2 minute read

Love the Skin You’re in …at Any Age!

Words Dr Kathryn Holmes

I am proudly anti-ageist. I value individuality and the wisdom, knowledge and experience only years on this earth can deliver, and this mindset influences my approach to skin health.

Let’s not throw out the value of our individual uniqueness by creating clones of famous folk. Let’s not try and deny that we are all ageing from the minute we are born.

And let’s champion ageing while maintaining as much health and well-being as possible - in our bodies and our skin.

Skin health means achieving our best, brightest, most glowing skin. This skin will resist skin cancers. This skin will feel comfortable and not be red and irritated all the time. This skin will be strong and springy, resisting deep lines and wrinkles. This skin will be clear and even in tone.

Some folds in facial skin can develop dermatitis and become very red and raw. Let’s avoid that.

No one would suggest that just because aching joints are part of ageing, we shouldn’t do all we can to have healthy joints. Or that we shouldn’t exercise and eat well to keep our hearts and muscles as good as they can be?

The same goes for our skin. Brown spots, lumps and bumps, and sun damage are part of unhealthy skin. So let’s use the tools we have to remove those brown spots, lumps and bumps and reverse that sun damage. Red, overly vascular skin is more sensitive, so let’s control those issues. If unhealthy skin is leathery and thickly lined, let’s use all of the tools we have to boost the health of our skin, which will, of course, improve many lines and wrinkles.

At the Mayah Clinic, we champion natural glowing skin at any age, achieved by addressing skin issues or proactively preventing damage to your skin without losing your unique beauty.