Jostens Look Book 2013

Page 310

3 08


“ I N GOO D HA N D S ”


h o n o r a ble m e nt i on | 2012 p hoto contest

“ e ditor- i n- chi ef ” Tr e v or Munch, photo g ra pher Cor tney Weisman, ad v i ser Wa rd Melville High Scho o l Se tauket , NY

“i n g o o d h a nds ” Kel sey H uf fer, ph otograp h e r J ul i e G o l dstei n, ad v i s e r G r een Va l l ey H i g h S c h ool H ender so n, NV

“ F ly L i k e an E agle ” G i an n a Su r l e y, p h otograp h e r J am i D e Vr i e s , ad v i s e r H e r i tage H i gh S c h ool L i t t l e ton , CO

“G e n t le ” J oh n P ac he co, pho to g ra phe r J os h C l e m e nts, a dvise r Val l e y Vie w H ig h Scho o l M or e n o Va lle y, CA

From a high angle, this photographer not only captured the faces of the two girls, but surrounds them with icons of their work. Keeping the background darker and shadowed brings the viewer to each of the subjects in a strong way.

Wide-angle distortion works well in this portrait, bringing the viewer to the dominant hands cradling the baby’s head and into the background. The extremely shallow depth of field completes the portrait, but concentrates the focus on the baby’s expression.

Using digital alterations to blur the background, this photographer created horizontal separation from the dancer’s vertical leap in the air. The dancer’s completely horizontal legs suggest the height of her jump, and her colorful costume and expression add lively interest.

Patterned lighting is used to full effect in this beautiful portrait. The model’s pose adds great effect with her angled head showing dimensionality which leads the viewer through the textured details. The strong rule of thirds placement and dark tonality of the left side of the frame complete the portrait’s appeal.

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