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ingrid murphy

Left and below: She danced him into a flat spin, 2019

Ingrid Murphy is an Irish ceramic artist and academic based in Wales. Ingrid combines traditional making skills with digital technologies to create interactive artefacts. Her research focuses on reimagining or augmenting domestic or historical ceramic objects to create new and engaging experiences. The work ‘She Danced Him into a Flat Spin’ was created by 3D scanning an historical Staffordshire figurine in a virtual reality environment, scaling it to human size and dancing with the figure, the resulting digital objects were then 3D printed and cast in ceramics, frequently Ingrid exploits the conductivity of the bronze glaze and gold lustre decoration to be used as a circuitry to create touch interactivity.


The supporting film included in the exhibition shows how the work was produced using dance in a VR environment. Combining new and emergent technologies with the physical properties of ceramic materials enables the objects to become increasingly more interactive and interconnected.

Ingrid’s academic research explores how new technologies can influence how we both experience and teach craft. A UK National Teaching Fellow Ingrid is a Principal Lecturer at Cardiff School of Art & Design, where she leads the schools FabCre8 interdisciplinary research group.

ingrid murphy

Left and Above: She danced him into a flat spin, 2019