Peachtree Corners Magazine - APRIL/MAY 2020

Page 18


Sports & Recreation

Pinckneyville Middle and Other Schools See their Soccer Season Fade Away


he field had never looked greener for the bright-faced squads of Pinckneyville Middle School Soccer at the 2019-2020 school year’s start, but Gwinnett County Public School (GCPS) closures amidst the Coronavirus pandemic have left parents and students wondering if their season will reconvene. According to Pinckneyville Middle School Soccer Coach Sara Sanders, Pinckneyville Middle School tryouts commenced in mid-October in preparation for the Middle School Soccer tournament that normally takes place in March, but it has since been postponed. Pinckneyville Middle School Soccer functions as a popular club sport, with one Boys and one Girls team spanning grades sixth through eighth. Because of the classification as a club instead of an official Middle School sport, Sanders and her team must work creatively to equip their players with everything they need. Each year Sanders contacts other coaches to get Pinckneyville Middle School Soccer uniforms made, though this does mean that each child keeps their uniform at the end of the season. From scheduling to transportation and everything in between, no small detail can be overlooked. Sanders credits Sonia Lee, Sandra Goring and Gene Rouille with keeping her sane and on track.

Pinckneyville MS Soccer Club background

The soccer club at Pinckneyville Middle School kicked off

By Kelsey Asher


The Pinckneyville Middle School Soccer Girl’s team fight for the ball during an intense practice.

The players on the Pinckneyville Middle School Soccer team do their part to support the game by helping set up their goal.

five years ago with Sanders at the helm, starting with eighth grade boys then expanding to all grades, eventually adding a Girls team as interest grew. Typically, both teams have set separate practices, but they often practice together as well. This gives players the chance to hone their skills and interact with fellow students who they might not otherwise have the chance to. Both teams are currently in the top five teams of their respective leagues, with the girls ranked first and the boys ranked third. Sanders has had the opportunity to watch former Pinckneyville Middle School Soccer players go on to play as Norcross High School seniors, bringing everything full circle. In order to further that legacy, Sanders has made efforts to keep the players in game shape should the season pick up again soon. “We have been doing virtual practices to stay sharp. I send the kids two practice sessions that they complete during the week and then record myself the other three days of the week

Peachtree Corners Magazine ■ April/May 2020 ■

for them to practice simple foot skills and moves to help keep them technically and tactically sound,” said Sanders. She added that though parents and students are disappointed with the interruption in their season, the soccer club tries to stay positive through this difficult time. Pinckneyville Middle School soccer falls under the jurisdiction of GCPS and must abide by all extracurricular protocols handed down by Gwinnett County. In the soccer community, the new suggested end-of-game procedure asks for touching of elbows or fist bumps instead of the customary handshake. It is unclear if more rules will change peachtreecornerslife


in response to the Coronavirus outbreak. Pinckneyville Middle School Soccer anticipates reinstatement by GCPS along with all other extracurriculars on hold. Other school soccer programs in Gwinnett County face similar questions and challenges.

Cornerstone Christian Academy

The nearby Cornerstone Christian Academy has faced similar challenges and setbacks, but the staff continues to celebrate past successes and remains hopeful for the future. Cornerstone Athletic Director Chuck Faust had much to say in support of the growing soccer peachtreecornerslife

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