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The Learning Centre

In order to bring under one banner our extensive education and outreach work over the past 40 years, Jersey Arts Centre has created a Learning Centre in the form of a retro-classroom from which these various projects and initiatives will be planned for and developed.

The following education and outreach work, and companies, will be coordinated and developed from this space under the direction of Hettie Duncan, Education and Outreach Coordinator, and Victoria Hermitage, Education and Outreach Assistant:

- Courses + workshops

- Drama + Art Schools

- Summer Schools

- Holocaust Memorial Day workshops

- World Book Day workshops

- Liberation workshops

- Christmas show workshops

- Arts in Health Care Trust performances

- Junior Drama (8 - 13 years)

- youtheatre (14 - 19 years)

- ACT (ArtsCentreTheatre) (18 years +)

- The Community Christmas Company

- The Brighter Futures Company

- Our professional Theatre-in-Education Company

- Our movement and dance programme

For more information, please contact: hettie@artscentre.je


Join Jersey Arts Centre’s professionally led, award-winning theatre company in autumn 2023. If you have the energy, commitment, imagination and a sense of humour, and would like to become a member, come along to our next introductory meeting on: Wednesday 20 September 2023: 6pm - 8pm at Jersey Arts Centre.

For further information about our drama classes and drama courses, visit: www.artscentre.je or contact: 700427


ArtsCentreTheatre (ACT) is a community theatre company, open to anyone aged 18 to 800, who would like an introduction to the disciplines required to stage a successful theatrical production - of which acting is merely one. The next Meet & Greet session is on Tuesday 2 January 2024 at 7.30pm.

If you are interested in taking part or simply want to know more about ACT in general, email ACT’s Director, Jason Kenyon: stage@artscentre.je