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identitySIGNS Sagittarius

November 23 – December 21


STRENGTHS: Supportive, outgoing, adventurous

WEAKNESSES: Foolish, unreliable, maneuvering

FRIENDSHIP: Sagittarius is simply the greatest and coolest friend. Always open to love, life and endless new possibilities. Qualities that anyone appreciates and looks for in a friendship.



ARIES: This is the perfect match in a friendship. Both are pretty much a lightning bolt. You can be great gym-buddies or work mates even; you can simply take on the world with that friendship.

TAURUS: Both are complete opposites. You’re outgoing and they’re the comfort zone lovers. They always stick to the familiar and you’re naturally drawn to the unknown.You might be happier in another friendship with a different sign.

GEMINI: With this match things are not always smooth, but you’re compatible in friendship anyway. Why? Because this is where your differences are the strength points of your friendship.

CANCER: On the outside, you’d think this friendship is just impossible. Especially given the fact that you’re a life lover and the crab is a sucker for intimacy and quietness. But dig deeper, you’ll find some hidden common traits.

LEO: Effortless friendship. A Leo enjoys how you push them outside their comfort zone and you enjoy their strong personality and curiosity.

VIRGO: That’s a tough one. However, you and the virgin can make this happen if you both let some stuff slip. Example, the fact that you’re easygoing and they’re super uptight! LIBRA: The joist of friendships. You both love outdoor activities, parties and events. But when it comes to serious matters, you will never agree. So, if you wish to make this friendship last, focus on the fun stuff.

SCORPIO: Even though you might seem as different as the sun and moon, this friendship might be a unique one. Scorpio appreciates your optimism and light spirit and you enjoy their deep philosophies in life.

SAGITTARIUS: You know how they say two people with the same zodiac sign are most likely to not get along? When it comes to two sags, this is not the case at all. You love each other’s company and you’re always on the same page!

CAPRICORN: Another tough one. You’ll constantly find yourself uncomfortable with the Capricorn’s pessimistic views on life. And they’ll think you’re pretentious.

AQUARIUS: Sagittarius and Aquarius are best buds. Coming to know them, you’ll find a lot of similarities in your personalities, relationships and the way you both view life. It’s a light friendship with no hassle.

PISCES: This could be tricky. While you both respect each other, you can’t get over how they are too sensitive and dependent, and hate the fact that you’re too independent!