvine October 13: Bring your four-legged friend to enjoy a walk around the lake, then shop at vendor booths, dance to music, eat some treats and enter a drawing for great prizes. Plus, all participants receive goody bags. Kids play in the bounce house, decorate pumpkins and enter a costume contest. Saturday, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Walk starts at 10 a.m. Pre-register online or day of the event. Canine Angels. (888) K9-ANGLS. www.

Yappy Howl-O-Ween Hour at Ritz Carlton in Laguna Niguel October 24: Canines and their companions are invited for tricks and treats in celebration of Howl-O-Ween. This seasonal Yappy Hour celebration is a chance for pups to strut their stuff in their favorite costume. A panel of judges will determine which canine will take home the prize in the costume categories of Scariest, Funniest, Most Glamorous and, of course, Best in Show. First place prize in each category is a handpainted dog bowl by Debby Carman of Faux Paws Productions. Thursday, 4-7 p.m. Cost to enter the costume contest is $10 per canine. One Ritz Carlton Drive, Dana Point. (949) 2405088. Fido And Friends 9th Annual Cancer Support Walk in Redondo Beach October 26: A fundraising walk for dog lovers and their friends to raise money for cancer patients. Walk in honor of someone you know who has or had cancer. Carry their name on a sign if you wish, or just in your heart. Participation in this walk will help provide support for hundreds of cancer patients in the South Bay. In partnership with Terranea Resort, the walk will have a great view of the ocean. Saturday, see their website for times and registration. $50-55. Terranea Resort, 6610 Palos Verdes Drive South, Rancho Palos Verdes. www. AFRMA Fancy Rat and Mouse Show October 26: See “July 27” for details. Bichon Fall Bash 2013 in Escondido October 26: Bring your Bichon and other fur kids for a parade, vendors, demos, contests, raffles and more. Saturday, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. $25 per person or $75 for a family of four. Preregistration required. Hidden Hills Obedience School, Escondido. Meet Your Mature Match in Orange October 26: Adopt an adult or senior pet (pets


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EXP. 12/31/13

petsguide summer/fall 2013 37

Does This Collar Make Me Look Fat? How to Tell if Your Pet is at a Healthy Weight Check with your vet to be sure. • Run your fingertips against the direction of his fur. If you can feel his ribs, he may be too skinny. • Now run your fingertips down his sides, from his shoulders to his hips. If you can find his ribs easily, he’s probably at a healthy weight. If you feel a layer of blubber, chances are he’s overweight. • Other signs of obesity: you can’t feel an indented waist, you see a “tuck” in front of your pet’s hind legs, or he has trouble moving around.

Need Help Dropping a Few? Click on Weight Loss Tools at for ideal weight ranges, exercise tips, daily feeding logs, pet-food calorie counts and more.

special needs The following websites offer information, support, resources and referrals for pet lovers with a special-needs or disabled pet: - For three-legged pets. - Also offers rescue, adoption and wheelchair assistance. Also see your area of interest in Petsguide as many businesses accommodate or provide services to pets with special needs. 38 petsguide summer/fall 2013

over 3 years old) and enjoy a reduced adoption fee. Adult pets often have a harder time getting adopted from the shelter, yet are usually a better fit for families. Adult pets are often housebroken, know basic commands and are more mellow than puppies. Saturday, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. 561 The City Drive South, Orange. (714) 935-6301. • Pet Loss Counseling and Support Groups of Orange County October 26: See “July 13” for details. Howl’oween Parade and Pet Adoption Fair October 27: Dress up your pooch (and yourself) and join the parade in Long Beach. Fair includes adoption and vendors. Sunday, fair, noon - 5 p.m.; and parade, 2:30 p.m. Free to spectate. See website for location in late September. www.

november Santa Claws in the Park in Huntington Beach November: Just in time for the holiday season and Christmas cards, photographer, Julie Megill, will be taking photos of Westies and friends in an adorable holiday setting. Plus, stay for a picnic lunch, boutique and silent auction. Call for date and times. Edison Park. Fall Pet Days in Costa Mesa November 2-3: Shop for your pet, visit educational booths, donate to a pet organization, watch demos, listen to guest speakers, and maybe adopt a new family member. Free face painting for kids. No personal pets allowed. Saturday and Sunday, 9 a.m. 3 p.m. $2; kids (12 and under), free. Orange County Market Place. • Animal Health Foundation Pet Evaluations November 9: See “September 21” for details. • Pet Loss Counseling and Support Groups of Orange County November 9: See “July 13” for details. VPI Pet Cancer Awareness Walk in Long Beach November 9: Walk with other pet lovers and their canines for Pet Cancer Awareness. All registration fees go to the Animal Cancer Foundation. Saturday, check in 9 a.m. Visit their website to preregister. Entry fee includes, participation in the walk, a Tshirt, pet bandana and post-walk refreshments. Shoreline Village Lighthouse Peninsula, Long Beach. • Rescue Train Race in Irvine November 10: Join team “Southern California Bulldog Rescue” in a 5K, 10K, 1K Dog Walk and Kid’s Run at Orange County Great Park to benefit animal rescues. Members of team “Southern California Bulldog Rescue” are eligible for team

awards and prizes. Sunday, see website for race times. Register at See ad on page 6. Repticon in Costa Mesa November 23-24: Come for two days filled with thrilling quality reptiles, amphibians, exotic pets, pet products, educational seminars, door prizes and much more. Saturday, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.; and Sunday, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Check their website for show and presentation times. $5-15. VIP tickets available. OC Fair and Event Center, 88 Fair Drive. Black Friday Weekend Adoption Discounts at OC Animal Care November 30: Stop by the shelter and meet the shelter’s special senior pets. These mature dogs and cats are hoping to find their forever homes this holiday season. OC Animal Care will provide a free spay/neuter and flea treatment for all senior pets (5 years+) adopted during the event ($60 value). Saturday, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. 561 The City Drive South, Orange. (714) 935-6301. www. • Pet Loss Counseling and Support Groups of Orange County November 30: See “July 13” for details.

december • Alicia Pet Care Center & The Pet Rescue Center’s Holiday Open House/Fundraiser December 1: Bring the kids and the pooch for complimentary pictures with Santa, interactive educational booths, face painting, balloons, food, tours of the facility, raffle and bounce house. Also, meet animals for adoption. All proceeds benefit The Pet Rescue Center, which works with shelters, vets, the community and rescue groups to care for and save adoptable dogs and cats. Sunday, noon - 4 p.m. 25800 Jeronimo Road, Ste. 100, Mission Viejo. (949) 768-1313. www., • Holiday Pet Meals at Pussy & Pooch December 1-31: Pussy & Pooch is taking orders for freshly prepared Holiday Pet Meals from the one-ofa-kind Pawbar®, found exclusively at Pussy & Pooch locations. Treat your pet to a perfectly balanced and deliciously made-to-order meaty nutritional meal featuring raw turkey or duck, pumpkin puree, green beans, sweet potatoes, cranberries and a freshly baked, all-natural bakery treat. Two locations: 4818 E. 2nd St., Long Beach, (562) 434-7700; and 222 East Broadway, Long Beach, (562) 624-1199. www. See ad on page 20. • Pet Loss Counseling and Support Groups of Orange County December 7: See “July 13” for details. Santa Paws in Mission Viejo December 7: Get Christmas photos of you and your more info at

pets. Saturday, call for times and prices. All proceeds benefit shelter animals. City of Mission Viejo Animal Services. 28095 Hillcrest, Mission Viejo. (949) 470-3045. Santa Photos at OC Animal Care December 7, 14, 21 and 22: Bring your pet for a holiday photo with Santa at Orange County Animal Care. All attendees will receive a free digital photo. In addition, a printed photo in a Santa frame will be provided with any donation. Saturdays and Sundays, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. 561 The City Drive South, Orange. (714) 935-6301. Yappy Howl-iday Hour at Ritz Carlton in Laguna Niguel December 7: This festive gathering of canines and their companions provides Fido with the opportunity to be photographed with the “Big Dog” himself—Santa Claus. Plus, treats for canine and human alike. In keeping with the resort’s Season of Giving and to help deck the halls of the Laguna Beach Animal Shelter, guests are asked to bring unopened canned or dry dog food, blankets, treats or dog toys to be donated to the shelter. Saturday, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. One Ritz Carlton Drive, Dana Point. (949) 240-5088. Home for the Holidays Adoption Event in Irvine December 8: The Irvine Animal Care Center hosts a smaller version of the Orange County Super Pet Adoption event. Rescue groups bring adoptable pets, vendors, food and lots more. Sunday, 10 a.m.- 3 p.m. 6443 Oak Canyon Road. (949) 7247740. • Pussy & Pooch Hosts its Annual “12 Days of Twinkle” December 13-24: The two-week event features a variety of in-store festivities including limitedtime sales, special Mutt Mingle and Meow Mingle pet-social events, pet adoptions and cheer for all. Two Long Beach locations: 4818 E. 2nd St. Long Beach, (562) 434-7700; and 222 East Broadway, Long Beach, (562) 624-1199. www. See ad on page 20. Pawliday Dog Adoption Event at OC Animal Care December 21: Join OC Animal Care in conjunction with Desperate Paws of Orange County as they present a special Pawliday Dog Adoption Event. Dog adopters will receive a $50 discount on their adoption fees as well as free toys and goodies for their new pet. Saturday, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. 561 The City Drive South, Orange. (714) 935-6301. www. • Pet Loss Counseling and Support Groups of Orange County December 21: See “July 13” for details. More Events Check out the online calendar for additional events at Woof! more info at

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Kitty Cardio Try working out with your cat and you’ll probably get a look of disdain. But veterinarians say it’s worth a shot, especially with less-active indoor cats. Buy simple toys and wiggle them around for about 10 minutes a day, twice a day. Leave a trail to make your cat hunt for his kibble, or put treats inside a Kong Cat Wobbler. Invest in a “cat tree” he can climb, or pick up a FroliCat Bolt Laser Toy from the pet shop. petsguide summer/fall 2013 39

Improve the Health of Your Pet by:

e h t e n d i i u Jo g s t

1) Working on a healthy weight 2) Participating in a new fitness activity

3) Knocking out at least 5 of the 10 tips on page 4

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