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Humber College Rises in Rankings of Canada’s

Research is an opportunity to expand one’s knowledge and help impact real change.

Audrey Wubbenhorst, Professor, Faculty of Media & Creative Arts

Humber College Rises in Rankings of Canada’s Top 50 Research Colleges

Humber College has been a steadily rising leader in Canadian applied research, and it was recognized as the national leader in research partnerships. The ranking is according to Research InfoSource Inc., which publishes an annual list of Canada’s Top 50 Research Colleges.

As per Research InfoSource Inc., which published the Spotlight on College Research Activity—Winners Circle Canada’s Top 50 Research Colleges 2020: Humber College’s impressive rank in the category of Research Partnerships resides at number 1. In the category of Industry Research Income, Humber College sits at number 3. Overall, Humber’s impressive climb to number 6, from number 8 in 2018, is in part due to the strong network of research, industry, and community partners, which create unique learning opportunities and a collaborative environment not just for faculty and industry but also for our students and community to work closely to solve real-world challenges together.

These opportunities, in turn, benefit the Humber community to contribute to a knowledge economy and help address industry skill gaps to prepare our students for success.

Humber College Leads

Despite the unprecedented challenges faced due to COVID-19, Humber College continues to set an example of resilience and determination to adapt and persevere quickly. ORI illustrated that an innovative mindset is key to boosting our capacity to pivot and deliver positive results.

1st Place: Research Partnership

3rd Place: Industry Research Income

6th: Rank in Canada’s Top 50 Research Colleges 2020

Although we have been hit by the new reality of lockdowns and closed campuses during the process, the online learning and the new reality, in fact, have enabled us to approach and connect with international partners because in the virtual world the physical borders no longer exist. We strongly believe that through forming cross-functional and cross-cultural teams, we can enhance collaboration, creativity, and synergy.

Vladimira Steffek, Professor, Faculty of Media & Creative Arts

Read Humber College Rises in Rankings of Canada’s Top 50 Research Colleges (https://humber.ca/today/news/humbercollege-rises-rankings-canada-s-top-50-research-colleges)

Humber is pushing boundaries, supporting collaboration, applied research and innovation in the college community and beyond…Our inclusion and top rankings on national research lists are a reflection of our success in supporting research that approaches problems and needs in a systematic way, leading to meaningful and innovative solutions.

Ginger Grant, PhD., Dean, Office of Research & Innovation