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External (Business Engagement)

Recorded content for people to watch / re-watch

We have created a page, on the website, for businesses to view previous webinars and forums that they may not have been able to attend due to other work related commitments or illness. This will not only help businesses out, that can’t attend, but will also allow people to re-watch in case they missed anything. By doing this, it will also showcase the speaker for a longer time period. You will find this content on the website under Press > Chamber@Home.


Board meetings

Sector Board meetings will take place digitally for each sector and minutes will be recorded. The Industry Board meetings will also be digital going forward.

Monthly emails to each sector

BDM’s can stay in touch with members by sending emails on a daily basis. A mass email can also be sent to their sector once/twice a month to keep engagement levels up. This will include information such as upcoming forums that they may be interested in, meeting requests/ queries, new members in their sector, events they may want to get involved with/attend on Wirral (Food and Drink Festival as an example for VE), QES surveys etc. This can be purely tailored to each sector depending on the news and updates that may be beneficial to those businesses within.

We have started to use Mailchimp to send out our emails/newsletters/updates as it:

1) looks better

2) we can semi automate some aspects, making best use of technology and saving us time

3) allows us to capture data such as when people open our emails/click through on links/ register for events. By doing so, we can better tailor our emails/communication to get maximum engagement

4) it puts control on the member on what mailing lists they get added to and means we can easily create/adjust mailing lists to keep them up to date.

Coffee with the CEO & Member Meetups

It is likely, especially due to recent circumstances, that some businesses will have matters that concern them, some of which are serious and perhaps urgent, and which they would like us to address. How can we help in supporting you? We will have a specific session that focuses on the support that we can offer our businesses, with an update from our CEO. This session will take place every other Tuesday at 11am for all businesses (members and non-members). We will also be having a session every other Thursday at 11am for our Patron and Strategic Partners only.

Due to advances in technology, it is clear that we will still be able to provide our members with support and events whilst working from home. Nevertheless, many of our member’s primary reason for joining the Chamber is to network and build connections. With there being none/ less face to face forums than usual, there are currently less opportunities to network. And some may not be inclined to talk on Zoom calls. This poses some additional questions for the organisation. How will members still network? What does the future hold for networking? How will we give our members the opportunity to engage with one another when half our forums are going digital?