2 minute read

5 minutes with your CEO

As I come to the end of my first year with The IoCP, I would like to reflect on a very enjoyable 12 months.

It has been a year of driving change and growth, getting out to meet members at our Primary Care and Public Health Exhibition, at the AGM, attending branch meetings, training and CPD events to engage with the attendees. It is always nice to hear the fantastic feedback that we get for our tutors, presenters, and guest speakers, from our students and to hear of the great support that our members experience in their dealing with our head office team.


We have grown our tutor base significantly in the last 12 months and we will be increasing the number of educational events that we will be running in 2023. We have also introduced new staff into our head office team, which has helped us to improve the ways of working and put more focus on membership support, both through general enquiries and in liaison with our FHP students, many of whom are just entering into the foot health workspace.

Chief Executive Officer Anthony Hubbard


to see our Business Club launched this year which provides another networking opportunity and a chance to discuss any business issues that you may have with other, more experienced members of the Institute and with our guest speakers that we invite along from time to time.

It has really filled me with pride to see our FHP students arrive at our training clinic in our head office facility and leave with their certificates, having grown in knowledge, confidence in carrying out the role and with a new mini-network of colleagues who they can call upon during their working lives to discuss issues with and learn from. We must remember that lots of our members will be working alone and building support networks for them is key to retaining them in the profession and developing them as individual practitioners. To that end, it was great Our CPD offering has continued to grow, with courses filling up as soon as they are launched. We have partnered with other organisations to improve our offer and will be introducing more partnerships going forwards; keep your eye on the website for the latest information.

I am looking forward to leading The Institute through another year of positive change and growth during 2023 and hope to meet a lot more of you along that journey. Let me sign-off by wishing you all the very best for a happy, healthy and prosperous 2023!